MangoAutomation / ma-core-public

Mango Automation Core public code
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sstGraphics - User defined sstgraphics requires restart to reload #610

Open resotek opened 8 years ago

resotek commented 8 years ago

_Problem: _ I have many sstGraphics objects that must be updated manually each time Mango is upgraded. This is a tedious and sometimes risky task, because if this is not done at the right moment during the installation, recovering those lost object requires them to be reinstantiated on each graphical view page where they were used.

Solution: add support for placing user-supplied graphic objects in the overrides folder.

resotek commented 8 years ago

Since Mango restarts cause long data outages and obviously disable point links, it would be very useful for there to be a 'reload graphics' function that can reload new graphics without requiring a full Mango restart.

Puckfist commented 8 years ago

This title was solved by issue #359 but the second issue you raise remains, so I will retitle this issue and use it for that.

Puckfist commented 6 years ago

It looks like being able to call this function would require modifications suiting a minor release. If we are going to do this one (which is debatable since this graphics apparatus is not the encouraged dashboarding technique any longer), it would likely require using a different kind of concurrent list (CopyOnWriteArrayList?) for the image set and changing the signature for the loading method to be public and accessible someways