Mando75 / typeorm-graphql-loader

A query builder to easily resolve nested fields and relations for TypeORM-based GraphQL servers
MIT License
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use a related table for where() and order() #19

Closed eyal-elkevity closed 4 years ago

eyal-elkevity commented 4 years ago

Hey there, first of all great work with the lib!! it was very easy and fun to consume and implement, and like magic - performance for nested query are sky rocketing.

However, I couldn't find anywhere online an explanation on how to query in the "where" clause foreign-keyed tables. say I have an Item table for which I've written a graphql query, and it has a categoryId linking it to another entity called category (N:1). fetching the category fields works awesome, but when trying to do a search / where with fields like '', it fails trying to find the table. the reason is that in the SQL only my main entity got a descent alias (item), but the category table got a GUID for an alias or something like that. how can I force a join with my alias? if it was a regular typeorm query builder I would just use innerJoinAndSelect, but couldn't find such an equivalent in this lib...

Mando75 commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I'm happy that it has been working for you.

Regarding the hashed table aliases, this was implemented to prevent SQL errors from the loader-generated aliases becoming too long. For reference, see this issue. At some point I would like to revisit the alias generation to see if there is a way to make it more deterministic for cases like this, but for now, you should be able to use the TypeORM Brackets syntax for the where clauses. The Bracket gives you access to the loader's internal TypeORM QueryBuilder it is using to resolve the requested GraphQL data, which you can use to specify your own joins with a custom alias.

Essentially, your loader call could look something like this:

function itemsByCategoryNameResolver(obj, args, context, info) {
   return context.loader
       .loadEntity(Item, 'item')
       .where(new Brackets(qb => {
            qb.innerJoin("item.category", "category")
            qb.where(" = :name", { name: })

When performing joins inside the Bracket, I would make sure you are joining without selection. This will make TypeORM more performant since the loader is already selecting the data needed to resolve the query.

A word of warning, using the Brackets is basically ejecting you from the loader wrapper and allowing you to manipulate the generated query yourself. Be aware that doing so may not always play nice with some of the things the loader is doing internally. For a simple things like adding additional where clauses, etc, it isn't a problem, but if you plan on using it to inject complex resolution logic, you are probably better off just using a custom resolver written in the native TypeORM query builder.

Unfortunately, the built in search helper only works on the top level entity, but you should be able to just build your own using a custom where clause and Brackets.

eyal-elkevity commented 4 years ago

hey @Mando75 thanks for the amazingly quick and detailed response!!

I went ahead to implement those brackets, and discovered that innerJoin / where functions don't exist for "qb" (which is of type whereExpression) and instead I have these functions:


maybe we have different versions of typeorm? I'm using 0.2.26

Mando75 commented 4 years ago

I looked at the TypeORM types and you are correct, apparently that doesn't work anymore. Sorry about that! With this being the case, there is currently no good way to accomplish what you are describing, which I am not satisfied with as this is a pretty common use case. I'll need to check to see what alternatives TypeORM offers in terms of subqueries and see if I can make that compatible with the loader.

Just a heads up, I am moving about 2050km across the country this week, so I won't have a lot of time to dedicate to providing a solution to this until I am settled into my new place (hopefully by the end of next week). I appreciate your patience with that delay, and I'll be sure to address this as soon as I can.

eyal-elkevity commented 4 years ago

congrats on the move, and thank you so much for the work and dedication. not an obvious thing <3

I've been all over the place with typeorm docs, maybe there's a way with union or something with SelectQueryBuilder?? I don't know, guess you have much more experience with it. if you happen to fix it and remember me, drop a note here... thanks again and enjoy the 2050km (!!!) ride :)

Mando75 commented 4 years ago


I'm thinking that the best way to deal with this would be for the loader to expose the full query builder in the form of a callback that you can use to eject at db query resolve time. That should provide a fix this issue while still remaining compatible with any future TypeORM changes. An example of what I will try and implement

function itemsByCategoryNameResolver(obj, args, context, info) {
   return context.loader
       .loadEntity(Item, 'item')
       .ejectQueryBuilder((qb: SelectQueryBuilder): SelectQueryBuilder => {
            qb.innerJoin("item.category", "category")
            return qb.where(" = :name", { name: })

Implementing something like this would come with the same caveats that I mentioned about the Brackets, mainly that once you start manipulating the SelectQueryBuilder yourself, there is no guarantee that it will always play nicely with what the loader does, but there isn't really anything I can do about that 🙁

Obviously, the actual implementation may look slightly different, but I think something like this could be pretty useful for a lot of things and would make the loader a lot more flexible for complex resolve logic.

eyal-elkevity commented 4 years ago

that indeed sounds like a plan. and we'll tackle the caveats as they come along. at least for my scenario it's not over complifying the query I hope :)

and say - another small issue - when loading the loader in the ApolloServer initialization under the context property, before I integrated your wonderfull lib I used to have a function in the context, for adding user info to the context. but now - I need to choose between the loader and the function. I've tried defining the loader in the function, since it returns an object (don't remember the type) - and it worked, but then it initialized the connection per request and eventually failed. it feels like there should be a way to joined initialization.. I've tried stuff like:

  const loader = new GraphQLDatabaseLoader(connection);
  const server = new ApolloServer({
    playground: true,
    introspection: true,
    context: { ...gqlContext, loader },
    uploads: true,
  server.applyMiddleware({ app });

where gqlContext is my function. but it didn't work :(

oh and again - I have this feeling that you're packing you bags and I'm interrupted, feel free to not answer right away :) I really appreciate your responsiveness but also understand life :) :)

Mando75 commented 4 years ago

You should be able to use a function to create a context. I do the same whenever I use the loader. I would suggest passing the connection into your context function so that you aren't creating duplicate connections like so:

function createContext(db: Connection) {
  return {
     loader: new GraphQLDatabaseLoader(db)
     // other fields

// Connect to Database
const db = await createConnection()

const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
    context: createContext(db),
eyal-elkevity commented 4 years ago

thanks again! it was a bit different for me, because you can pass a function to create context (or an object), but if you pass a function - it only has req/res as params (and also connection which is undefined, I think it's a websocket connection). but I just moved the function to the area of the server initialization, and then it had access to the connection object (yey closures!)

thanks again for your help, and crossing fingers for you to solve that relation-in-a-where clause (or order, btw). good luck with the move :)

Mando75 commented 4 years ago

Initial implementation is done. Need to add some more testing and perhaps more documentation. Feature can be tracked here:

Mando75 commented 4 years ago

v1.6.0 of the loader has been published which adds an ejectQueryBuilder method to the GraphQLQueryBuilder class. This can be used to directly interact with the underlying TypeORM SelectQueryBuilder, which should fix your issue. See the documentation here:

I added a test case that does pretty much exactly what you are trying to do, so I think we should be covered. Feel free to reopen if you are still having trouble.

eyal-elkevity commented 4 years ago

Great news!!! thanks!!! I'll integrate it in the coming days, thanks for the ever-so-quick fix!

eyal-elkevity commented 3 years ago

Hey bro, just wanted to let you know I got derailed from my project and only now got back to it, and the eject method is working awesome!!! thank you SO much this lib is da best :) <3