ManSangSin / Rhythm-Code
ISC License
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Get rhythm data from backend #4

Closed gregdyke closed 9 months ago

gregdyke commented 9 months ago

Technical task

This fulfills that the hardcoding of the rhythm data happens during seeding of the db, instead of on the frontend - it is preparation for ability to add new rhythms and have them show up.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given data is present on the backend
    • When http request is sent: GET /[fill in endpoint here]
    • Then json in format [fill in here] is returned
  2. Given data is present on the backend and a GET endpoint exists
    • When the user goes to the map page (see issue xxxx)
    • Then the data that is displayed is the data that comes from the backend

Implementation Notes

  1. Probably split up into ticket with dependency on the map and ticket without dependency:
    • no dependency: API endpoint + fetch that console.logs the result
    • dependency: fetch passes data to map component (or is fetched from map component)


mferryRV commented 9 months ago

