Man-fred / culfw.esp8266

CUL/CUN 433/868 MHz CC1101 Transceiver mit WLAN-Schnittstelle für FHEM - originally forked from svn2github/culfw (
GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 5 forks source link

Questions and Schema available? #2

Closed kroon040 closed 4 years ago

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


As I understand, you try to let an cc1101 (868mhz) work on the esp8266?

So it will act as an remote cul for fhem?

now I use an rpi zero with ser2net en an usb cul, so this should be better, if I understand it right

Is ther also a schema how to connect and cc1101? and do i have to program the cc1101 first?

Wich cc1101 should I buy?

regards Richard

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, i have converted the official sources for CUL / CUNO to esp8266 in an arduino-environment. My last chips are connected to wlan. I can make photos and paste a schema how to connect the cc1101 this evening. regards Manfred

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Hi Manfred

I'm curious. Also what esp are you using? wemos d1? Also what cc1101 should I buy?

regards Richard

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi Richard, yes, i use wemos d1 mini or nodemcu. You also can use a single esp8266 with 4MB EEPROM, but i'am lazy and the wemos d1 mini brings the serial port for testing and the power supply with it. The CC1101 can be connected direct to the 3.3 V of esp8266. I use 8-in-1 pin layout (see wiki/hardware) but other layouts should also be ok. regards Manfred

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I ordered een cc1101 868mhz, so I hope to have it in a couple of days

I already tried to compile, but I get an error

In file included from /home/richard/Arduino/libraries/cc1100/cc1100.h:13:0, from /home/richard/Downloads/culfw-esp8266-master/culfw-esp8266/culfw-esp8266.ino:85: /home/richard/Arduino/libraries/led/led.h:4:21: fatal error: arduino.h: No such file or directory



compilation terminated. exit status 1 Error compiling for board WeMos D1 R1.

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, in my Arduino 1.8.12 and "esp8266 by ESP8266 Community Version 2.6.3" it compiled without errors.

I installed it in Windows10. This is the problem, I think. I found a file Arduino.h, so I changed it in led.h #include <Arduino.h>

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I have also arduino 1.8.12 en also esp8266 2.6.3. The problem is that in de led.h library the include #include . I don't have an arduino.h file in te libraries.

Where do you have de arduino.h file in a library dir? regards Richard

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, I found Arduino.h in C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266

It is in the core-directory of the board esp8266. I installed only the esp8266-package without changes.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that solves I have found the Arduino.h and changed in the led.h arduino.h to Arduino.h

Now it compiles more, but get a new error

Arduino: 1.8.12 (Linux), Board: "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini, 80 MHz, Flash, Legacy (new can return nullptr), All SSL ciphers (most compatible), 4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 921600"

/home/richard/Arduino/libraries/ethernet/ethernet.cpp: In constructor 'EthernetClass::EthernetClass()': /home/richard/Arduino/libraries/ethernet/ethernet.cpp:26:30: error: no matching function for call to 'WiFiServer::WiFiServer()' EthernetClass::EthernetClass() { ^ /home/richard/Arduino/libraries/ethernet/ethernet.cpp:26:30: note: candidates are: In file included from /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/ESP8266WiFi.h:40:0, from /home/richard/Arduino/libraries/ethernet/ethernet.h:10, from /home/richard/Arduino/libraries/ethernet/ethernet.cpp:6: /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/WiFiServer.h:50:3: note: WiFiServer::WiFiServer(uint16_t) WiFiServer(uint16_t port); ^ /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/WiFiServer.h:50:3: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/WiFiServer.h:49:3: note: WiFiServer::WiFiServer(const IPAddress&, uint16_t) WiFiServer(const IPAddress& addr, uint16_t port); ^ /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/WiFiServer.h:49:3: note: candidate expects 2 arguments, 0 provided /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/WiFiServer.h:37:7: note: WiFiServer::WiFiServer(const WiFiServer&) class WiFiServer : public Server { ^ /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi/src/WiFiServer.h:37:7: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided Multiple libraries were found for "WiFiUdp.h" Used: /home/richard/.arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.6.3/libraries/ESP8266WiFi Not used: /home/richard/Downloads/arduino-1.8.12/libraries/WiFi exit status 1 Error compiling for board LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini.

