ManiSub37539 / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US3 Add Task #8

Open ManiSub37539 opened 1 month ago

ManiSub37539 commented 1 month ago

AS A user, I WANT TO add tasks by entering a title and description, TO organize my to-do list, SO THAT I can track and manage my tasks effectively.

SCENARIO: Successful Task Addition GIVEN the user is on the tasks page, WHEN the user clicks the "plus" button, AND the "Add Task" page pops up, AND the user enters a task title in the title field and a task description in the description field, AND clicks the "Add Task" button at the bottom, THEN the newly created task should appear on the tasks page WITHIN 2 seconds, AND the user should be able to see the title and description of the task.

SCENARIO: Missing Title GIVEN the user is on the "Add Task" page, WHEN the user attempts to add a task without entering a title, AND clicks the "Add Task" button, THEN the system should display an error message stating "Task title cannot be empty." WITHIN 1 second, AND prevent the task from being added until the title is entered.

SCENARIO: Empty Description GIVEN the user is on the "Add Task" page, WHEN the user enters a title but leaves the description field empty, AND clicks the "Add Task" button, THEN the task should still be added to the tasks page WITHIN 2 seconds, AND the task will only display the title without a description.

SCENARIO: Cancel Task Creation GIVEN the user is on the "Add Task" page, WHEN the user decides not to add a task, AND clicks a "Cancel" button or exits the "Add Task" page, THEN the system should close the "Add Task" page WITHIN 1 second, AND return the user to the tasks page without adding a new task.

SCENARIO: Network Error During Task Addition GIVEN the user is on the "Add Task" page, WHEN the user clicks the "Add Task" button, THEN if a network error occurs, the system should display an error message stating "Network error. Please try again later." WITHIN 2 seconds, AND allow the user to retry adding the task once the network is stable.