MangoInstantMessenger / MangoMessengerAPI

Mango Messenger ASP .NET 6 Web API
MIT License
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private deploy #504

Open vks2 opened 9 months ago

vks2 commented 9 months ago

Is it possible to deploy it on a private server, not azure without the need of breaking down whole codebase?

kolosovpetro commented 9 months ago

Yeah, it can be easily deployed on virtual machines both Cloud IaaS or On-premises using

Deploy can be done via SSH or Ansible + CI/CD tool like Github Actions or Azure pipelines etc

Note that it is vendor locked to use Azure Blob storage at the moment, to avoid it simply implement IBlobService to use AWS S3 or another file storage solution

vks2 commented 9 months ago

could you provide an example in separate branch? we're interested in on-premise deploy. CI-CD is also problematic due to corp restrictions PS are you free to provide some small consulting project?

kolosovpetro commented 9 months ago

I am not sure I have enough time for something like consulting now