Manderby / NALib

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Develop UI button size default #21

Closed Manderby closed 11 months ago

Manderby commented 3 years ago

Make Mac and Win equal.

These are some comments removed from the code. They might help:

  // OptionButton: NSBezelStyleShadowlessSquare
  // NSBezelStyleRegularSquare : 5 5 5 5
  // NSBezelStyleShadowlessSquare : 3 3 3 3
  // NSBezelStyleSmallSquare : 2 1 2 1

// Push (Text only) (24px height fixed)
// Option (Text / Image) (3px padding on all sides)
// Borderless (Image only) (0px padding on all sides)
Manderby commented 11 months ago

Issue is obsolete since the new NAButton implementation.