Malpp / DiscordGifSplitter

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Optionally improve performance with Gifski #2

Closed ShayBox closed 5 years ago

ShayBox commented 5 years ago

I found when I wrote an ffmpeg script to do this for me a few years ago that Gifski was much faster at splitting gifs than ffmpeg, so maybe an option to use that to split for more performance, because this can be a long process if you do video. Here's the script I made a few years ago, bad code but it worked.

Malpp commented 5 years ago

Thanks for showing me this, I had no idea this existed, but I have to reject it for 2 reasons:

  1. I am not really that concerned with speed, most of the time it will take maximum 10 seconds per split. If someone wanted to do a really big 100x100 slice, then it's going to take the time it takes.

  2. Gifski is limited to .gifs only, but I want to support multiple different outputs like .png, or you could even export to .mp4 if you really wanted.