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A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
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Help with mapbox_earcut error #1824

Closed Npurnomo closed 2 years ago

Npurnomo commented 2 years ago


Description of error

I have just tried installing manim on an M1 Macbook. I went through the installation and got to creating the quickstart project given here :

When I executed the command, the below error appeared. Have anyone experienced this issue?

from mapbox_earcut import triangulate_float32 as earcut
ImportError: dlopen(/Users/.../miniforge3/envs/myenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/, 2): no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /Users/.../miniforge3/envs/myenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ mach-o, but wrong architecture
        /Users/.../miniforge3/envs/myenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ mach-o, but wrong architecture

Installation logs


System specifications

System Details - OS (with version, e.g Windows 10 v2004 or macOS 10.15 (Catalina)): macOS 11.4 M1 - RAM: 8 GB - Python version (`python/py/python3 --version`): 3.9 - Installed modules (provide output from `pip list`): ``` Package Version ------------------- ------- appdirs 1.4.4 appnope 0.1.2 argon2-cffi 20.1.0 async-generator 1.10 attrs 20.3.0 backcall 0.2.0 bleach 3.3.0 cffi 1.14.5 decorator 4.4.2 defusedxml 0.7.1 distlib 0.3.1 entrypoints 0.3 filelock 3.0.12 ipykernel 5.5.0 ipython 7.21.0 ipython-genutils 0.2.0 ipywidgets 7.6.3 jedi 0.18.0 Jinja2 2.11.3 jsonschema 3.2.0 jupyter 1.0.0 jupyter-client 6.1.11 jupyter-console 6.2.0 jupyter-core 4.7.1 jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2 jupyterlab-widgets 1.0.0 MarkupSafe 1.1.1 mistune 0.8.4 nbclient 0.5.3 nbconvert 6.0.7 nbformat 5.1.2 nest-asyncio 1.5.1 notebook 6.2.0 numpy 1.20.1 packaging 20.9 pandocfilters 1.4.3 parso 0.8.1 pexpect 4.8.0 pickleshare 0.7.5 pip 21.0.1 prometheus-client 0.9.0 prompt-toolkit 3.0.16 ptyprocess 0.7.0 pycparser 2.20 Pygments 2.8.1 pyparsing 2.4.7 pyrsistent 0.17.3 python-dateutil 2.8.1 pytz 2021.1 pyzmq 22.0.3 qtconsole 5.0.2 QtPy 1.9.0 Send2Trash 1.5.0 setuptools 41.2.0 six 1.15.0 terminado 0.9.2 testpath 0.4.4 tornado 6.1 traitlets 5.0.5 virtualenv 20.4.2 wcwidth 0.2.5 webencodings 0.5.1 wheel 0.33.1 widgetsnbextension 3.5.1 WARNING: You are using pip version 21.0.1; however, version 21.1.3 is available. You should consider upgrading via the '/Applications/ -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. ```
LaTeX details + LaTeX distribution (e.g. TeX Live 2020): + Installed LaTeX packages:

quran-de: German translations to the quran package i quran-ur: Urdu translations to the quran package i qyxf-book: Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu i r_und_s: Chemical hazard codes i ragged2e: Alternative versions of "ragged"-type commands i raleway: Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems i ran_toks: Randomise token strings i randbild: Marginal pictures i random: Generating "random" numbers in TeX i randomlist: Deal with database, loop, and random in order to build personalized exercises i randomwalk: Random walks using TikZ i randtext: Randomise the order of characters in strings i rank-2-roots: Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems i rccol: Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular i rcs: Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents i rcs-multi: Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents i rcsinfo: Support for the revision control system i readablecv: A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class i readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data i realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument i realhats: Put real hats on symbols instead of ^ i realscripts: Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs i realtranspose: The "real" way to transpose a Matrix i rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers i recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes i recipebook: Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing i recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes i rectopma: Recycle top matter i recycle: A font providing the "recyclable" logo i refcheck: Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc) i refcount: Counter operations with label references i refenums: Define named items and provide back-references with that name i reflectgraphics: Techniques for reflecting graphics i refman: Format technical reference manuals i refstyle: Advanced formatting of cross references i regcount: Display the allocation status of the TeX registers i regexpatch: High level patching of commands i register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers) i regstats: Information about register use i reledmac: Typeset scholarly editions i relenc: A "relaxed" font encoding i relsize: Set the font size relative to the current font size i reotex: Draw Reo Channels and Circuits i repeatindex: Repeat items in an index after a page or column break i repere: Diagrams for school mathematics i repltext: Control how text gets copied from a PDF file i rerunfilecheck: Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files i resphilosophica: Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica i rest-api: Describing a rest api i resumecls: Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese i resumemac: Plain TeX macros for resumes i returntogrid: Semi-automatic grid typesetting i reverxii: Playing Reversi in TeX i revquantum: Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful i revtex: Styles for various Physics Journals i revtex4: Styles for various Physics Journals (old version) i revtex4-1: Styles for various Physics Journals i rgltxdoc: Common code for documentation of the author's packages i ribbonproofs: Drawing ribbon proofs i rjlparshap: Support for use of \parshape in LaTeX i rlepsf: Rewrite labels in