Manabender / Cursed-Blocks

A block-stacking game for those that have mastered the basic games and want something familiar, yet new and interesting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wall Climbing exploit #2

Open orangetriangle opened 3 years ago

orangetriangle commented 3 years ago

The following pieces can climb walls: while holding left, repeatedly rotate CW.

[]         [][]         []           []  
[][][][]     [][][]   [][][][]   [][]  []

[]  []     ()    ()       [][]         []
  []  []     ()()     [][]       [][][]

The following pieces can climb walls: while holding right, repeatedly rotate CW.

[]         [][]         []           []     [][]  
[][][][]     [][][]   [][][][]   [][]  []   [][][]   [][][][][]

[]  []     ()    ()       [][]         []
  []  []     ()()     [][]       [][][]

The following piece can climb walls: while holding right, repeatedly rotate CCW, CCW, 180 in that order.


The following pieces can climb walls: while holding left, repeatedly rotate 180.

[]         [][]         []           []     []  []     ()    ()       [][]         []
[][][][]     [][][]   [][][][]   [][]  []     []  []     ()()     [][]       [][][]

()()           ()()   ()    ()     ()()       ()()()   ()  ()     ()()()       ()  ()
()()()()   ()()()()   ()()()()   ()()()()     ()()     ()()()()     ()()     ()()()()
    ()()   ()()       ()    ()     ()()     ()()()       ()  ()     ()()()   ()  ()  

()                       ()
()()()()()()   ()()()()()()
          ()   ()          

For all pieces made of square brackets in the diagrams above, the mirror-reverse technique also works.

Manabender commented 3 years ago

I do know that some pieces can wall-climb. Fixing this wouldn't be easy. In fact, given certain design goals, it might not even be possible to prevent wall-climbing.

That said, I addressed the symptoms of wall-climbing already. There are two main benefits to wall-climbing in a typical stacker game; 1) Farming soft-drop points, and 2) Stalling indefinitely.

You can't farm soft-drop points because you are limited to gaining 25 minoes' distance worth of soft drop points per piece. This is done specifically to combat wall-climbing.

Stalling indefinitely is still possible. However, I don't think it's really an issue in a single-player game. The main game mode specifically rewards taking your time to make the best possible move, and I don't mind if you find a way to get more time to do that. All other game modes specifically reward speed, so stalling is a non-issue. Should I ever implement multiplayer, I will take steps to prevent stalling indefinitely.

With all of that said, I am certainly open to suggestions for better kicktables. My design goals were as follows:

-Kicktables should be permissive enough; if it looks like a tuck should work, it should have a decent chance of working. -Kicktables should not be too permissive. ASC, for example, is too permissive. I could have used that kicktable if I wanted. I didn't. -This T-spin quadruple should work (as well as a similar kick for the J/L pentominoes): -Generally, maintain the goals of SRS: Allow pieces to rotate even if the natural rotation is obstructed, and allow "tall" pieces to kick out of a small trench.