ManageIQ / floe

Floe is a runner for Amazon States Language workflows
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Add tool for using the aws stepfunctions simulator #244

Open Fryguy opened 2 months ago

Fryguy commented 2 months ago

@kbrock @agrare Please take a look. I mostly just use this for testing .asl files and had a special helper for intrinsic functions, but we can expand it as needed in future PRs.

$ tools/stepfunctions --help
Run the aws stepfunctions simulator.

  start         Start the stepfunctions simulator.
  execute       Execute an .asl file through the stepfunctions simulator.
  intrinsic     Execute an intrinsic function or JSONPath standalone.

  For more help with a specific command use tools/stepfunctions <command> --help

Global Options:
  -h, --help    Show this message
$ tools/stepfunctions start --help
Start the stepfunctions simulator.

  -h, --help    Show this message
$ tools/stepfunctions execute --help
Execute an .asl file through the stepfunctions simulator.

  -f, --file=<s>     The .asl file to execute (default: definition.asl)
  -i, --input=<s>    Input to the execution
  -h, --help         Show this message
$  tools/stepfunctions intrinsic --help
Execute an intrinsic function or JSONPath standalone.

  -f, --function=<s>    The intrinsic function or JSONPath to run
  -i, --input=<s>       Input to the execution
  -h, --help            Show this message
miq-bot commented 2 months ago

Checked commit with ruby 3.1.5, rubocop 1.56.3, haml-lint 0.51.0, and yamllint 0 files checked, 0 offenses detected Everything looks fine. :+1: