MangoTheCat / testCoverage

R Code Coverage Package
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
33 stars 8 forks source link

problems with sysdata.rda #10

Open eribul opened 9 years ago

eribul commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much for a really nice package! I have tried it for a cople of packages and it works just fine! Although, for a package with a sysdata.rda-file in the R-folder I get the following.

8 sysdata.rda ... replacing 13 symbols... setting 1 trace points... 
 Evaluating instrumented code from sysdata.rda in Global Env
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'RDX2' not found

Mayby files like this should be ignored?

eribul commented 9 years ago

Just to clarify: even this package work fine if I use:

reportCoverage(sourcefiles = paste0(getwd(), "/R/", setdiff(dir("R/"), "sysdata.rda")))

hence, the sourcefiles argument instead of the package argument

MangoTheCat commented 9 years ago

Issue CCT-66 raised