EPS graphics i rmathbr: Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations i rmpage: A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX i roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts i robustcommand: Declare robust command, with \newcommand checks i robustindex: Create index with pagerefs i roex: Metafont-PostScript conversions i rojud: A font with the images of the counties of Romania i romanbar: Write roman number with "bars" i romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers i romande: Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support i romanneg: Roman page numbers negative i romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits i rosario: Using the free Rosario fonts with LaTeX i rotfloat: Rotate floats i rotpages: Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards i roundbox: Round boxes in LaTeX i roundrect: MetaPost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles (optionally with text) i rrgtrees: Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with LaTeX i rsc: BibTeX style for use with RSC journals i rsfs: Ralph Smith's Formal Script font i rsfso: A mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs i rterface: Access to R analysis from within a document i rtkinenc: Input encoding with fallback procedures i rtklage: A package for German lawyers i rubik: Document Rubik cube configurations and rotation sequences i rubik.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of rubik i ruhyphen: Russian hyphenation i ruler: A typographic ruler for TeX i rulerbox: Draw rulers around a box i rulercompass: A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams i runcode: Execute foreign source code and embed the result in the pdf file i russ: LaTeX in Russian, without babel i rutitlepage: Radboud University Titlepage Package i rviewport: Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion i rvwrite: Increase the number of available output streams in LaTeX i ryersonsgsthesis: Ryerson School of Graduate Studies thesis template i ryethesis: Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements i sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures i sageep: Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS i sanitize-umlaut: Sanitize umlauts for MakeIndex and pdfLaTeX i sankey: Draw Sankey diagrams with TikZ i sanskrit: Sanskrit support i sanskrit-t1: Type 1 version of 'skt' fonts for Sanskrit i sansmath: Maths in a sans font i sansmathaccent: Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths i sansmathfonts: Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths i sapthesis: Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome i sasnrdisplay: Typeset SAS or R code or output i sauerj: A bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer i sauter: Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts i sauterfonts: Use Sauter's fonts in LaTeX i savefnmark: Save name of the footnote mark for reuse i savesym: Redefine symbols where names conflict i savetrees: Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document i scale: Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2) i scalebar: Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos i scalerel: Constrained scaling and stretching of objects i scanpages: Support importing and embellishing scanned documents i schedule: Weekly schedules i schemabloc: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ i schemata: Print topical diagrams i scheme-basic: basic scheme (plain and latex) i scheme-context: ConTeXt scheme i scheme-full: full scheme (everything) i scheme-gust: GUST TeX Live scheme i scheme-infraonly: infrastructure-only scheme (no TeX at all) i scheme-medium: medium scheme (small + more packages and languages) i scheme-minimal: minimal scheme (plain only) i scheme-small: small scheme (basic + xetex, metapost, a few languages) i scheme-tetex: teTeX scheme (more than medium, but nowhere near full) i scholax: Extension of TeXGyreSchola (New Century Schoolbook) with math support i schooldocs: Various layout styles for school documents i schule: Support for teachers at German schools i schulmathematik: Commands and document classes for German-speaking teachers of mathematics and physics i schulschriften: German "school scripts" from Suetterlin to the present day i schwalbe-chess: Typeset the German chess magazine "Die Schwalbe" i scientific-thesis-cover: Provides cover page and affirmation at the end of a thesis i sciposter: Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger i sclang-prettifier: Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code i scontents: Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files i scratch: Draw programs like "scratch" i scratch3: Draw programs like "scratch" i scratchx: Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents i screenplay: A class file to typeset screenplays i screenplay-pkg: Package version of the screenplay document class i scrjrnl: Typeset diaries or journals i scrlayer-fancyhdr: Combining package fancyhdr with KOMA-Script's scrlayer i scrlttr2copy: A letter class option file for the automatic creation of copies i scsnowman: Snowman variants using TikZ i sdaps: LaTeX support files for SDAPS i sdrt: Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory i sduthesis: Thesis Template of Shandong University i secdot: Section numbers with trailing dots i secnum: A macro to format section numbering intuitively i section: Modifying section commands in LaTeX i sectionbox: Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections i sectionbreak: LaTeX support for section breaks i sectsty: Control sectional headers i seealso: Improve the performance of \see macros with makeindex i seetexk: Utilities for manipulating DVI files i seetexk.