This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi Richard,

sorry, my mistake. I used WifiServer as class variable in EthernetClass. And I have not learned yet how to initialize an object in a class definition. So I inserted long time ago in packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\libraries\ESP8266WiFi\src\WifiServer.h under public: WiFiServer(); and in WifiServer.cpp as additional constructor WiFiServer::WiFiServer() : _port(0) , _addr(IP_ANY_TYPE) , _pcb(nullptr) , _unclaimed(nullptr) , _discarded(nullptr) { } I think there is a better solution, but I don't know. regards, Manfred

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Hi Manfred,

It compiles right now. I also dit an upload to an wemos (without the cc1101 yet). Has the firmware an hostspot, or how should I connect it to my wifi ?

regards Richard

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi Richard, for the moment the credentials are in /library/private.h . That's a difference to the original CUNO. What devices do you plan to connect, what commands do you use in your implementation? If it is not yet implemented, the c-library from /clib has to be converted to c++ in the /library - directory and I can help to do this. regards, Manfred

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


It works, it connects to the wifi and an telnet to ip:2323 I get response.

The commands I want to use, I want to receive an S300 (temp/humitidity sensor), and directly attach fht8v radiator valves.

regards Richard

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I also have my cc1101 received. I looked at the log but it looks not yet ok, any idea what could be the issue?

2020.05.15 16:19:33 1: reappeared (cul) 2020.05.15 16:19:33 2: Setting cul fhtid from 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100FFFF to 4661 2020.05.15 16:19:33 3: cul: Possible commands: BCeFGKlMNqRTtuVWXxZ1 2020.05.15 16:19:33 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (cul) 2020.05.15 16:19:17 1: reappeared (cul) 2020.05.15 16:19:17 2: Setting cul fhtid from 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100FFFF to 4661 2020.05.15 16:19:16 3: cul: Possible commands: BCeFGKlMNqRTtuVWXxZ1 2020.05.15 16:19:16 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (cul) 2020.05.15 16:19:00 1: reappeared (cul) 2020.05.15 16:19:00 2: Setting cul fhtid from 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100FFFF to 4661 2020.05.15 16:19:00 3: cul: Possible commands: BCeFGKlMNqRTtuVWXxZ1 2020.05.15 16:18:59 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (cul) 2020.05.15 16:18:43 1: reappeared (cul) 2020.05.15 16:18:43 2: Setting cul fhtid from 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100FFFF to 4661 2020.05.15 16:18:43 3: cul: Possible commands: BCeFGKlMNqRTtuVWXxZ1 2020.05.15 16:18:39 1: disconnected, waiting to reappear (cul) 2020.05.15 16:18:23 1: reappeared (cul) 2020.05.15 16:18:23 2: Setting cul fhtid from 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100FFFF to 4661 2020.05.15 16:18:23 3: cul: Possible commands: BCeFGKlMNqRTtuVWXxZ1

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

looks like setting fhtid (housecode) , it fails?

kroon040 commented 4 years ago
telnet 2323
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
V 1.67 CUL868
T01 4661

Connection closed by foreign host.
Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi Richard, i think, the messages up to "disconnected, waiting to reappear (cul)" are ok, but then it seems that the esp8266 boots. Can you see any failure in the arduino serial monitor?

