ManageIQ / manageiq

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Adding Embedded Ansible role leaves Ansible repos owned by root, not manageiq #23163

Open jbarson47 opened 3 weeks ago

jbarson47 commented 3 weeks ago

When enabling the Embedded Ansible role on the UI nodes for a ManageIQ region we have deployed (on Najdorf), we expected Ansible playbooks running on those nodes to start working immediately. However, we instead saw Error: [Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/miq/vmdb/data/git_repos/locks/9] when attempting to run a playbook defined in an Ansible repository.

Checking the git_repos/ and git_repos/locks/ directory, I can see that all repos + locks EXCEPT those for the Ansible repos are owned by manageiq - however, the Ansible repos (and associated locks) are owned by root. Updating the ownership here to manageiq appears to resolve the issue.

Not sure if this is something that's addressed in later versions but wanted to open this for awareness in case.

agrare commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @jbarson47 were these ansible repos added on an older version or were they added on Najdorf?