Mandarancio / OpenGOO

A free clone of World Of Goo
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The use of QML. #53

Closed fasigno closed 11 years ago

fasigno commented 11 years ago

What about the use of QML for the graphics?

We can develop the menus with it and if it'll be a good idea we can recode the in-game graphics.

What do you think about it?

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

I started to study QML and seem performat and nice for game and cool for animation and many other thing, but I don't know a lot of it at this moment, but could be a great choose!

2012/11/13 Fabrizio Signoretti

What about the use of QML for the graphics?

We can develop the menus with it and if it'll be a good idea we can recode the in-game graphics.

What do you think about it?

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Martino G. Ferrari

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fasigno commented 11 years ago

Sure, the kde team is re-coding plasma in qml so it seems a good choise, particularly for tablets and touch screens.

Neither I know a lot more about it but I think it's not so important. The syntax looks clean and probably produces less bugs and, above all, could make the game development more interesting.

The most important thing to do now is a little look at the future of the project.

Actualy we have three active contributors but nobody follows 'a line'. Maybe I can understand the reason, everyone wants to contribute but not involve himself totally.

We know that a WorldOfGoo clone is not so interesting cause the original game it's available on linux, but more than 400 access from all over the world on the website makes me think that the project has a good visibility.

We should create a path to follow, the issues on github aren't effective, organize the team. It's not important how much the development will take, it's important what is done.

So, I'm asking to the active contributors if they want to be more involved, take part in decisions and design the future of the game.

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

I`m totally agree with you, and I'm really sorry for my absence from the developping, but I'm ready to reorganize the team and start again! I know, the bigger problem is that opengoo is not an original title but I think that renovate the project with new challenge and new technology made it more interesting and also better (code and performance I think).

I'm in for this! I hope also you! Thanks again for all the work that you did until now!!!

2012/11/13 Fabrizio Signoretti

Sure, the kde team is re-coding plasma in qml so it seems a good choise, particularly for tablets and touch screens.

Neither I know a lot more about it but I think it's not so important. The syntax looks clean and probably produces less bugs and, above all, could make the game development more interesting.

The most important thing to do now is a little look at the future of the project.

Actualy we have three active contributors but nobody follows 'a line'. Maybe I can understand the reason, everyone wants to contribute but not involve himself totally.

We know that a WorldOfGoo clone is not so interesting cause the original game it's available on linux, but more than 400 access from all over the world on the website makes me think that the project has a good visibility.

We should create a path to follow, the issues on github aren't effective, organize the team. It's not important how much the development will take, it's important what is done.

So, I'm asking to the active contributors if they want to be more involved, take part in decisions and design the future of the game.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Martino G. Ferrari

() ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail /\ - against microsoft attachments

batarov commented 11 years ago

I also thought about using QML to create the interface, but who is in the team wants to explore and implement new technology and programming language (Qt5 and QML 2)

fasigno commented 11 years ago

We've got to discuss about this. Maybe it could be a good idea thinking about Qt5 and QML or someone can think that this is a high jump.

I don't know, I'm not afraid to explore something new, but how many people want to go ahead? (And it is not important the real number but who, cause in this way we can organize the team)

slyshykO commented 11 years ago

Adapt to Qt5 wery easy, just add to *.pro file rule : greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets QML - it is more interesting, think that menu and intro on QML - great idea.

batarov commented 11 years ago

Let's compare C++ + Qt Designer with QML

C++ + Qt Designer

include "og_menu.h"

OGMenu::OGMenu(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); }

void OGMenu::on_buttonResume_clicked() { emit this->eventResume(); }

void OGMenu::on_buttonRestart_clicked() { emit this->eventRestart(); }

void OGMenu::on_buttonToMainMenu_clicked() { emit this->eventBackToMainMenu(); }

void OGMenu::on_buttonExit_clicked() { emit this->eventExit(); }

What will be the code in QML?

fasigno commented 11 years ago

Ok, it seems we all agree with QML.

Let's have a look at the path to follow, not necessarily in sequence:

-) The menus:

1) The game needs a main menu, Martino designed the /Artworks/mainmenu2.svg that is not bad to follow but it is unfinished.

2) An options menu where change the resolution, full screen/window mode, play or stop the music and so on.

3) An in-game menu like the actual one with restart, resume, exit and an options button.

4) The game will have a 'free ride' mode, where the user can play the levels downloaded or the training levels. So the menu will have a list of levels and few custom options like goos number and so on.

-) In-game:

1) There are few bugs to be fixed in joint proposal.

2) We must restrict the camera in the svg view, and fix the zoom.

Probably there's more but so far is enough.

I think we need a proper mailing list where discuss about these things like Batarov's argumentation.

I have tryed a git hub mailing list, I don't know if you have received the mail, but I prefer a private mailing list, open but limited.

fasigno commented 11 years ago

It is clear that we lack artworks artists a lot, cause at this time someone that draws the menus and everything is very important.

batarov commented 11 years ago

All right. If QML will make the game better, I agree. While I realize that no one is compelling evidence led that QML will be the best solution for our project.

batarov commented 11 years ago

That's so easy to create a menu in Qt Designer. As you notice the design is basically the work of a designer rather than a programmer.

slyshykO commented 11 years ago

None of us have worked with QML earlier. Therefore, this issue should try out, and then make a decision.

2012/11/16 Dmitry Batarov

That's so easy to create a menu in Qt Designer. As you notice the design is basically the work of a designer rather than a programmer.

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fasigno commented 11 years ago

You're right Dmitry, actually nobody is sure about qml. But according to what I read, Qt5 is more QML oriented. With QML seems easier develop GUI and add effects and animations, and it's designed for touch screen monitors.

We can try it developing the menus and find if it's the proper choose.

fasigno commented 11 years ago

I don't know if qtDesigner can be use with qml or for more complex menus. The menus must be ready for tablet use with boolean switches, sliders and so on.

slyshykO commented 11 years ago

QML designer embedded in QtCreator.

2012/11/16 Fabrizio Signoretti

I don't know if qtDesigner can be use with qml or for more complex menus. The menus must be ready for tablet use with boolean switches, sliders and so on.

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batarov commented 11 years ago

Who ever will make the menu on QML to see how it will look on the desktop platform because QML is primarily intended for mobile platforms or will discuss the advantages QML -)

batarov commented 11 years ago

Once again, I agree, if someone will make the interface whith QML -)

fasigno commented 11 years ago

A lot of QML examples work great on desktop, I cannot understand your reticence. Our goal is produce a game portable on tablets and touch devices, Digia says it will support android and iOS and works great on desktop.

Probably it's just fashion but this can help the project be more interesting to new programmers.

We haven't switched yet, it's important debate about it.

fasigno commented 11 years ago

I'm sorry I read now that reticence is not the term I meant, it's totally wrong.

I read that Muon Software Center in kubuntu uses QML and Plasma will use QML. So it's for mobile platforms but works on desktops and for desktop softwares.

If the compatibility will touch the Android and iOS platforms, for us it's very easy the porting of the game.

fasigno commented 11 years ago

OK, now I will ask our sole designer to draw the menus and then we will decide.