Mangopay / mangopay2-php-sdk

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Bad request. One or several required parameters are missing or incorrect. An incorrect resource ID also raises this kind of error. #581

Closed kesavanselvakani closed 1 year ago

kesavanselvakani commented 1 year ago

Transfer {#2596 ▼ +DebitedWalletId: "153589518" +CreditedWalletId: "71953670" +AuthorId: "153589517" +CreditedUserId: "71953669" +DebitedFunds: Money {#2595 ▶} +CreditedFunds: Money {#2548 ▶} +Fees: Money {#2594 ▶} +Status: null +ResultCode: null +ResultMessage: null +ExecutionDate: null +Type: null +Nature: null +Id: null +Tag: "INV20221209BA6AC8- Job Service fee" +CreationDate: null }

I am try to transfer the money in my wallet to admin wallet. but this type of error display

H4wKs commented 1 year ago

Hi @kesavanselvakani,

You should implement a try / catch in order to get more details about the error. What you're looking for is :

kesavanselvakani commented 1 year ago

Hi @H4wKs

            // create instance of MangoPayApi
            $mangoPayApi = new \MangoPay\MangoPayApi();
            $mangoPayApi->Config->ClientId        = config('app.project.MangoPay.ClientId');
            $mangoPayApi->Config->ClientPassword  = config('app.project.MangoPay.ClientPassword');
            $mangoPayApi->Config->TemporaryFolder = config('app.project.MangoPay.TemporaryFolder');
            $mangoPayApi->Config->BaseUrl         = config('app.project.MangoPay.URL');
            // dd($mangoPayApi->Config->BaseUrl);
            $total_pay               = isset($transaction_inp['total_pay']) ? $transaction_inp['total_pay'] : 0;
            $cost_website_commission = isset($transaction_inp['cost_website_commission']) ? $transaction_inp['cost_website_commission'] : 0;

            // for JPY currency we don't need to multiple by 100
                $total_pay               = $total_pay*100;
                $cost_website_commission = $cost_website_commission*100;

            if($transaction_inp != null){ 

                $transfer                           = new \MangoPay\Transfer();
                $transfer->Tag                      = $transaction_inp['tag'];  
                $transfer->AuthorId                 = $transaction_inp['debited_UserId'];   
                $transfer->CreditedUserId           = $transaction_inp['credited_UserId'];

                $transfer->DebitedFunds             = new \MangoPay\Money();
                $transfer->DebitedFunds->Currency   = $transaction_inp['currency_code']; 
                $transfer->DebitedFunds->Amount     = $total_pay;

                $transfer->Fees                     = new \MangoPay\Money();
                $transfer->Fees->Currency           = $transaction_inp['currency_code'];
                $transfer->Fees->Amount             = $cost_website_commission;

                $transfer->DebitedWalletId          = $transaction_inp['debited_walletId'];
                $transfer->CreditedWalletId         = $transaction_inp['credited_walletId'];
                // dd($transfer);
                $result = $mangoPayApi->Transfers->Create($transfer);
                // dd($result);
                return $result;
                // dd('hi');
                return false;
        }catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e){
            // dd($e);
            if($is_contest_refund_cron == '1'){
                return $e;
            // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails()
            return "Exception : ".$e->GetCode()."| Message: ".$e->GetMessage()."| Error(s) ".$e->GetErrorDetails();
        } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) {
            // dd($e);
            if($is_contest_refund_cron == '1'){
                return $e;
            return "Message: ".$e->GetMessage();
        }catch(\Exception $e){
            // dd($e);
            if($is_contest_refund_cron == '1'){
                return $e;
            return $e->getMessage();

This is my code..

H4wKs commented 1 year ago

You should just put a try on what may fail.

use MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException;

try {
    $result = $mangoPayApi->Transfers->Create($transfer);
} catch (ResponseException $e) {
            Here you handle the error the way you want.

And in the catch, what you want to get as information is what I write earlier


I don't remember which one of them have the detailed error message you are looking for, but it's part of one of them.

fredericdelordm commented 1 year ago

Hello @kesavanselvakani, did you fix your issue ?

kesavanselvakani commented 1 year ago

@fredericdelordm Yes i have fixed the issue.. Thank you