ManSangSin / Rhythm-Code
ISC License
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Show audio in modal for rhythm #15

Open gregdyke opened 9 months ago

gregdyke commented 9 months ago


Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given there is audio content for a rhythm
    • When the modal is shown
    • Then the audio is playable
  2. Given the modal is shown
    • And audio (or video) is playing
    • When the modal is closed
    • Then the audio (or video) playback is stopped
  3. Given there is audio and a description
    • When the modal is shown
    • Then they are shown in the same tab

Implementation Notes

1. 2.


mferryRV commented 9 months ago

Audio clips for DC Hand Dancing and Rumba Guaguanco would be helpful here.

gregdyke commented 9 months ago

We won't have audio clips for everything. I don't really understand how we can't just pick any random audio from soundcloud (or anywhere else) in absence of data. But I do understand we should get this data gathered as it's apparently an impediment