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of seetexk i selectp: Select pages to be output i selinput: Semi-automatic detection of input encoding i selnolig: Selectively disable typographic ligatures i semantex: Semantic, keyval-based mathematics i semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics i semantic-markup: Meaningful semantic markup in the spirit of the Text Encoding Initiative i semaphor: Semaphore alphabet font i semesterplanner: Create beautiful semester timetables and more i seminar: Make overhead slides i semioneside: Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout i semproc: Seminar proceedings i semtex: Deals with stripped SemanTeX documents i sepfootnotes: Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files i sepnum: Print numbers in a "friendly" format i seqsplit: Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way i serbian-apostrophe: Commands for Serbian words with apostrophes i serbian-date-lat: Updated date typesetting for Serbian i serbian-def-cyr: Serbian cyrillic localization i serbian-lig: Control ligatures in Serbian i sesamanuel: Class and package for sesamath books or paper i sesstime: Session and timing information in lecture notes i setdeck: Typeset cards for Set i setspace: Set space between lines i seuthesis: LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University i seuthesix: LaTeX class for theses at Southeast University, Nanjing, China i sexam: Package for typesetting arabic exam scripts i sf298: Standard form 298 i sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts i sfg: Draw signal flow graphs i sfmath: Sans-serif mathematics i sgame: LaTeX style for typesetting strategic games i shade: Shade pieces of text i shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded i shadow: Shadow boxes i shadowtext: Produce text with a shadow behind it i shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes i shapes: Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with MetaPost i shdoc: Float environment to document the shell commands of a terminal session i shipunov: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes i shobhika: An OpenType Devanagari font designed for scholars i short-math-guide: Guide to using amsmath and related packages to typeset mathematical notation with LaTeX i shortmathj: Automatically shortify titles of mathematical journals i shorttoc: Table of contents with different depths i show2e: Variants of \show for LaTeX2e i showcharinbox: Show characters inside a box i showdim: Variants on printing dimensions i showexpl: Typesetting LaTeX source code i showhyphens: Show all possible hyphenations in LuaLaTeX i showlabels: Show label commands in the margin i showtags: Print the tags of bibliography entries i shtthesis: An unofficial LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University i shuffle: A symbol for the shuffle product i sidecap: Typeset captions sideways i sidenotes: Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin i sides: A LaTeX class for typesetting stage plays i signchart: Create beautifully typeset sign charts i silence: Selective filtering of error messages and warnings i simple-resume-cv: Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX i simple-thesis-dissertation: Template for a simple thesis or dissertation (Ph.D. or master's degree) or technical report, in XeLaTeX i simplebnf: A simple package to format Backus-Naur form (BNF) i simplecd: Simple CD, DVD covers for printing i simplecv: A simple class for writing curricula vitae i simpleinvoice: Easy typesetting of invoices i simplekv: A simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX i simpleoptics: Drawing lenses and mirrors for optical diagrams i simpler-wick: Simpler Wick contractions i simplewick: Simple Wick contractions i simplified-latex: A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX i simplivre: Write your books in a simple and clear way i simurgh: Typeset Parsi in LuaLaTeX i sitem: Save the optional argument of \item i siunitx: A comprehensive (SI) units package i skak: Fonts and macros for typesetting chess games i skaknew: The skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1 i skb: Tools for a repository of long-living documents i skdoc: Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes i skeldoc: Placeholders for unfinished documents i skeycommand: Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel i skeyval: Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys i skills: Create proficiency tests i skmath: Extensions to the maths command repertoir i skrapport: 'Simple' class for reports, etc. i skull: A font to draw a skull i slantsc: Access different-shaped small-caps fonts i slideshow: Generate slideshow with MetaPost i smalltableof: Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter i smartdiagram: Generate diagrams from lists i smartref: Extend LaTeX's \ref capability i smartunits: Converting between common metric and Imperial units i snapshot: List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document i snotez: Typeset notes, in the margin i songbook: Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books i songs: Produce song books for church or fellowship i sort-by-letters: Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting i soton: University of Southampton-compliant slides i soul: Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more i soulpos: A fancy means of underlining i soulutf8: Permit use of UTF-8 characters in soul i soup: Generate alphabet soup puzzles i sourcecodepro: Use SourceCodePro with TeX(-alike) systems i sourcesanspro: Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems i sourceserifpro: Use SourceSerifPro with TeX(-alike) systems i spacingtricks: Dealing with some spacing issues i spalign: Typeset matrices and arrays with spaces and semicolons as delimiters i spark-otf: Support OpenType Spark fonts i sparklines: Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics i spath3: Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF i spectral: Spectral fonts with LaTeX support i spectralsequences: Print spectral sequence diagrams using PGF/TikZ i spelling: Support for spell-checking of LuaTeX documents i sphack: Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros i sphdthesis: LaTeX template for writing PhD Thesis i spie: Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts i spix: Yet another TeX compilation tool: simple, human readable, no option, no magic i spix.