Open hongpengzhou opened 2 years ago
The exact model is included as part of the package, but there's a separate function to use for the full model (if you try and implement it by changing the PERMITTED_MEMORY value to the 'actual' value then the code will crash, as the model will try to use 2 * the full state space).
To run the exact model use the following code snippet:
learned_parameters = demoHMM.exact_EM(initialised_parameters, n_steps, n_traces, eps, seed_setter)
After commenting out the line of code to run the truncated model. The exact_EM function is part of the HMM class - you want to use this instead.
I should probably include a full example in the examples folder.
The released code is the proposed cpHMM in this paper. But can I use this code to run the HMM by just setting PERMITTED_MEMORY = 2^W, where W means the window size.