ManageIQ / manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud

ManageIQ Provider for Oracle Cloud
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Oracle Cloud provider shows Forbidden after successful verification #59

Closed imphocused closed 1 year ago

imphocused commented 2 years ago


After creating a new API keypair (thanks!) I'm able to successfully verify the connection, but after saving, the provider fails to authenticate:

Last Refresh Status

Error - Less Than A Minute Ago { 'message': 'Forbidden', 'status': 403, 'code': 'Forbidden', 'opc-request-id': '2086A74374A247729EA710BFD1BD8B99/61F...

Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 2 52 06 PM

The same credentials work fine in the oci-cli. Unfortunately there is little/no reference to this error in the docker console/log output

agrare commented 2 years ago

Hey @imphocused can you post the evm.log for the refresh that has this error? Everything from Refreshing all targets... to Refreshing all targets...Complete

imphocused commented 2 years ago

Attached (with ocid changed)


agrare commented 2 years ago

Perfect thanks @imphocused here is the full backtrace:

[----] E, [2022-05-12T03:38:19.957186 #8846:2b2420c0794c] ERROR -- evm: [OCI::Errors::ServiceError]: Forbidden  Method:[block (2 levels) in <class:LogProxy>]
[----] E, [2022-05-12T03:38:19.957556 #8846:2b2420c0794c] ERROR -- evm: /opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/api_client.rb:478:in `handle_non_success_response'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/api_client.rb:390:in `call_api_inner'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/api_client.rb:143:in `block in call_api'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/api_client.rb:146:in `call_api'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/database/database_client.rb:9860:in `block in list_autonomous_databases'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/retry/retry.rb:24:in `make_retrying_call'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/gems/oci-2.16.0/lib/oci/database/database_client.rb:9859:in `list_autonomous_databases'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud-733aa46b3353/app/models/manageiq/providers/oracle_cloud/inventory/collector.rb:58:in `block in oracle_databases'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud-733aa46b3353/app/models/manageiq/providers/oracle_cloud/inventory/collector.rb:57:in `each'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud-733aa46b3353/app/models/manageiq/providers/oracle_cloud/inventory/collector.rb:57:in `flat_map'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud-733aa46b3353/app/models/manageiq/providers/oracle_cloud/inventory/collector.rb:57:in `oracle_databases'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud-733aa46b3353/app/models/manageiq/providers/oracle_cloud/inventory/parser.rb:56:in `databases'
/opt/manageiq/manageiq-gemset/bundler/gems/manageiq-providers-oracle_cloud-733aa46b3353/app/models/manageiq/providers/oracle_cloud/inventory/parser.rb:11:in `parse'

It makes it through most of the collections but fails on collecting databases, it appears that the API Key you've provided does not have sufficient permissions to list oracle and mysql type databases.

imphocused commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking a look, I appreciate the feedback. I've reached out to Oracle, as their support says they can give more detail on the error provided in the 'opc-request-id' response.

{ 'message': 'Forbidden', 'status': 403, 'code': 'Forbidden', 'opc-request-id': '2EECC402E8A940B88A72D4FC90919646/CD022E0222526F223FBAF9D9EE20E448/B158AF7DB811D744193DCBF2AE3F0AA6' }

My tenancy (root tenancy) only has my sole account which is an Administrator. The attached logs show these commands working successfully from the 'oci' command.


ManageIQ Morphy Version morphy-1.20220210224352_1e24154

agrare commented 2 years ago

Thanks @imphocused we get fetch both types of databases, MySQL and Oracle Autonomous Databases. Your OCI command only tried to list mysql ones. I don't have the oci command locally but try listing autonomous databases.

agrare commented 2 years ago

Is there a way to debug and get the actual urls/calls being made?

@imphocused That is a great question, we should have a log/oracle.log with the API calls being made to I will work on adding this now.

imphocused commented 2 years ago

The log I provided shows the 'autonomous-databases' as the first command tried, and mysql as the second. Both went through successfully. After a few days of back and forth with Oracle support, the best they could narrow it down to was:

(A) 403 NotAllowedThis operation must be directed at the home region. (B) 403 NotAuthorizedYou do not have authorization to update one or more of the fields included in this request. (C) 403 SignUpRequiredThis operation requires opt-in before it may be called. have you tried this in you home region? Additionally, please make sure that you have authorization to perform the task. And lastly,Have you seen the option somewhere in the process, for opt-in before attempting this task

agrare commented 2 years ago

Okay thanks @imphocused I think the best course of action would be to grab the latest devel appliance image that includes, set the log level for the oracle logger to debug, and re-run the refresh to see the exact API call being made.

imphocused commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the updated version. I've enabled debug and this is the section where the failure appears (/var/www/miq/vmdb/log/oracle.log)

[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.420248 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: Calling operation BlockstorageClient#list_boot_volumes.
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.421053 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP request body param ~BEGIN~


[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.692052 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP response body ~BEGIN~

[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.692708 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: API Response Received:
Data: []
Status code: 200
Headers: #<Net::HTTPOK:0x00005621507fc750>
[----] I, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.698050 #7860:9330]  INFO -- oracle: DatabaseClient endpoint set to ' from region us-ashburn-1'.
[----] I, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.698442 #7860:9330]  INFO -- oracle: DatabaseClient endpoint set to ''.
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.698815 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: Calling operation DatabaseClient#list_autonomous_databases.
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:38.699469 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP request body param ~BEGIN~


