Mandarancio / OpenGOO

A free clone of World Of Goo
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Intro screen. #54

Open fasigno opened 11 years ago

fasigno commented 11 years ago

We need a new intro screen. Someone should design a new animated intro screen, or change at least the background of the actual intro.

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

I'll work on it!

fasigno commented 11 years ago


Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

What do you think will be the best solution? Something like the old one (so a 'ingame' animation) or something external, like a video?

batarov commented 11 years ago

I think that video will best

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

2D or 3D? In any case I think I'll do it in blender..

fasigno commented 11 years ago

There is something in 3d with blender in the Artworks folder partially done.

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

I know I did it some time ago... But I think I'm goo to do something 2D to be more similar at the game style

batarov commented 11 years ago

Martino, create short preview and we'll select best

fasigno commented 11 years ago

I don't know, I think is not important if the video is in 3d and the game in 2d, because all the 80's and 90's games were like that!

The style of the game will follow the main menu. I put a palette with the colors of the game (here)[]

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

Ok I think I'll start where worl of goo end

batarov commented 11 years ago

I had an idea on the subject. Goos went for a walk, but there was a heavy rain and goos were washed away in the sewers. And the goal of the game to get out of the sewer -))

batarov commented 11 years ago

I invented an alternative name for GOO - unidentified black object, abbreviated UBO

fasigno commented 11 years ago

At this time I don't think that it would be a good idea change the name at the project. It is known and sponsored like 'OpenGOO' outside.

But we can integrate the UBOs in the game story.

This UBO thing makes me think about this story:

The goos reach a new planet (after flying away in the original story) but there's a heavy rain and goos are washed away in the sewers. In the sewers they realize that there is a new unexplored goo world. But before notice it, they are scared about the darkness of the sewers and they feel the presence of others, that they call UBO.

The intro video should present the first part of the story, flying goos swept by the rain and wind into a manhole.

Obviously this is just my contribution, I really appreciate all this brainstorm about new ideas for the game.

batarov commented 11 years ago

In my mind UBOs out of the sewer can swim

batarov commented 11 years ago

New story gives us a chance add to the game Goos with new properties

We are able to build a new world for UBOs

Or even the Universe of Goo -)

fasigno commented 11 years ago

Sure, infact we started with the collaborative story idea.

But it hasn't been a success.

batarov commented 11 years ago

Here are creating an introduction and will be the starting point

Need to first create the problem in introduction and then we will decide how to solve it -)

batarov commented 11 years ago

Go to 36:30 and see how can create a problem

batarov commented 11 years ago

Another story, during space travel Goos fallen into a black hole and the new world is like a sewer

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

I like this idea. Is very nice, and maybe we can do some level with some strange physics property no?

batarov commented 11 years ago

It's fantastic, but in this world there are teleports, teleport is used instead of such tubes

batarov commented 11 years ago

If we use the idea of the black hole, then the goal of the game to return to his world

The storyline may be such that in their world they do not come immediately, but only after visiting other worlds

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

Or at least at their universe

2012/11/22 Dmitry Batarov

If we use the idea of the black hole, then the goal of the game to return to his world

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Martino G. Ferrari

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batarov commented 11 years ago

Possible and so

batarov commented 11 years ago

A black hole in general can be like a black tube -))

batarov commented 11 years ago

Goos fly into a funnel, and this may be the beginning of history

batarov commented 11 years ago

Another idea is that the different worlds of different gravity, such as 5, 10 and 20

But it is necessary to experiment with low-gravity very interesting tricks can be performed

fasigno commented 11 years ago

Wow physics' ground, we can also create levels with the screen rotated upside down.

Mandarancio commented 11 years ago

I think that maybe we can have 2 videos, one short and not related to the story mode, for the introduction of the game, the second one for the introduction of the story (with the black hole and everything), what do you think about this?

fasigno commented 11 years ago

Ok, I agree.