ManageIQ / bundler-inject

A bundler plugin that allows extension of a project with personal and overridden gems
Apache License 2.0
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Test against multiple bundler versions in CI #1

Closed NickLaMuro closed 5 years ago

NickLaMuro commented 5 years ago

There are two things that need to happen for this to be resolved:

The first is obvious, though, I think what we want to be testing as part of this is actually running bundle install against a test Gemfile with override_gem being used, and confirm things are working as expected (subsequent after subsequent bundle updates and executing some code as well. So very integration style tests that probably make use of a spec/support/dummy/ directory to handle that.

Granted, this code is pretty battle tested, but it would be nice knowing that it works for bundler versions we aren't using regularly... which leads to the next point...

Testing multiple versions on travis should be pretty easy, and we probably could change the .travis.yml to do something like this:

sudo: false
language: ruby
cache: bundler
  - 2.4.5
before_install: gem install bundler -v $BUNDLER_VERSION

Or something similar.