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of spix i splines: MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants i splitbib: Split and reorder your bibliography i splitindex: Unlimited number of indexes i splitindex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of splitindex i spot: Spotlight highlighting for Beamer i spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX i spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments i spverbatim: Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output i sr-vorl: Class for Springer books i srbook-mem: Support for use of memoir in Serbian i srcltx: Jump between DVI and TeX files i srcredact: A tool for redacting sources i srcredact.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of srcredact i srdp-mathematik: Typeset Austrian SRDP in mathematics i sseq: Typesetting spectral sequence charts i sslides: Slides with headers and footers i stack: Tools to define and use stacks i stackengine: Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc i stage: A LaTeX class for stage plays i standalone: Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document i stanli: TikZ Library for Structural Analysis i starfont: The StarFont Sans astrological font i startex: An XML-inspired format for student use i startlatex2e: A guide to getting started with LaTeX2e i statex: Statistics style i statex2: Statistics style i statistics: Compute and typeset statistics tables and graphics i statistik: Store statistics of a document i statmath: A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation i staves: Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters i stdclsdv: Provide sectioning information for package writers i stdpage: Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each i stealcaps: "Steal" small capitals i steinmetz: Print Steinmetz notation i stellenbosch: Stellenbosch thesis bundle i step: A free Times-like font i stepgreek: A free Times/Elsevier-style Greek font i stex: An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents i stickstoo: A reworking of STIX2 i stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts i stix2-otf: OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts i stix2-type1: Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts i stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science i storebox: Storing information for reuse i storecmd: Store the name of a defined command in a container i stricttex: Strictly balanced brackets and numbers in command names i stringenc: Converting a string between different encodings i stringstrings: String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application i structmech: A TikZ command set for structural mechanics drawings i struktex: Draw Nassi-Shneiderman charts i sttools: Various macros i stubs: Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page i studenthandouts: Management and styling of student handout projects i sty2dtx: Create a .dtx file from a .sty file i sty2dtx.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of sty2dtx i suanpan: MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci i subdepth: Unify maths subscript height i subdocs: Multifile documents i subeqn: Package for subequation numbering i subeqnarray: Equation array with sub numbering i subfig: Figures broken into subfigures i subfigmat: Automates layout when using the subfigure package i subfigure: Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures i subfiles: Individual typesetting of subfiles of a "main" document i subfloat: Sub-numbering for figures and tables i substances: A database of chemicals i substitutefont: Easy font substitution i substr: Deal with substrings in strings i subsupscripts: A range of sub- and superscript commands i subtext: Easy text-style subscripts in math mode i sudoku: Create sudoku grids i sudokubundle: A set of sudoku-related packages i suftesi: A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles i sugconf: SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class i superiors: Attach superior figures to a font family i supertabular: A multi-page tables package i suppose: Abbreviate the word "Suppose" i susy: Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work i svg: Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents i svg-inkscape: How to include an SVG image in LaTeX using Inkscape i svgcolor: Define SVG named colours i svn: Typeset Subversion keywords i svn-multi: Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents i svn-multi.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of svn-multi i svn-prov: Subversion variants of \Provides... macros i svninfo: Typeset Subversion keywords i svrsymbols: A font with symbols for use in physics texts i swebib: Swedish bibliography styles i swfigure: Insert large images that do not fit into a single page i swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances i swrule: Lines thicker in the middle than at the ends i syllogism: Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX i symbol: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX i sympytexpackage: Include symbolic computation (using sympy) in documents i synctex: engine-level feature synchronizing output and source i synctex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of synctex i synproof: Easy drawing of syntactic proofs i syntax: Creation of syntax diagrams i syntaxdi: Create "railroad" syntax diagrams i syntrace: Labels for tracing in a syntax tree i synttree: Typeset syntactic trees i systeme: Format systems of equations i t-angles: Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures i t1utils: Simple Type 1 font manipulation programs i t1utils.