Closed SylvainAssemat closed 1 month ago
@jidefela-mgp Any Help on this ?
Thanks for sharing the details! To better understand the issue, could you please provide a code snippet of how you're initializing the checkout-web and handling the re-initialization? This will help me troubleshoot and suggest a more effective solution.
Hello @mykytashaban
First initialization
let options = {
clientId: mangopayClientId,
profilingMerchantId: mangopayProfilingMerchantId,
environment: mangopayEnvironment,
amount: {
value: 0, // -> Need to be dynamically updated
currency: 'EUR'
locale: 'fr', // 'en' | 'fr' | Object
paymentMethods: [
type: 'card',
options: {
supportedCardBrands: ['CB', 'VISA', 'MAESTRO', 'MASTERCARD'],
onCreateCardRegistration: (cardType) => createCardRegistration(cardType),
onCreatePayment: (data) => createRecurringPayment(data)
branding: {
//fontFamily: 'Helvetica Neue',
fontSize: {
primary: '14px',
secondary: '12px'
borderType: 'round', // 'square' | 'round' | 'bottom'
colors: {
primary: '#3598e9',
secondary: '#545A61',
accent: '#4E40EF',
accentContrast: '#FFFFFF',
border: '#ddd',
borderFocused: '#3598e9',
error: '#EC0B43'
borderRadius: '8px',
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
textColor: '#3598e9',
lineHeight: '48px',
variables: undefined,
rules: undefined
if (!mangopaySdk)
mangopaySdk = await CheckoutSdk.loadCheckoutSdk('#container', options);
if (!mangopaySdk) {
throw new Error('Failed to load Mangopay CheckoutSdk');
mangopaySdk.on('initialize', (event) => {
console.log('💰initialize', event);
mangopaySdk.on('tokenizationComplete', (event) => {
console.log('💰tokenizationComplete', event);
mangopaySdk.on('paymentComplete', (event) => {
console.log('💰paymentComplete', event);
mangopaySdk.on('loaded', (event) => {
console.log('💰loaded', event);
mangopaySdk.on('change', (event) => {
console.log('💰change', event);
mangopaySdk.on('error', (event) => {
console.log('💰error', event.detail);
// console.log('onError', event.detail.error.ResultCode);
// console.log('onError', event.detail.error.ResultMessage);
// console.log('onError', event.detail.error.Status);
const { error } = event.detail;{
icon: 'error',
title: error.ResultMessage
Then basically, i try to initialize again later when user update their items in cart
$('#container').empty(); //Initialization does not replace the first render
options.amount.value = saleOrder.montant; //Updated
mangopaySdk = await CheckoutSdk.loadCheckoutSdk('#container', options);
The createCardRegistration function and createRecurringPayment function will be triggered more than once when PAY button is clicked.
Do you have a woraround or any advice ?
@SylvainAssemat It looks like the issue arises because the SDK is initialized multiple times without a proper clean-up, which causes event listeners and functions to stack. You can check demo example here. Let me know please if everything works
Oh i see
await mangopaySdk.umount();
This is what i am looking for !!!
Thanks i will try it and close the issue after tests OK
In my use case, i put the checkout-web render in a stepper (embedded) So a final user can choose some items, go to the payment process , and if needed, go back and change some items that will change the total amount in the cart. In that way, i need to update the first initialisation "amount.value" which is mandatory.
What is the best solution to do this ?
I try to initialise again , but it seens to execute multiple function (stacked) each time the initilisation is done (ex 3 times createRecurringPayment)
I dont find any "destroy" method to clean and restart the process.
Can you help me ?