MaltWhiskey / Mega-Cube

16x16x16 PL9823 Cube with Teensy 4.0 and FlexIO driver
663 stars 160 forks source link

demande #9

Open freudecellier35 opened 6 months ago

freudecellier35 commented 6 months ago

bonjour. est t il possible d avoir les quantité de PCB a fabriquer et si vous avez un lien éventuellement pour les commander et la liste des composent et matériel a commander que j essai de construire votre cube . un grand merci car il est cool

MaltWhiskey commented 6 months ago

Sorry i ran this through google translate, but it the message doesn’t make any sense. Please post in English or Dutch

freudecellier35 commented 6 months ago

Good morning. Is it possible to have the quantities of PCBs to manufacture and if you have a link to possibly order them and the list of components and materials to order that I am trying to build your cube. a big thank you because it's cool

freudecellier35 commented 6 months ago

I have already made 8x8x8 models in arduino but I know nothing about rgb so if possible have a step by step document of everything that has to be assembled in electronics because the rest I know how to do. THANKS

MaltWhiskey commented 6 months ago

Everything is in the github repo

Order at jlcpcb, gerber, component and assembly file all there.

I don’t have a step by step document, just do it like in the video on YT. I don’t use RGB leds, but addressable leds. Buy ws2812 or pl9823, both will work.