ManSangSin / Rhythm-Code
ISC License
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Select time-period on map #6

Open gregdyke opened 9 months ago

gregdyke commented 9 months ago


Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given DC hand dancing is set to 1950-2010 (arbitrary dates for now)
    • And Rumba Guaguancó is set to 2000-2020 (also arbitrary)
    • When the map is shown
    • Then a time period slider is available for selecting from 1950-2020, with begin and end selection affordances
  2. Given a time period slider is available
    • When different time periods are selected
    • Then the rhythms become visible/invisible

Implementation Notes

I [Greg] have something like (but not exactly like!!!!!) the image below in mind image

  1. This will be a vertical slice ticket involving adding time data (begin and end year is sufficient) for each rhythm
  2. if the time period slider was just a begin/end dropdown with decades, that would be acceptable in a first iteration -> split ticket into followup if need be


mferryRV commented 9 months ago

As there are multiple options for the UI here, a design for the UX and UI would be very helpful on this story.

gregdyke commented 9 months ago

I have this as the fat marker version. In terms of detail, I understand a more exact look and feel would be helpful. Hopefully our UX designer can help us narrow something down Paper rhythm_code 4

gregdyke commented 9 months ago

(Imagine image above is rotated 90 degrees clockwise)

gregdyke commented 9 months ago

The functionality (for now) should be to select a time period, by decade, within 1400 to present day. Ideally with a slider (the blue in picture above) where the beginning and end can be moved + the whole thing can be dragged.