My Settings in Arduino are: CPU Frequency: "80 MHz" Flash Size: "4MB (FS:2MB OTA:~1019KB)" ... Programmer: "AVRISP mkll"

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Manfred , looks like a crash, output below. I have the same settings in arduino The output is when fhem starts

UDP 1, TCP 0 on

Channel 13 
CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 0
CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 14

UDP 1, TCP 0 to
V 1.67 CUL868
send to client 0

send to client 0

? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x Z 1
send to client 0

send to client 0

UDP 1, TCP 0 to

UDP 1, TCP 0 on

Channel 13 
CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 0
CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 14

UDP 1, TCP 0 to
V 1.67 CUL868
send to client 0

send to client 0

? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x Z 1
send to client 0

send to client 0

send to client 0
send to client 0

send to client 0


Exception (0):
epc1=0x40202ba8 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000


ctx: cont
sp: 3ffffb30 end: 3fffffc0 offset: 01a0
3ffffcd0:  3ffffd70 0000003f 00000020 401002ec  
3ffffce0:  0000000f 0000005a 3fffc248 4000050c  
3ffffcf0:  400043da 00000030 00000016 ffffffff  
3ffffd00:  400044ab 3fffc718 3ffffdf0 08000000  
3ffffd10:  60000200 08000000 00000003 00000000  
3ffffd20:  0000ffff 00042035 00002035 003fb000  
3ffffd30:  00000001 3fff0c40 3ffee5c3 00000030  
3ffffd40:  3ffffdf0 3ffffdc0 00000008 00000027  
3ffffd50:  3fff0c60 00000008 3ffffd70 40207ed4  
3ffffd60:  3ffffd00 00000002 0000000b 402082ac  
3ffffd70:  6e65730a 6f742064 696c6320 20746e65  
3ffffd80:  39312030 36312e32 38312e38 33372e30  
3ffffd90:  3339343a 000a3632 00000020 40100d07  
3ffffda0:  00000238 00000047 00000047 40100a7c  
3ffffdb0:  00000005 00000000 00000020 401001f0  
3ffffdc0:  00000005 00000000 00000005 40101820  
3ffffdd0:  00000000 4000444e 3ffec730 401001f0  
3ffffde0:  00000002 40105c03 00000001 60000200  
3ffffdf0:  00000002 4000410f 00001001 00000005  
3ffffe00:  3fffc718 40004a3c 000003fb 00000001  
3ffffe10:  3fffc718 40105e94 000003fb 00000100  
3ffffe20:  40207d5a 3fff0c28 00002200 00000001  
3ffffe30:  00000001 00004288 00000002 40207c9f  
3ffffe40:  3fff0c26 00000001 3ffee880 40202495  
3ffffe50:  3ffe955c 2c9f0300 4000050c 402024c0  
3ffffe60:  40102778 3ffee880 3ffee88c 402024dc  
3ffffe70:  40204281 00000030 00000010 402034e2  
3ffffe80:  00614601 0000016a 0000016a 40100a7c  
3ffffe90:  0000000d ffffffff 00000020 3ffee648  
3ffffea0:  3ffee5c2 0000000b 00000054 402010af  
3ffffeb0:  00000000 00000000 00000001 40201a19  
3ffffec0:  00000000 0000000a 00000064 3ffee6d3  
3ffffed0:  3ffee648 3ffee644 3ffee87b 40201aa7  
3ffffee0:  0000000d 00000000 3fff1664 40208d5d  
3ffffef0:  00000000 3fff0be0 3ffeeae0 3fff0b84  
3fffff00:  00000000 3fff0be0 3ffeeae0 40205934  
3fffff10:  00000031 00000010 3fffff3d 40208421  
3fffff20:  4020b050 00000000 00001388 40209ca1  
3fffff30:  00000000 00000000 4020b1c0 49b4a8c0  
3fffff40:  3ffe8700 3fffff50 00000008 3fff0d8c  
3fffff50:  4000ffc8 00000001 00000002 401004e9  
3fffff60:  00000000 cbd06d81 3fff0b84 40208d47  
3fffff70:  3fff0b9c 0000000a 00000000 3fff0d8c  
3fffff80:  3fffdad0 00000000 3fff0c60 3fff0d8c  
3fffff90:  3fffdad0 00000000 3fff0d4c 40201589  
3fffffa0:  feefeffe 00000000 3fff0d4c 40208e08  
3fffffb0:  feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe84e8 40100fcd  
eeprom_init ok
Man-fred commented 4 years ago

It seems that there is a conflict between Timer-Interrupt and HardwareSerial. I will test it with a new esp8266.

