Malorolam / LootBags

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State of Lootbags #219

Open Malorolam opened 3 years ago

Malorolam commented 3 years ago

First off, apologies for vanishing for quite a long while. Restructuring your life tends to cause things to fall to the wayside.

The current state of the mod is unfortunately a giant mess. I left in the middle of several major improvements and tweaks and because of that a) modded Minecraft as a whole has left me behind a bit and b) the mod has been in a state of several outstanding issues for far too long. My original goal as I have in my notes is to rewrite some of the internal parts of the mod to solve the most egregious dupe bugs and glitches in a more complete way, but I have lost the thread of how I actually intended to do so. Additionally, other aspects of the mod have apparently broken somehow, primarily resource packs and custom bags.

So I ultimately have decisions to make. Do I pick up where I left off, provide fixes where needed to allow pack makers to use the mod without issue? Do I just declare as end of life for 1.12.2 and move on to 1.15/1.16? Do I even want to continue working on this mod, or any mod in general? And thus the conundrum that has maintained my silence for longer than needed.

My decisions are as such: 1) 1.12.2 and earlier versions are all now end of life. I will not be providing any further support to the mod, and instead focus on the future, in updating the mod for current versions of the game and working through to realize other mod ideas that I have accumulated. 2) I would like to state that my code is, and always has been, visible source so that others can easily learn how to accomplish similar coding goals, or at least see how to not do something. Furthermore, I give all permission to reuse 1.12.2 and earlier code as an initial code base to produce similar mods for earlier versions of Minecraft. The current license ends with, any further versions of my mods will use the MIT License. 3) I currently have no plans to continue Lootbags. For one, I don't know what state the Minecraft codebase is in, and if portions of the mod, primarily how pulling the loot tables to build the general table, are still possible. For two, Lootbags was originally designed to serve a very specific purpose, that is to allow for dungeon loot to be obtained in skyblock packs. With an abundance of mods for pack authors to do that very thing in a variety of new ways, Lootbags' original purpose has been heavily diluted, which prompted me to incorporate greater progression into the mod without any real plan or direction. One of my major driving motivations for modding is to create things with an explicit purpose and design that are either different or better, and I stand by that. Lootbags in it's current state from my point of view is neither of those, and such I will withdraw from the mod for a time to re-evaluate it.

jetblade commented 3 years ago

i see ok, i would like to see this mod continue and be updated to 1.16.3, if you don't, what mod are you planing to make?

Malorolam commented 3 years ago

I generally don't detail plans until I'm ready to actually do them, mostly because I am a very fickle person and things might not get out of planning.

jetblade commented 3 years ago

I generally don't detail plans until I'm ready to actually do them, mostly because I am a very fickle person and things might not get out of planning.

ok still i would like to see this mod in 1.16.3

jmark14 commented 3 years ago

Hey I had a question about the mod as it stands right now. if it is loaded with other mods does it automatically pull from those mods or do I have to configure it to do so? And if so how do I go about doing that?