ManLiuCoder / PSVMA

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The definition of a loss function? #5

Open OUTSIDER-CODE opened 8 months ago

OUTSIDER-CODE commented 8 months ago

Why does unsenn appear in the loss function even though it is not used during the training phase to mitigate bias?

OUTSIDER-CODE commented 8 months ago

in the formula 16

ManLiuCoder commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your interest in our work.

Note that only the unseen category prototypes are utilized in our approach, aligning with the definition of zero-shot learning as outlined in reference [1]. For instance, generative-based GZSL methods require these category prototypes to synthesize visual features for unseen classes. Furthermore, in embedding-based approaches, many works, such as DVBE, TCN, and DPPN, rely on these class prototypes for score computation. [1] Triple Verification Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning, TIP19