ManSangSin / Rhythm-Code
ISC License
3 stars 7 forks source link

Show Rhythm detail #2

Open gregdyke opened 9 months ago

gregdyke commented 9 months ago



  1. DC Hand dancing
  2. Rumba Guaguanco

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given 2 hard coded data points above are displayed on a map
    • When a data point is clicked
    • Then a popup/overlay appears with the title of the rhythm
  2. Given the popup/overlay appears
    • Then the associated youtube uri is displayed as embedded playable media

Implementation Notes

  1. This can be split into a "display embedded media component" (no dependency) and "pop up including display embedded media component" (dependent on issue xxxxx): acceptance criteria 2 and 1 respectively


mferryRV commented 9 months ago

Not going to put this on the map yet, just going to make a pop-up from a button.

~3 evenings, 11 hours, doable this week

mferryRV commented 9 months ago

Render takes a long time to boot up, but this is available here: