ManiacDC / TypingAid

Word AutoCompletion Utility
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wheel over ListBox should scroll the ListBox not the editor. #64

Open rommmcek opened 9 years ago

rommmcek commented 9 years ago

When hovering the mouse cursor over the displaying ListBox suggestions, the mouse wheel scrolls the application underneath. Even if it's a minor flaw, is this not what user would expect!

ManiacDC commented 9 years ago

Windows will only scroll the active window. The ListBox never allows itself to stay as the active window.

Windows 10 adds a feature where inactive windows can be scrolled when the mouse is over them. After upgrading to Windows 10 and enabling this feature, can someone please confirm whether this is still an issue or not? I won't be upgrading for a while.

ManiacDC commented 9 years ago

rommmcek commented 9 years ago

This will work with "normal" mouse wheel, but with some sophisticated TouchPads won't!


FontSize := 15
Tabby := FontSize*0.8

Gui, BoxList: Margin, 1, 1
Gui, BoxList: -Caption
Gui, BoxList: Color, BFCDEA
Gui, BoxList: Font, s%FontSize%, Ariel
Gui, BoxList: add, ListBox, t%Tabby% w220 r6 hWndhlBoLis vLangua, 1`tpotato|2`tchives|3`tcelery|`tparsley

Gui, BoxList: Show, NoActivate


    MouseGetPos , , , , control
    if (Control = "ListBox1")
        SendMessage 0x115,1,0,ListBox1, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
    Send, {WheelDown}   

MouseGetPos , , , , control
     if (Control = "ListBox1")
    SendMessage 0x115,0,0,ListBox1, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI  
    Send, {WheelUp} 
ManiacDC commented 9 years ago

Ah, I see... seems doable.

rommmcek commented 8 years ago

As you predicted, on Windows 10 this is not an issue anymore. However, it doesn't work with touchpad neither!