Mangopay / mangopay2-php-sdk

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PayInRecurringId is missing in Payins (get) #546

Closed H4wKs closed 2 years ago

H4wKs commented 2 years ago

Hey guyz,

While implementing recurring payment using the new CIT / MIT features, I noticed that MangoPay API return the PayInRecurringId on Payins (GET) calls, but unless I am wrong, this information is missing in the SDK for the payins_get function, and it would really nice to have this informations to avoid storing it earlier in the process before any valid payment have been done. I think it's also a problem that unless you store that information locally on creation, it's simply unavailable anywhere using the SDK.

The main reason of this behavious is that RecurringPayinRegistrationId was added to PayInRecurring which extend PayIn, but is therefore never returned on Payins get as this function return a PayIn object.

I am happy to help here, I can even make a PR, but I am not sure what would be the best way to go here.

What you think ? Any other idea @fredericdelordm @SoloJr of achieving this in a clean way ?



chrs-myrs commented 2 years ago

Seems to me that all payin info specific to recurring pay-ins is missing from the API. Managed to avoid needing this by using hooks and performing CITs synchronously.

H4wKs commented 2 years ago

Thank you for trying to help out here @chrs-myrs, and sharing your solution.

Seems to me that all payin info specific to recurring pay-ins is missing from the API.

It's not missing from the API, only from the SDK. The API give you the all the information you need unless you looking for more than the RecurringPayinRegistrationId ?

Managed to avoid needing this by using hooks and performing CITs synchronously.

I already have a system where I send an email to the customer warning him that his subscription is going to end, and that if he want to keep it, he need to renew it following the link or connecting to the platform. It's why I want to implement MIT in order to skip this step whenever a CIT is not required.

I actually made a fork and made the changes I need to work with CIT / MIT, I just wanted to discuss what would be the best way to implement it to avoid updating my own code later, but this is just taking too much time. I did the choice to move RecurringPayinRegistrationId from PayInRecurring class to PayIn class so I can access this information on all payIns call. I will make a PR with my update, and in the mean time I will run my fork version of the SDK instead of the official version.

fredericdelordm commented 2 years ago

Hello @H4wKs,

Thank you for the feedback. We are going to work on it this week.

H4wKs commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. We are going to work on it this week.

I just hope you're not making a first April fool joke here @fredericdelordm 😂

fredericdelordm commented 2 years ago

@H4wKs Haha, not joking. Task in Jira for @SoloJr :)

H4wKs commented 2 years ago

Any news / update / ETA about this @fredericdelordm / @SoloJr ? Have you at least decided how / where you going to implement this ?

fredericdelordm commented 2 years ago

Hello @H4wKs,

I was ooo these days. Let me circle back internally and get back to you regarding this

SoloJr commented 2 years ago

Hi @H4wKs

Feel free to create the pull request, and we'll decide together how we move on :)

H4wKs commented 2 years ago

Feel free to create the pull request, and we'll decide together how we move on :)

@SoloJr done :)