MangoAutomation / ma-core-public

Mango Automation Core public code
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RAD-2568-print-environment-variables #1836

Closed juancarlosgl closed 1 year ago

juancarlosgl commented 1 year ago


After investigating the scripts it was determined that there is no issue with the scripts, however, they are tightly coupled to host machines' environmental variables. So some users may not be aware of these requirements and be unaware of why the script is failing and in some cases where default values are being used they may not even know there is a problem.

The suggestion to mitigate this:

For the script is to provide feedback to the terminal when environmental variables are not found and default values are taken.

Provide a README file to detail the environmental variables required.

Script remains the same we are just printing some variables to guide user about the places where data would be.


++ HOME environment variable is /Users/juan.garcia
++ mango_paths_home is /Users/juan.garcia/opt/mango
+++++ HOME and mango_paths_home are not the same so script may not work properly!! ++++
+++++ Mango configuration found on /Users/juan.garcia/
++ mango_paths_data environment variable is /Users/juan.garcia/opt/mango/data
++ mango_script_dir is /Users/juan.garcia/opt/mango/bin
++ mango_paths_data is /Users/juan.garcia/opt/mango/data
++ keystore variable populated with file property ssl.keystore.location
++++++ MA_KEYSTORE environment variable populated with default value keystore.p12 as file /Users/juan.garcia/opt/mango/data/keystore.p12 was not found.
+++++++ MA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD environment variable populated with default value freetextpassword
++ MA_KEY_PASSWORD environment variable populated with file property ssl.key.password
+++++ MA_KEY_ALIAS environment variable populated with default value mango
terrypacker commented 1 year ago

@juancarlosgl I'm going to defer to @jazdw or possibly @kubeliv as to how to proceed on this one. Also can you list out how you tested it or QA has been involved?

jazdw commented 1 year ago

@juancarlosgl I stared reviewing this but there are a lot of technical inaccuracies, spelling and grammar mistakes. Can you please schedule a call with @Craig-IAS to go over the language and comments added so far. I will try and give some more feedback after that.

juancarlosgl commented 1 year ago

@juancarlosgl I'm going to defer to @jazdw or possibly @kubeliv as to how to proceed on this one. Also can you list out how you tested it or QA has been involved?

Well I saw when we hit this script uses almost like does. So I modified to call mango_keystore_properties that it is the funtion reported in the ticket that takes the default value for the MA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and finally as I do not really want the script to start up mango UI, then I commented the last lines that starts up mango UI:


# Copyright (C) 2021 Radix IoT LLC. All rights reserved.
# @author Jared Wiltshire
# @author Matthew Lohbihler

set -e

# set options from arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
  case "$arg" in
  wait) mango_wait=true ;;

mango_script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P)"
. "$mango_script_dir"/


#echo "mango_script_dir is $mango_script_dir"
#echo "mango_config is $mango_config"


#if [ "$mango_wait" = true ]; then
  # trap the SIGINT signal (Ctrl-C) and stop mango
#  trap mango_stop INT TERM
  # needed for trap to work
#  set +e
  # wait for Mango to exit
#  wait $mango_pid

exit 0
juancarlosgl commented 1 year ago

@juancarlosgl I'm going to defer to @jazdw or possibly @kubeliv as to how to proceed on this one. Also can you list out how you tested it or QA has been involved?

Well I saw when we hit this script uses almost like does. So I modified to call mango_keystore_properties that it is the funtion reported in the ticket that takes the default value for the MA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and finally as I do not really want the script to start up mango UI, then I commented following lines:


# Copyright (C) 2021 Radix IoT LLC. All rights reserved.
# @author Jared Wiltshire
# @author Matthew Lohbihler

set -e

# set options from arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
  case "$arg" in
  wait) mango_wait=true ;;

mango_script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd -P)"
. "$mango_script_dir"/


#echo "mango_script_dir is $mango_script_dir"
#echo "mango_config is $mango_config"


#if [ "$mango_wait" = true ]; then
  # trap the SIGINT signal (Ctrl-C) and stop mango
#  trap mango_stop INT TERM
  # needed for trap to work
#  set +e
  # wait for Mango to exit
#  wait $mango_pid

exit 0
Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 0 07 44
juancarlosgl commented 1 year ago

Anyone available to go on with this PR? @jazdw @terrypacker @Craig-IAS

terrypacker commented 1 year ago

@juancarlosgl did you schedule a call with @Craig-IAS and do a review yet?

aasbra commented 1 year ago

@juancarlosgl We've moved this PR over to the new repo. We've updated the and files in the branch on the new repo.