ManifestWebDesign / angular-gridster

An implementation of gridster-like widgets for Angular JS
MIT License
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Save/Restore layout #327

Open Tyderion opened 9 years ago

Tyderion commented 9 years ago

Hi there :) I hope you understand what I'm trying to do and how I tried to do that.

I'm trying to create a dashboard-like page by using angular-gridster.

This dashboard can either be edited (dragging/adding/removing of widgets enabled) or not. While editing, items can be added or removed.

Upon cancelling the edit, the old grid and all all items should be restored.


Sometimes restoring the grid works perfectly, sometimes a lot more gridsterItems get added to the grid than widgets are available. I'll try to describe the steps I take to (sometimes) reproduce this problem. I did not yet find a series of steps which always result in the problem, but it does it from time to time.

  1. At start we have a visible widget at {col: 0, row: 0}
  2. Then we start editing (oldGrid = _.clone(gridster.grid)) -> oldGrid = [{col: 0, row: 0}]
  3. Then I remove this widget (gridster.removeItem({col: 0, row: 0}) and widgetElement.hide()
  4. Then I add an additional widget (gridsterElement.append($compile(widget2)(scope))
  5. Right now the grid is "identical" to the old one, we still just have 1 item in the topleft most position, but a new one
  6. Then I cancel the editing (gridster.grid = _.clone(oldGrid), widgetElement.unhide(), widget2.remove())
  7. Grid now contains: {col: 0, row: 0}as well as {col: 0, row: 1} instead of just the first.
  8. If I add new items now, there is an empty space between the widgets, this is the space where gridster.grid has an item but there is no corresponding HTML-widget.

Is there a better way to remove widgets from the grid than calling gridster.removeItem? Is there a better way to save/restore the grid than just copying and the restoring it?

Thanks for trying to help :)

Please feel free to ask me to clarify unclear passages/things.

P.S. I did not manage to create a jsfiddle which exhibits this behaviour, I will update this issue if I manage that.

andrey-skl commented 9 years ago

You shouldn't use $compile to add new widget. Just use angular model and ng-repeat:

<div gridster="gridsterOptions">
      <li gridster-item ng-repeat="widget in widgets">
        <dashboard-widget widget="widget"></dashboard-widget>

When you need to add a widget just push it into $scope.widgets.array. When you need to edit, just make copy of $scope.widgets and store it. When you need to restore, just place it back $scope.widgets = $scope.storedWidgets. Should work.

Tyderion commented 9 years ago

thats a very good point, it somehow didn't even occur to me to do it with an ng-repeat.

Thanks for the heads up :)

jakepens71 commented 9 years ago

I use a combination of local storage and database (Oracle) saving as blob.

I have a button that calls a function in my controller:

$scope.dashboardJSON = angular.toJson($scope.standardItems);

    localStorageService.set("DashboardInfo", $scope.dashboardJSON);

    //Send HTTP request 'POST' to saveDashboard function in Rails controller
        method: 'POST',
        url: 'saveDashboard',
        data: {'dashboardInfo': $scope.dashboardJSON },
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
        }).success(function(data, status, headers, config)

        }).error(function(data, status, headers, config)



I use Rails as a backend web server so then it takes it from there to communicate with our Oracle database.

In order to load the desired content back into Gridster I have:

var dashboardInfo = localStorageService.get("DashboardInfo");

if (dashboardInfo == null)
    console.log("Loading from database");
    //Make an http request to get the current logged in user's saved dashboard
        method: 'get',
        url: 'getSavedDashboard',
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
        }).success(function(data, status, headers, config)

            if (data == null)

                var parsedDashboard = angular.fromJson(data);

                for(var i = 0; i < parsedDashboard.length; i++)

                $scope.dashboardJSON = angular.toJson($scope.standardItems);
                localStorageService.set("DashboardInfo", $scope.dashboardJSON)

        }).error(function(data, status, headers, config)

    console.log("Loading from Local Storage");
    var parsedDashboard = angular.fromJson(dashboardInfo);
    for(var i = 0; i < parsedDashboard.length; i++)

$scope.standardItems is already linked to Gridster. When the items are being returned they get automatically placed into gridster in their original spots.

I dont seem to have any trouble with Gridster when bringing objects back. I can move them around and resize them.

If it helps any, I have this as the gridster optoins:

$scope.gridsterOptions = {
        margins: [50, 50],
        columns: 2,
        draggable: {
            handle: 'h3'
        width: 'auto',
        margins: [10, 10],
        rowHeight: 'auto',
        resize: {
            enabled: true,
             stop: function (event, ui) {


Its a pretty basic set up.