ManageIQ / optimist

Optimist is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way.
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added settings to only create short options explicitly #155

Closed nanobowers closed 4 months ago

nanobowers commented 4 months ago

In Optimist short options are automatically created for any given long option. (e.g: -f for --file) Once enough options exist you are likely to have short-option name collisions, whereby you may compete for the short-option, and optimist must choose a backup short-letter e.g.

opt :file, "a filename", type: String
opt :format, "file format", type: String

Optimist wont allow collisions and thus it will go through letters to try to find a different unused letter. In this case -f for --file and -o for --format (because the f was already used). Unfortunately this makes the order of opt important. If you do this:

opt :format, "file format", type: String
opt :file, "a filename", type: String

then in this case you get -f for --format and -i for --file.

Often second choice short-arguments are not really what you want - it's not memorable. Additionally re-ordering or re-grouping options changes the short letter which is undesirable for users. IME, people tend to use the shortest means of enabling the option available so they get upset when you change the short-opt even though it's usually not as stable.

This can be fixed by using the short: argument for opt. To disable short options for an opt you can use short: :none. I often find that for less commonly used arguments I prefer to make the user call out the long form. This means setting short: :none on a lot of options. I prefer to set short: on every option to some value, so that I can ensure stability.

This PR allows you to disable the implicit short option generation for opt. You can use the setting explicit_short_opts: true and this will prevent the automatic creation of all short opts. Once this setting is applied, short opts can be enabled by explicitly adding short: '<letter>' to the opt.

Note that this implies that -h and -v for help/version are not automatically created when --help and --version are. I'm a little conflicted about this, as -h is very common for a help message but it feels inconsistent to not do so. the net result is explicit definition of opt :help in order to get both --help/-h. Feedback appreciated.

If you don't add the explicit_short_opts: true, the present behavior of Optimist is unchanged.

@miq-bot enhancement @miq-bot add-reviewer @Fryguy

Fryguy commented 4 months ago

Note that this implies that -h and -v for help/version are not automatically created when --help and --version are. I'm a little conflicted about this, as -h is very common for a help message but it feels inconsistent to not do so. the net result is explicit definition of opt :help in order to get both --help/-h. Feedback appreciated.

That is indeed tricky. I'd probably be ok with merging as is without that.

Spitballing an idea, I was thinking what if we had something to "edit" a previously defined opt? That way it wouldn't replace the opt, but would merge into it. Roughly:

opt_override :help, :short => "h"

This would also allow you to "plugin" things that could override or even remove options. In one of our gems, I provide helper methods for building CLIs with common options (for example, --dry-run, -n), and it looks like:

opts = Options.options do
  opt :foo


What I can't do is modify those options after they've been added - I would love to do something like:

opts = Options.options do
  opt :foo

  opt_override :dry_run, :default => true


nanobowers commented 4 months ago

Spitballing an idea, I was thinking what if we had something to "edit" a previously defined opt? That way it wouldn't replace the opt, but would merge into it. Roughly:

opt_override :help, :short => "h"

This would also allow you to "plugin" things that could override or even remove options. In one of our gems, I provide helper methods for building CLIs with common options (for example, --dry-run, -n), and it looks like:

opts = Options.options do
  opt :foo


What I can't do is modify those options after they've been added - I would love to do something like:

opts = Options.options do
  opt :foo

  opt_override :dry_run, :default => true


This is a neat idea, but i'm not sure it can easily solve the problem with hacking the opts created for help/version since they're autovivified inside the parse method. At least the way I envision your opt_override working, it would effectively find and edit an opt command that was already given inside the block. I think it could work if opt_override worked with a delayed evaluation, but that's a little harder to reason with.

Fryguy commented 4 months ago

opts created for help/version since they're autovivified inside the parse method

Oh I misread the code...I didn't realize the block was executed before the opt :help line. Yeah, we'd have to rearrange that where the help and version happens first, but that will create other confusions. 😕