ManifestWebDesign / angular-gridster

An implementation of gridster-like widgets for Angular JS
MIT License
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a dragging bug #283

Open kyleada opened 9 years ago

kyleada commented 9 years ago

Hello, when I drag the widgets, sometimes it happens one widget stack on top of the other when they stop. I check the elements, found the style marginTop is changing fast and continuously.

how can I deal with it? Thank you

andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

I have found a scenario to 100% reproduce it.

  1. Make small widget on left top corner.
  2. Place bigger widget just under it.
  3. Drag big widget to top of small widget.
  4. Overlay happened.


andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

Temporary workaround:

          draggable: {
            handle: '.drag-handler', // optional selector for resize handle
            stop: function () {
              //TODO: remove after will be fixed
              var GridsterCtrl = $element.find('*[gridster]').controller('gridster');
              var gridsterItems = $element.find('*[gridster-item]');
              gridsterItems.each(function (indes, node) {
                var ctrl = angular.element(node).controller('gridsterItem');
prochafilho commented 9 years ago

I could not get this to work using the temporary workaround...

andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

@prochafilho Maybe you have some different grid markup or something. Did you debug it to be sure that everything in code works? What version did you use? I used 0.13.2

prochafilho commented 9 years ago

Oh I see.. Im on 0.11.7; I tried to switch to 0.13.2 but broke my entire layout

andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

@prochafilho anyway, you can find another code to handle that issue in same way.

prochafilho commented 9 years ago

Alright. Thank you though.

prochafilho commented 9 years ago

Hey, could you describe how this fixed this behavior? I'm running the latest gridster version and i still couldn't get this to work. I'm more curious than anything. Thank you.

andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

@prochafilho after drag finish it performs rearranging overlapped items by executing moveOverlappingItems method for each gridsterItem directive

ermakovich commented 9 years ago

@huston007 I suppose this workaround fixes issue only partially. While dragging you will still see ovelapped items.

andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

@ermakovich right. But something is better than nothing)

danomatic commented 8 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce this. In the demo I created a width 2 item under a width 1 item and resized/dragged the larger item over the item with width 1 and they repositioned correctly.

okonet commented 8 years ago

@huston007 :+1: for the workaround.

danomatic commented 8 years ago

Is this still an issue in the latest release? I cannot reproduce it.

ThiagoGF commented 8 years ago

The bug still exists in the latest release, it happens in any case, but is much easier to reproduce with full grids and gridster itens with "heavier" content.

Karillion commented 8 years ago

I made a plunkr which you can use to reproduce this:

Reproduction steps:

  1. Move "Widget 1" below "Widget 2
  2. Make "Widget 1" larger than "Widget 2"
  3. Move "Widget 1" on top of "Widget 2"
nerdni commented 6 years ago

Maybe you have any updates on this? I am also facing the same issue, workaround does not work.