[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:39.411719 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP response body ~BEGIN~

[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:39.412167 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: API Response Received:
Data: []
Status code: 200
Headers: #<Net::HTTPOK:0x0000562150fedfe0>
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:39.412550 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: Calling operation DatabaseClient#list_autonomous_databases.
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:39.413187 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP request body param ~BEGIN~


[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:39.820541 #7860:9330] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP response body ~BEGIN~
  "code" : "Forbidden",
  "message" : "Forbidden"

[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:54.809818 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: Calling operation StreamClient#get_messages.
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:54.810685 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP request body param ~BEGIN~


[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:55.119606 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP response body ~BEGIN~

[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:03:55.120050 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: API Response Received:
Data: []
Status code: 200
Headers: #<Net::HTTPOK:0x00005589e3419200>
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:04:15.120849 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: Calling operation StreamClient#get_messages.
[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:04:15.121992 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP request body param ~BEGIN~


[----] D, [2022-05-25T19:04:15.348264 #7857:f000] DEBUG -- oracle: HTTP response body ~BEGIN~

This same command from the oci cli utility doesn't return any errors:

% oci -d db autonomous-database list --compartment-id <ocid-tenancy-id>
DEBUG:oci_cli.cli_metrics: 2022-05-25 23:18:11.596826: Metrics is not enabled
System name: Darwin
System release : 21.4.0
System version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Fri Mar 18 00:46:32 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000

DEBUG:oci_cli.cli_util:Config File: dict_keys(['log_requests', 'additional_user_agent', 'pass_phrase', 'user', 'fingerprint', 'key_file', 'tenancy', 'region'])
DEBUG:oci_cli.cli_util:region: Environment Variable or Parameter
INFO:oci.base_client.4393667072: 2022-05-25 23:18:11.627570: Request: GET
Not using Expect header...
send: b'GET /20160918/autonomousDatabases?compartmentId=<ocid-tenancy-id> HTTP/1.1\r\nuser-agent: Oracle-PythonSDK/2.66.0 (python 3.10.4; arm64-Darwin) Oracle-PythonCLI/3.8.1\r\naccept-encoding: gzip, deflate\r\naccept: application/json\r\nconnection: keep-alive\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\nopc-request-id: CFB257D922BD468C9F865F9E37057C5F\r\nopc-client-retries: true\r\nopc-client-info: Oracle-PythonSDK/2.66.0\r\ndate: Wed, 25 May 2022 23:18:11 GMT\r\nhost:\r\nauthorization: Signature algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="date (request-target) host",keyId="<ocid-tenancy-id>/<ocid-user-id>/eb:b9:8d:d5:02:00:00:00:00:00:5e:1d:ed:74",signature="H7pRZLz6xXZwfFxo3G3j1AJONkLjVfAhcwpL0xjtGTYBqt7eaau9CHAMMKfWDoIbcMARvsOjSdT+AcmZyBLORvrBgMxcPYUK6Ih/ol7eFsme2JTKs5+C88NbtDmkT2zx/jLv2m39N.......gIWiFcyH0J/W7HFvJAjHqk7Gfg4JZ5r1bCwSP/l3/AfIShTXzZ3rpWclhElwOfQKPMJE120avNhGaZVtO+60Vi+LHDDKfNbr/fs5szRPzKxqEP1nAaTtU5eTwI2bKWjMD5llw==",version="1"\r\n\r\n'
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'
header: Date: Wed, 25 May 2022 23:18:11 GMT
header: opc-request-id: CFB257D922BD468C9F865F9E37057C5F/F53A4824A894538E366F055B0BE23D3D/8459C7A16EBFBC7837D56F96B86C2086
header: Content-Type: application/json
header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
header: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
header: Content-Length: 2
DEBUG:oci.base_client.4393667072: 2022-05-25 23:18:12.931709: time elapsed for request CFB257D922BD468C9F865F9E37057C5F: 1.3040682920254767
DEBUG:oci.base_client.4393667072: 2022-05-25 23:18:12.932097: time elapsed in response: 0:00:01.297733
DEBUG:oci.base_client.4393667072: 2022-05-25 23:18:12.932138: Response status: 200
DEBUG:oci.base_client.4393667072: 2022-05-25 23:18:12.932642: python SDK time elapsed for deserializing: 0.0003414170350879431
DEBUG:oci.base_client.4393667072: 2022-05-25 23:18:12.932702: Response returned
DEBUG:oci.base_client.4393667072:time elapsed for request: 1.3051819999236614
miq-bot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not been updated for at least 3 months.

If you can still reproduce this issue on the current release or on master, please reply with all of the information you have about it in order to keep the issue open.

Thank you for all your contributions! More information about the ManageIQ triage process can be found in the triage process documentation.

miq-bot commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically closed because it has not been updated for at least 3 months.

Feel free to reopen this issue if this issue is still valid.

Thank you for all your contributions! More information about the ManageIQ triage process can be found in the triage process documentation.