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of t1utils i t2: Support for using T2 encoding i tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures i table-fct: Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of its graph i tableaux: Construct tables of signs and variations i tablefootnote: Permit footnotes in tables i tableof: Tagging tables of contents i tablestyles: Styles for tables with new commands i tablists: Tabulated lists of short items i tablor: Create tables of signs and of variations i tabls: Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays i tablvar: Typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage i tabriz-thesis: A template for the University of Tabriz i tabstackengine: "Tabbing" front-end to stackengine i tabto-generic: "Tab" to a measured position in the line i tabto-ltx: "Tab" to a measured position in the line i tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars i tabularborder: Remove excess space at left and right of tabular i tabularcalc: Calculate formulas in a tabular environment i tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment i tabulary: Tabular with variable width columns balanced i tabvar: Typesetting tables showing variations of functions i tagging: Document configuration with tags i tagpair: Word-by-word glosses, translations, and bibliographic attributions i tagpdf: Tools for experimenting with tagging using pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX i talk: A LaTeX class for presentations i tamefloats: Experimentally use \holdinginserts with LaTeX floats i tamethebeast: A manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX i tap: TeX macros for typesetting complex tables i tapir: A simple geometrical font i tasks: Horizontally columned lists i tcldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl i tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc i tdclock: A ticking digital clock package for PDF output i tds: The TeX Directory Structure standard i tdsfrmath: Macros for French teachers of mathematics i technics: A package to format technical documents i technion-thesis-template: Template for theses on the Technion graduate school i ted: A (primitive) token list editor i templates-fenn: Templates for TeX usage i templates-sommer: Templates for TeX usage i templatetools: Commands useful in LaTeX templates i tempora: Greek and Cyrillic to accompany Times i tengwarscript: LaTeX support for using Tengwar fonts i tensind: Typeset tensors i tensor: Typeset tensors i termcal: Print a class calendar i termcal-de: German localization for termcal i termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter i termmenu: The package provides support for terminal-based menus using expl3 i testhyphens: Testing hyphenation patterns i testidx: Dummy text for testing index styles and indexing applications i tetragonos: Four-Corner codes of Chinese characters i teubner: Philological typesetting of classical Greek i tex: A sophisticated typesetting engine i tex-ewd: Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style i tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors i tex-gyre: TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts i tex-gyre-math: Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts i tex-ini-files: Model TeX format creation files i tex-label: Place a classification on each page of a document i tex-locale: Localisation support for TeX and LaTeX documents i tex-nutshell: A short document about TeX principles i tex-overview: An overview of the development of TeX i tex-ps: TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons i tex-refs: References for TeX and Friends i tex-virtual-academy-pl: TeX usage web pages, in Polish i tex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tex i tex4ebook: Convertor from LaTeX to ebook formats i tex4ebook.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tex4ebook i tex4ht: Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML i tex4ht.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tex4ht i texapi: Macros to write format-independent packages i texbytopic: Freed version of the book TeX by Topic i texcount: Count words in a LaTeX document i texcount.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texcount i texdate: Date printing, formatting, and manipulation in TeX i texdef: Display the definitions of TeX commands i texdef.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texdef i texdiff: Compare documents and produce tagged merge i texdiff.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texdiff i texdirflatten: Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory i texdirflatten.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texdirflatten i texdoc: Documentation access for TeX Live i texdoc.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texdoc i texdoctk: Easy access to package documentation i texdoctk.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texdoctk i texdraw: Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript i texfot: Filter clutter from the output of a TeX run i texfot.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texfot i texilikechaps: Format chapters with a texi-like format i texilikecover: A cover-page package, like TeXinfo i texinfo: Texinfo documentation system i texlive-common: TeX Live documentation (common elements) i texlive-cz: TeX Live manual (Czech/Slovak) i texlive-de: TeX Live manual (German) i texlive-docindex: top-level TeX Live doc.html, etc. i texlive-en: TeX Live manual (English) i texlive-es: TeX Live manual (Spanish) i texlive-fr: TeX Live manual (French) i texlive-it: TeX Live manual (Italian) i texlive-ja: TeX Live manual (Japanese) i texlive-msg-translations: translations of the TeX Live installer and TeX Live Manager i texlive-pl: TeX Live manual (Polish) i texlive-ru: TeX Live manual (Russian) i texlive-scripts: TeX Live infrastructure programs i texlive-scripts-extra: TeX Live scripts i texlive-scripts-extra.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texlive-scripts-extra i texlive-scripts.