Malvineous / dro2midi

Convert DRO files into MIDI
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Support for KSM files? #9

Open atalarikt99 opened 1 month ago

atalarikt99 commented 1 month ago

Perhaps a rather redundant request, but I'd like to convert Ken's Labyrinth OST under this format into MID to listen to them with other MIDI soundfonts.

Malvineous commented 1 month ago

It's a bit of a rabbit hole adding more formats (where do you stop) so for the time being I recommend just recording the song in DOSBox while it either plays in the game or via AdPlug/AdPlay. AdPlay can also output any song to .raw with the disk-writer output plugin, so you could just use AdPlay directly as a .ksm to .raw converter, then use DRO2MIDI to convert the .raw files.

atalarikt99 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the reply. Is there any way I can invoke the output plugin on the DOS version of AdPlay, or can DOSBox-X's MIDI output record feature give an accurate duration based on the played original file?

Malvineous commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure off the top of my head whether the DOS AdPlay can do that. You might have to use adplay-unix.

If you use AdPlay DOS and the DOSBox OPL recorder then you'll have to start and stop the recording at the correct times. I haven't used DOSBox-X so can't comment on its abilities.

rofl0r commented 1 month ago

ftr, last official dosbox release has a bug in the DRO recorder, so you need to use dosbox from SVN. typically you'd just start before the song plays and stop after it's finished, then use some dro editing tool to remove everything that was played before and after the exact song boundaries. for example the droshrink tool that comes with dro2midi can remove junk notes at the file end, but there's also a full-fledged editor called dro-trimmer.