From the exception decoder: Exception 0: Illegal instruction PC: 0x40202ba8: CLOCKClass::IsrHandler() at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\clock\clock.cpp line 28 EXCVADDR: 0x00000000

Decoding stack results 0x401002ec: timer0_isr_handler(void) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_timer.cpp line 89 0x40207ed4: HardwareSerial::write(unsigned char const, unsigned int) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266/HardwareSerial.h line 162 0x402082ac: Print::printf(char const, ...) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\Print.cpp line 74 0x40100d07: free(void) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\umm_malloc\umm_malloc.cpp line 349 0x40100a7c: umm_free_core(void) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\umm_malloc\umm_malloc.cpp line 308 0x401001f0: ets_post(uint8, ETSSignal, ETSParam) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_main.cpp line 160 0x401001f0: ets_post(uint8, ETSSignal, ETSParam) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_main.cpp line 160 0x40207d5a: EspClass::flashEraseSector(unsigned int) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\Esp.cpp line 585 0x40207c9f: EEPROMClass::commit() at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\libraries\EEPROM\EEPROM.cpp line 134 0x40202495: FNCOLLECTIONClass::ewc(bool) at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\fncollection\fncollection.cpp line 58 0x402024c0: FNCOLLECTIONClass::ewb(unsigned char, unsigned char, bool) at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\fncollection\fncollection.cpp line 51 0x402024dc: FNCOLLECTIONClass::ewb(unsigned char, unsigned char) at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\fncollection\fncollection.cpp line 42 0x40204281: RfRouterClass::task() at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\rf_router\rf_router.cpp line 189 0x402034e2: FHTClass::fhtsend(char) at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\fht\fht.cpp line 109 0x40100a7c: umm_free_core(void) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\umm_malloc\umm_malloc.cpp line 308 0x402010af: fhtsend(char) at C:\Users\manfred\Documents\GitHub\culfw-esp8266\culfw-esp8266/culfw-esp8266.ino line 240 0x40201a19: TTYdataClass::callfn(char) at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\ttydata\ttydata.cpp line 24 0x40201aa7: TTYdataClass::analyze_ttydata(unsigned char) at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\ttydata\ttydata.cpp line 58 0x40208d5d: optimistic_yield(uint32_t) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_main.cpp line 128 0x40205934: EthernetClass::Task() at C:\usr\arduino-1.8.12\libraries\ethernet\ethernet.cpp line 316 0x40208421: Print::printNumber(unsigned long, unsigned char) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\Print.cpp line 267 0x40209ca1: uart_write(uart_t, char const*, size_t) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\uart.cpp line 509 0x401004e9: __digitalWrite(uint8_t, uint8_t) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_wiring_digital.cpp line 84 0x40208d47: optimistic_yield(uint32_t) at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_main.cpp line 127 0x40201589: loop() at C:\Users\manfred\Documents\GitHub\culfw-esp8266\culfw-esp8266/culfw-esp8266.ino line 509 0x40208e08: loop_wrapper() at C:\Users\manfred\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.6.3\cores\esp8266\core_esp8266_main.cpp line 177

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I'm using an wemos d1 mini v3 .

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

I'm also using a wemos d1 mini v3 and now testing with a wemos d1 mini v2. Both are without errors. If it is a timing problem, I optimized the EthernetClass::task(): no debugging messages on serial and a yield() to give the chip time to run. New version is online. regards, Manfred

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

looks like its worse??

