Closed soundart closed 5 years ago
SDR# has unfortunatly gone closed source a long while ago. The old source code is still online, but it's far from the current version.
My plugin is for the propritary closed source version and can only be compiled against those binaries, sorry!
EDIT: And it seems you're trying to use the plugin on Linux. That's cool, but I don't think the plugin will run in Mono. It uses native syscalls to a number of Windows-PE/ .dll files. You might be able to change the syscall definitions to use the .so files from libiio and libad9351, but I'm really not sure how well Mono does this.
Best regards, Tobi
ah ok I did not see that sdrsharp has changed.
I think I would see more errors if libiio bindings would not work. I did
sudo apt install libiio-cil-dev
I will investigate if there is an API in the old sdrsharp for devices.
Very interesting! But still: does native .dll syscalls. Those will not work, even with the correct bindings. Especially the reflection trick into the libiio-cil binding will do strange things on non-windows platforms. It directly fetches the reference to the native libiio device handle. Not sure how compatible that is to linux code. You might be able to just change that to and go from there...
I cannot build the plugin. What I did:
Build sdrsharp from here
xbuild /p:TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.5" /p:Configuration=Release
then cloned sdrsharp-plutosdr, linked the two dlls Radio, Common and started buiilding
xbuild /p:TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.5" /p:Configuration=Release
Result ` Build FAILED.
/projects/pluto/sdrsharp-plutosdr/SDRSharp.PlutoSDR.sln: warning : Don't know how to handle GlobalSection ExtensibilityGlobals, Ignoring.
/projects/pluto/sdrsharp-plutosdr/SDRSharp.PlutoSDR.sln (default targets) -> (Build target) -> /projects/pluto/sdrsharp-plutosdr/PlutoSDR/SDRSharp.PlutoSDR.csproj (default targets) -> /usr/lib/mono/xbuild/14.0/bin/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->
I cannot find IIQStreamController in sdrsharp. I think I am missing something....