ManiSub37539 / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US2: Account Login #7

Open ManiSub37539 opened 1 month ago

ManiSub37539 commented 1 month ago

AS A user, I WANT TO log in using a username and password, TO access my to-do list and manage my tasks, SO THAT I can organize and track my tasks efficiently.

SCENARIO: Successful Login GIVEN the user is on the login screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user enters a valid username and password, AND clicks the "Log In" button, THEN the system should authenticate the user, WITHIN 2 seconds, AND redirect the user to the main to-do list screen WITHIN 2 seconds.

SCENARIO: Incorrect Password GIVEN the user is on the login screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user enters a valid username but an incorrect password, AND clicks the "Log In" button, THEN the system should display an error message stating "Incorrect password. Please try again." WITHIN 1 second, AND allow the user to re-enter their credentials without losing previously entered data.

SCENARIO: Non-existent Username GIVEN the user is on the login screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user enters a username that is not registered, AND clicks the "Log In" button, THEN the system should display an error message stating "Username does not exist. Please sign up." WITHIN 1 second, AND provide a link to the account creation screen.

SCENARIO: Empty Username or Password GIVEN the user is on the login screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user attempts to log in without entering a username or password, AND clicks the "Log In" button, THEN the system should display an error message stating "Username and password cannot be empty." WITHIN 1 second, AND prevent the login process from proceeding.

SCENARIO: Network Error During Login GIVEN the user is on the login screen of the ToDo List app, WHEN the user enters valid credentials, AND clicks the "Log In" button, THEN if a network error occurs, the system should display an error message stating "Network error. Please try again later." WITHIN 2 seconds, AND allow the user to retry the login process once the network is stable.