UDP 1, TCP 0 on

Channel 13 
CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 0
CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 14

Exception (0):
epc1=0x40202ba8 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000


ctx: cont
sp: 3ffffb70 end: 3fffffc0 offset: 01a0
3ffffd10:  3fff1f84 00000000 3fffc228 401002ec  
3ffffd20:  4000050c 3fff1f84 3fffc248 4000050c  
3ffffd30:  400043e6 00000030 00000016 ffffffff  
3ffffd40:  400044ab 3fffc718 3ffffe30 08000000  
3ffffd50:  60000200 08000000 08000000 00000000  
3ffffd60:  0000ffff 00042035 00002035 003fb000  
3ffffd70:  00000001 3fff0bb0 3ffee533 00000030  
3ffffd80:  00007fff 01bba57c 3ffed070 40102594  
3ffffd90:  3ffe94cc 00000000 00000000 40101820  
3ffffda0:  00007fff 01bba57c 40102a56 00000100  
3ffffdb0:  3ffe94cc 7fffffff 00002200 00000001  
3ffffdc0:  00000001 00004288 00000002 00040000  
3ffffdd0:  3ffe94cc 40102927 00000000 01bba57c  
3ffffde0:  3ffe9490 2c9f0300 4000050c 3fffc278  
3ffffdf0:  00000005 00000000 00000020 401001f0  
3ffffe00:  4020a272 00000030 00000005 40101820  
3ffffe10:  00000000 4000444e 3ffec6a0 4022b395  
3ffffe20:  00000002 40105c03 00000001 60000200  
3ffffe30:  00000002 4000410f 00001001 00000005  
3ffffe40:  3fffc718 40004a3c 000003fb 00000001  
3ffffe50:  3fffc718 40105e94 000003fb 00000100  
3ffffe60:  40207b66 3fff0b98 00002200 00000001  
3ffffe70:  00000001 00004288 00000001 40207ac3  
3ffffe80:  3fff0b96 00000001 3ffee7f0 40202495  
3ffffe90:  3ffe949c 2c9f0300 4000050c 402024c0  
3ffffea0:  40102778 3ffee7f0 3ffee7fc 402024dc  
3ffffeb0:  40208c11 00000030 00000010 402034e2  
3ffffec0:  00614601 0000016a 0000016a 40100a7c  
3ffffed0:  00000000 00000000 00000000 3ffee5b8  
3ffffee0:  3ffee532 0000000b 00000054 402010af  
3ffffef0:  00000000 3fffdad0 3fff0cfc 40201a19  
3fffff00:  007a1200 8eddacab 00000000 3ffee643  
3fffff10:  3ffee5b8 3ffee5b4 3ffee7eb 40201aa7  
3fffff20:  0000000d 00000000 3fff15d4 40208b53  
3fffff30:  00000000 3fff0b50 3ffeea50 3fff0af4  
3fffff40:  00000000 3fff0b50 3ffeea50 402057c0  
3fffff50:  4020ae40 00000000 00001388 401004e9  
3fffff60:  00000000 00000000 3ffee700 40208b53  
3fffff70:  00000000 3fff0af4 00000000 3fff0cfc  
3fffff80:  3fffdad0 00000000 3fff0bd0 3fff0cfc  
3fffff90:  3fffdad0 00000000 3fff0cbc 40201589  
3fffffa0:  feefeffe 00000000 3fff0cbc 40208c14  
3fffffb0:  feefeffe feefeffe 3ffe84e8 40100fcd  
eeprom_init ok
Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Same error, something in the interrupt handler. Today I make a break, bye.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

ok, later

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Good morning, esp8266 use the flag ICACHE_RAM_ATTR in interrupt routines. So I set this in the CLOCKClass. Even though I had no problems on the third chip, I have committed this change.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I don't see commands while starting fhem arduino serial monitor now. But I also don't get errors in my fhem log

And paring my fht8v, I got a signal, that it looks likt that works. Only my S300, I don't receive, and on my traditional cul I can.

