Mangio621 / Mangio-RVC-Fork

*CREPE+HYBRID TRAINING* A very experimental fork of the Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI repo that incorporates a variety of other f0 methods, along with a hybrid f0 nanmedian method.
MIT License
930 stars 207 forks source link

No supported Nvidia GPU found #108

Open ssbugman opened 10 months ago

ssbugman commented 10 months ago

"No supported Nvidia GPU found, use CPU instead CUDA is not available. Make sure you have an NVIDIA GPU and CUDA installed."

Obviously I have Nvidia GPU and CUDA and it works for another soft.

antim0118 commented 10 months ago

What cuda version? It works on torch 2.0.0, some sources say torch uses cuda 11.7 or 11.8


  1. Install cuda 11.8
  2. Reinstall pytorch with cuda 11.8 support (source) pip3 install numpy --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --force-reinstall --index-url
Panduwu commented 1 month ago

CAN the Rvc Run without any gpu?