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Red Hat / CloudForms should not be mentioned #1423

Open davidbaren opened 4 years ago

davidbaren commented 4 years ago

Red Hat is mentioned unnecessarily

Fryguy commented 4 years ago

@davidbaren Both of those are merged, but I'll leave this open if you find more. You can edit the first post to add more checklist items. If you think you are all done, feel free to close.

Fryguy commented 4 years ago

@stacyped here is the issue for replacing Red Hat and CloudForms terminology with placeholders.

chessbyte commented 4 years ago

@Fryguy what is the placeholder? It would be good to have that described in this issue so that anybody in the community can tackle this.

Fryguy commented 4 years ago

The strings to look out for are:

You may also find

Fryguy commented 4 years ago

Remanining references to cloudforms (aside from URLs):

appliance_hardening_guide/_topics/ more information, see the [Appliance Hardening Guide](#_chap_red_hat_cloudforms_security_guide_ssl_certs) on generating an SSL certificate.
appliance_hardening_guide/_topics/ your environment consists of multiple appliances connecting to a single database appliance, you can use your certificate and key files to set up SSL for the database connection. For more information, see [Configuring the Database to use SSL](#_chap_red_hat_cloudforms_security_guide_setting_ssl_for_the_database_appliance).
creating_a_service_for_vm_provisioning/_topics/    <https://<your_cloudforms_appliance>/self_service>.
creating_a_service_for_vm_provisioning/ Creating a Service in CloudForms for Virtual Machine Provisioning
general_configuration/_topics/![cloudforms general config roles 460469 1017
high_availability_guide/_topics/![cloudforms ha architecture 431939 0917 ece
high_availability_guide/_topics/ [Deploying CloudForms at
high_availability_guide/_topics/![cloudforms ha architecture 431939 0917 ece
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        template "cloudforms" created
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        cloudforms   CloudForms appliance with persistent storage   18 (1 blank)      12
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc process --parameters -n <your-project> cloudforms
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc new-app --template=cloudforms
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc new-app --template=cloudforms -p DATABASE_VOLUME_CAPACITY=2Gi,POSTGRESQL_MEM_LIMIT=4Gi,APPLICATION_DOMAIN=hostname
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc new-app --template=cloudforms-ext-db -p DATABASE_IP=<server_ip> -p DATABASE_USER=<user> -p DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> -p DATABASE_NAME=<database_name>
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/            cloudforms-0         1/1       Running   0          4m
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc set triggers dc --manual -l app=cloudforms
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc set triggers dc --from-config --auto -l app=cloudforms
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        cloudforms  cloudforms:443-tcp   passthrough                app=cloudforms
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/    $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms --replicas=2
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/    statefulset "cloudforms" scaled
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/    cloudforms-0           1/1       Running   0          34m
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/    cloudforms-1           1/1       Running   0          5m
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/ newly created replicas will join the existing {{ }} region. Each new pod is numbered in the order it is deployed, starting with 0 and increasing sequentially. For example, replicas in a StatefulSet will be numbered *cloudforms-0* *cloudforms-1*, and so on.
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms --replicas=0
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms-backend --replicas=0
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc patch statefulset cloudforms -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "cloudforms", "image": "<new-version-tag>"}]}}}}'
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc patch statefulset cloudforms-backend -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "cloudforms", "image": "<new-version-tag>"}]}}}}'
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms --replicas=<old-value>
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms-backend --replicas=<old-value>
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc export secret cloudforms-secrets > my_secrets.yml
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms --replicas=0
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms-backend --replicas=0
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/            $ oc process -p APPLICATION_REPLICA_COUNT=0 -l app=cloudforms,template=cloudforms -f cfme-template.yaml | oc replace -f -
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/            $ oc process -p APPLICATION_REPLICA_COUNT=0 -l app=cloudforms,template=cloudforms-ext-db -f cfme-template-ext-db.yaml | oc replace -f -
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms --replicas=<old-value>
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc scale statefulset cloudforms-backend --replicas=<old-value>
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        cloudforms-1-deploy  0/1       Error     0          25m
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        $ oc deploy cloudforms --retry
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        Use 'oc logs -f dc/cloudforms' to track its progress.
installing_on_openshift_container_platform/_topics/        15m     15m     1   {kubelet}   spec.containers{cloudforms} Warning     Unhealthy   Readiness probe failed: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
installing_on_red_hat_virtualization/_topics/ appliance to your Red Hat Virtualization environment and
managing_authentication/_topics/    `cloudforms` group.
managing_authentication/_topics/ user who is part of `cloudforms` AD group can now log in to
managing_authentication/_topics/{{ }} user interface with a user in the `cloudforms` AD
managing_authentication/_topics/`cloudforms` AD group. When that user attempts to log in to
managing_authentication/ Managing Authentication for CloudForms
managing_infrastructure_and_inventory/_topics/ [*Scanning Container Images in CloudForms with
scripting_actions/ Scripting Actions in CloudForms
service_provisioning_using_an_orchestration_template/ Service Provisioning in CloudForms Using an Orchestration Template