UDP 1, TCP 0 on

Channel 13 CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 0 CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 14

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

I stopped most of the Serial.print's because I thought there was the problem in timing. Now I activated these debugging infos in ethernet.cpp and you will see the in- and outgoing traffic in arduino monitor. I activated also now HAS_TX3 what is activated in CUL3 and deactivated HAS_FTZ what was my own (now obsolet) alarm system.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


Ok got logging back. Looks like sending works (can pair fht8v and decalc) not yet change valve, but receiving doesn't work (fs20 remote and s300temp/hum tested). What pin is the RX on the cc1101 and esp?

UDP 1, TCP 0 to V V 1.67 CUL868 ? ? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x 1 X21 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100T01 1234 T011234 T1434002f00 T1434002f00 T1434000A00

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, the connection is

  1. SPI-interface MOSI/MISO,
    Wemos D1 - CC1101
      D5 - 4 SCK
      D6 - 5 MISO
      D7 - 3 MOSI
      D8 - 8 CSN
  2. direct outputs GDO0 and GDO2 of CC1101
    Wemos D1 - CC1101
      D1 - 6 GDO2
      D2 - 7 GDO0

    For completeness the power connection of CC1101

    Wemos D1 - CC1101
    V3.3 - 1 V3.3
     GND - 2 GND
Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Caution: the above post is for mine CC1101 correct, but there are other modules in trade with other pin assignments. Only the naming is always ok.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

I checked again the pinout an reconnect it on my breadboard, still the same.

I ordered these

So pins should be the same as you mentioned, Is de miso the recveive pin?


kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I had a nano, so to check I build the nanocul with the cc1101, and this one worked an received the signals. So I think still something missing in the software of the esp8266 maybe?. What components do you use that work? fs20 ? Fht8v? or?

regards Richard

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


Could it be this one?

fs20, needs slowrf mode, and that must be set with


"fast" (250kBaud) rf txmit via CC1101 packet handling.
First switch both devices to fastrf mode with "fr", then send data: fs<data>, e.g. fsHallo
Reset to "SlowRF": fx, followed by X21
It can be used to "sniff" RFR packets

Looks like when I start fhem, there is also an unkown command, just before X21

UDP 1, TCP 0 on

Channel 13 CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 0 CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 14

UDP 1, TCP 0 to V V 1.67 CUL868 ? ? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x 1 X21 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100T01 1234

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, I use only FS20 and in 433 MHz Intertechno. The pin layout seems same as mine.

ESP8266_CC1101v ESP8266_CC1101r


Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Is de miso the recveive pin?

It's one of the SPI-interface ("master in, slave out") where master is the ESP8266 and slave the CC1101.

Looks like when I start fhem, there is also an unkown command, just before X21

FHEM sends the "?" to get all commands of the CUL, thats all right.

My log for FS20 is

CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 0
CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 14

UDP 1, TCP 0 to
V 1.67 CUL868
? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x 1

... and it run

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

My code starts with F..., so it is FS20-code and you have T..., what is FHT-code. I looked at the code for fht. I can't test it, but it's the original code from CUL and there is nothing commented out for ESP8266.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Do you receive also fs20 code? Or only send? My fs20 remote doesn,t work either.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

I was thinking for troubleshooting, the following options:

regards Richard

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, I used a remote FS20 S20, but this remote is defect so i didn't notice that Wifi uses in ESP8266 a timer. This breaks the CUL-receive-function. Timer 1 is only in use for silence recognition and in the moment i think ist is a possible, relative quick change in the code.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

tested the new code,

not yet receiving some on from my remote

V 1.67 CUL868 ? ? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x 1 X21 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100T01 1234 T011234 60000004 loop 60000000 - 7500 - 60 ticks 7540 T1 7031 T1c 0 gdo2INT 1 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0 80000023 loop 80000018 - 10000 - 80 ticks 10040 T1 7071 T1c 0 gdo2INT 0 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0 100000007 loop 100000002 - 12500 - 100 ticks 12540 T1 6963 T1c 0 gdo2INT 0 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0 120000035 loop 120000031 - 15000 - 120 ticks 15040 T1 6976 T1c 0 gdo2INT 0 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0 140000028 loop 140000023 - 17500 - 140 ticks 17540 T1 7007 T1c 0 gdo2INT 0 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0 160000023 loop 160000018 - 20000 - 160 ticks 20040 T1 7031 T1c 0 gdo2INT 0 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0 180000038 loop 180000033 - 22500 - 180 ticks 22540 T1 6792 T1c 0 gdo2INT 0 GDO0t 0 GDO2t 0

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi Richard, hard to understand, what to do with interrupts on esp8266. But now I have reactivated my old FS20-S20 and I get the received keys in FHEM. Hope it is also functioning for you.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Hi Manfred,

Looks like it's working. The remote works, and he fht are autocreating. thnx for the support. I'm going to test eveything works as expected en let you know

UDP 1, TCP 0 on

Channel 13 CC1100_PARTNUM 0x00: 84 CC1100_VERSION 0x14: 60

UDP 1, TCP 0 to V V 1.67 CUL868 ? ? (? is unknown) Use one of B C e F G K l M N q R T t u V W X x 1 X21 0D2E2D07D3913D04320000060021656A55E43023B900070018146C070090876BF85611E92A001F4100T01 FFFF T011234 F1983000030 F1983001100 F1983010000 F1983011100 F1983020000 F1983021100 F1983030000 F1983031100 F1983000000 F1983010000 F1983020000 F1983030000 T486100260000 T476100260000 T486100260000 F19830100 T476100260005 K410072584F

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Tested some, could it be that sending now fails? Can't pair with the fht8v anymore

another question, could you change the hostname . Now it takes EPS-mac adrees. Should be more nice to call it culfw-esp8266

regards RIchard

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


I'm not sure, I think I broke my cc1101 with my own fault, I ordered 2 new esp8266 and a cc1101

So I'm not sure if it was a problem sending again.

Now I can't send and receive nothing. Hopefully in couple days...

So still the question about other hostname, and also the blinking blue led, should be nice to have it off ( if it works it comes in the bedroom, and that doesn't like my wife..(

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Hi, my sending still works and it is a pity to hear from your broken CC1101. About the hostname: thats the standard from WiFi-class and first I plan now to connect my OneWire to the ESP8266. After that the complete wifi- and ip-settings must set in the eeprom, not hardcoded. The blinking blue led is easy: there is a command in FHEM: "set <cun> led 00" (null null). ;) regards, Manfred

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


Led works, I checked my cc1101 , on the nanocul this one is still ok. Looks like de ports on the esp are... I hope to have some spare later this week. I let you know.

kroon040 commented 4 years ago


Today I received the new wemos d1 mini v3 . I soldered everything, and tested, and everything works.

I also ordered today new thermstat max! and max! wall mounted thermostat. As i understand I must put a cul in moritz mode. You said that moritz code is not yet in the culfw-esp8266. Will you enable this, so I can test this?

Man-fred commented 4 years ago

Great. I'm glad about that. To the topic MAX!: it's implemented, but I don't own MAX!, so I can not test it. But I wanted anyway buy a thermostat for fhem. What do I need? For the beginning 1 radiator thermostat and 1 wall mounted thermostat?

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Hoi Manfred,

Not yet everything works, some issues with fh8v. Pairing works but setting the valve nothing happens. The command is on the espcul but the valve doesn't change. I must tes t some to get more details.

For the MAX, I ordered just that an radiator thermostat and a wall mounted thermostat. I hope tot get them today

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

Hi ,

It looks like when I pair and set de valve it works but later it doesn't

As I read the documents, there is also a timer for he time slots, could this be an issue?

T11 Return the time till the next 8v timeslot (seconds, hex)

kroon040 commented 4 years ago

manfred , looks like there is a connection with the fht8v and the espcul, because if I shutdown the espcul, the fht8v make a sound every time. So it looks like the commmand For setting (Maybe reading also) the valve has in issue , in timing or buffer?

Regards richard