MangelMaxime / Nacara
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Blog support #196

Closed daz10000 closed 1 year ago

daz10000 commented 1 year ago

You can close this if I'm missing something, but I am surveying static site generators, would prefer something F# connected but also wanted a reasonably simply mechanism for doing routine blog posts (including tagging, managing the list of posts etc). Jekyll has a nice system that matches files with a date format in a folder and does the rest. A few possibly dumb questions

I'm more than happy to help with code (caveat, I mostly use FSharp and am useless on the javascript side).

Thoughts appreciated and as I said, feel free to close if this is out of scope

MangelMaxime commented 1 year ago

Hello @daz10000,

thank you for looking into Nacara :).

You can indeed, use Nacara to create blog. For example as a blog section managed by Nacara.

The corresponding section you are looking for in Nacara documentation is Custom Layouts as it allows you to add your own layout to Nacara.

On, the blog section consist of:

  1. An index page which list all the blogs
  2. A page per blog

You can find the 2 custom layouts used for in this folder:

Something important to consider, is that Nacara is being completely reworked as we are speaking right now because creating and maintaining a static site generator project takes times.

So I re-focused, my self a bit and come up with the conclusion that I should use an existing project as a base so I can focus on what add real value to my project. For this reason, Nacara is going to moved to Eleventy. This allow me to let eleventy handle the file generation, templates, local server, etc.

And Nacara, is going to be provided as a plugin on top of eleventy.

I am saying all that, so if you like the layout provided by Nacara and F# specific features like API gen, etc. You should probably have a look at using Eleventy directly to avoid having a migration to do in the future.

Future announcement about Nacara on top of Eleventy is going to be made at

daz10000 commented 1 year ago

Cool, and that's exactly the context I was looking for. I respect using your coding time wisely and eleventy seems like a solid choice. I will see if I can get MVP blog running on that, and maybe by the time I'm ready to put more FSharp content into the blog, a Nacara plugin will be ready. I'll follow you here and take a look at the links above. I should probably just start with something as simple as possible rather than turning this into an epic adventure.