ManakhovN / FigmaToUnityImporter

The project that imports nodes from Figma into unity.
MIT License
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Infinite importing Assets #29

Closed dvpavlov-dev closed 1 year ago

dvpavlov-dev commented 1 year ago

When I click on Generate nodes, the following error appears:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. FigmaImporter.Editor.FigmaNodeGenerator.AddFills (FigmaImporter.Editor.Node node, UnityEngine.GameObject nodeGo) (at Assets/FigmaImporter/Editor/FigmaNodeGenerator.cs:145) FigmaImporter.Editor.FigmaNodeGenerator.GenerateNode (FigmaImporter.Editor.Node node, UnityEngine.GameObject parent, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] nodeTreeElements) (at Assets/FigmaImporter/Editor/FigmaNodeGenerator.cs:109) FigmaImporter.Editor.FigmaImporter.GetFile (System.String fileUrl) (at Assets/FigmaImporter/Editor/FigmaImporter.cs:312) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.b__7_0 (System.Object state) (at <27586baf39bf4babbfd8a2caabe8e228>:0) UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <61c05f8d81804e929ff4198c5bcc7a62>:0) UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.Exec () (at <61c05f8d81804e929ff4198c5bcc7a62>:0) UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext.ExecuteTasks () (at <61c05f8d81804e929ff4198c5bcc7a62>:0)

I have launched both on new projects in Figma and on old ones that used to work. All projects have this error.

A week ago everything worked, but today this error appeared.

ManakhovN commented 1 year ago

@dvpavlov-dev Ok. I will take a look. Yeterday I made a PR to fix this issue. Maybe it was not enogugh.

VladislavMm commented 1 year ago

Downloaded git, and with large files there is such an error. My code looks like this and there seems to be no error) I changed it back in 2022, as I write it. I have a pretty old version of the project, I didn't download it, but changed what I needed on my own, so I don't throw a fix, I don't know how well it will work with the changes that were and there's just no time for it) image and AddFills

    private void AddFills(Node node, GameObject nodeGo)
        var gradientGeneratorId = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:GradientsGenerator")[0];
        GradientsGenerator gg =
        Image image = null;

        if (node.fills.Length > 0f && nodeGo.GetComponent<Graphic>() == null)
            image = nodeGo.AddComponent<Image>();

        for (var index = 0; index < node.fills.Length; index++)
            var fill = node.fills[index];
            if (index != 0)
                var go = InstantiateChild(nodeGo, fill.type);
                image = go.AddComponent<Image>();

            switch (fill.type)
                case "SOLID":
                    var tmp = nodeGo.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
                    if (tmp != null)
                        tmp.color = fill.color.ToColor();
                        image.color = fill.color.ToColor();
                    var tex = gg.GetTexture(fill, node.absoluteBoundingBox.GetSize(), 256);
                    string fileName = $"{}_{index.ToString()}.png";
                    SaveTexture(tex, $"/{_importer.GetRendersFolderPath()}/{fileName}");
                    var sprite = ChangeTextureToSprite($"Assets/{_importer.GetRendersFolderPath()}/{fileName}");
                    image.sprite = sprite; // Проблемы NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

            if (image != null)
                image.enabled = fill.visible != "false";

Image image = nodeGo.GetComponent(); if (node.fills.Length > 0f && image == null && nodeGo.GetComponent()==null) image = nodeGo.AddComponent();

Well, there is clearly something strange going on in your code, and you assign a value, and then checks if it is null)

ManakhovN commented 1 year ago

@VladislavMm I don't have the error that @dvpavlov-dev described. Do you mean it may happen only with large figma frames/nodes? @dvpavlov-dev how did you install the plugin? If via package manager, try to remove Packages/package-lock.json file. Or please provide an example how to reproduce it.

VladislavMm commented 1 year ago

@VladislavMm I don't have the error that @dvpavlov-dev described. Do you mean it may happen only with large figma frames/nodes? @dvpavlov-dev how did you install the plugin? If via package manager, try to remove Packages/package-lock.json file. Or please provide an example how to reproduce it.

Yes, very large projects, then this error is displayed if I use your code, everything works on mine, I sent what I changed in your code and everything worked fine.

VladislavMm commented 1 year ago

@VladislavMm I don't have the error that @dvpavlov-dev described. Do you mean it may happen only with large figma frames/nodes? @dvpavlov-dev how did you install the plugin? If via package manager, try to remove Packages/package-lock.json file. Or please provide an example how to reproduce it.

I think I found the reason, it's in this, if you remove it, then this error comes out- image

dvpavlov-dev commented 1 year ago


I click on Generate nodes and this error pops up:


In the code, the error is here:


I tried to download old works from Figma that used to always load, but now they don't load because of this error. I deleted the FigmaImporter folder and installed it back. Installed today the latest version that was on git.

I added this code: if (node.field != null) { Add files(node, node Go); } But it didn't help.

VladislavMm commented 1 year ago

And I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I didn't have your problem either, it came out like this- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object FigmaImporter.Editor.FigmaNodeGenerator.AddFills (FigmaImporter.Editor.Node node, UnityEngine.GameObject nodeGo) (at Assets/FigmaImporter/Editor/FigmaNodeGenerator.cs:153)

VladislavMm commented 1 year ago

@dvpavlov-dev do this and show what gives you image

dvpavlov-dev commented 1 year ago


Nothing, I don't have such a file

ManakhovN commented 1 year ago

I can make it created dynamically if there is no instance. Or maybe I'll turn it into a usual class, not SO.

VladislavMm commented 1 year ago

Nothing, I don't have such a file

Well, we found the problem)

dvpavlov-dev commented 1 year ago

It's funny, the bug was fixed when I downloaded the package through the package manager. Previously, I just downloaded the entire project from git, and moved the FigmaImporter folder to my project.

Now I entered the URL link into the package manager, he apparently downloaded the missing config and everything worked!

In any case, thanks for the help, anyone could have been in my place, so it's good that we created this topic and sorted out the error :)

ManakhovN commented 1 year ago

@dvpavlov-dev Nice to hear that. I've pushed changes to prevent it in a future. So now, if it is missing, the instance of gradients generator will be automatically created.