ManiiXu / VINS-Fusion-RGBD

This is a specific verision of VINS-Fusion that supports RGB-D sensors. 一种可支持RGB-D传感器的VINS-Fusion算法。
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dataset and conifg file #3

Open lbw0502 opened 3 years ago

lbw0502 commented 3 years ago


thanks for your work! I want to run the rgbd+imu mode. And I tried the dataset of, but the trajectory drifts.

Could you please provide some dataset and corresponding configuration file where you test it? Or is there any public dataset that rbgd+imu has been successfully tested with?

wolfcanli commented 1 year ago


Hi, have you solved the drift problem? I also tried the dataset of I got a trajectory like the picture below by input the "Handheld-Normal.bag" dataset.