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texlive-scripts i texlive-sr: TeX Live manual (Serbian) i texlive-zh-cn: TeX Live manual (Chinese) i texlive.infra: basic TeX Live infrastructure i texlive.infra.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texlive.infra i texliveonfly: On-the-fly download of missing TeX live packages i texliveonfly.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texliveonfly i texloganalyser: Analyse TeX logs i texloganalyser.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texloganalyser i texlogos: Ready-to-use LaTeX logos i texmate: Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX i texments: Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX i texnegar: Kashida justification in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX i texonly: A sample document in Plain TeX i texosquery: Cross-platform Java application to query OS information i texosquery.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texosquery i texplate: A tool for creating document structures based on templates i texplate.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texplate i texpower: Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX i texproposal: A proposal prototype for LaTeX promotion in Chinese universities i texshade: Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments i texsis: Plain TeX macros for Physicists i texsis.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texsis i textcase: Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc i textfit: Fit text to a desired size i textglos: Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations i textgreek: Upright greek letters in text i textmerg: Merge text in TeX and LaTeX i textopo: Annotated membrane protein topology plots i textpath: Setting text along a path with MetaPost i textpos: Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page i textualicomma: Use the textual comma character as decimal separator in math mode i texvc: Use MediaWiki LaTeX commands i texware: Utility programs for use with TeX i texware.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of texware i texworks: friendly cross-platform front end i tfrupee: A font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol i thaienum: Thai labels in enumerate environments i thaispec: Thai Language Typesetting in XeLaTeX i thalie: Typeset drama plays i theanodidot: TheanoDidot fonts with LaTeX support i theanomodern: Theano Modern fonts with LaTeX support i theanooldstyle: Theano OldStyle fonts with LaTeX support i theatre: A sophisticated package for typesetting stage plays i theoremref: References with automatic theorem names i thesis-ekf: Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly University i thesis-gwu: Thesis class for George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science i thesis-qom: Thesis style of the University of Qom, Iran i thesis-titlepage-fhac: Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis i thinsp: A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX i thmbox: Decorate theorem statements i thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments i threadcol: Organize document columns into PDF "article thread" i threeddice: Create images of dice with one, two, or three faces showing, using MetaPost i threeparttable: Tables with captions and notes all the same width i threeparttablex: Notes in longtables i thuaslogos: Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) i thucoursework: Coursework template for Tsinghua University i thumb: Thumb marks in documents i thumbpdf: Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf i thumbpdf.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of thumbpdf i thumbs: Create thumb indexes i thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books i thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University i ticket: Make labels, visiting-cards, pins with LaTeX i ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator i tie: Allow multiple web change files i tie.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tie i tikz-3dplot: Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ i tikz-among-us: Create some AmongUs characters in TikZ environments i tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs i tikz-bbox: Precise determination of bounding boxes in TikZ i tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ i tikz-dependency: A library for drawing dependency graphs i tikz-dimline: Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ i tikz-feynhand: Feynman diagrams with TikZ i tikz-feynman: Feynman diagrams with TikZ i tikz-imagelabels: Put labels on images using TikZ i tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ i tikz-kalender: A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ i tikz-karnaugh: Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ i tikz-ladder: Draw ladder diagrams using TikZ i tikz-lake-fig: Schematic diagrams of lakes i tikz-layers: TikZ provides graphical layers on TikZ: "behind", "above" and "glass" i tikz-nef: Create diagrams for neural networks constructed with the methods of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) i tikz-network: Draw networks with TikZ i tikz-opm: Typeset OPM diagrams i tikz-optics: A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ i tikz-page: Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials i tikz-palattice: Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ i tikz-planets: Illustrate celestial mechanics and the solar system i tikz-qtree: Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ i tikz-relay: TikZ library for typesetting electrical diagrams i tikz-sfc: Symbols collection for typesetting Sequential Function Chart (SFC) diagrams (PLC programs) i tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures i tikz-trackschematic: A TikZ library for creating track diagrams in railways i tikz-truchet: Draw Truchet tiles i tikzcodeblocks: Helps to draw codeblocks like scratch, NEPO and PXT in TikZ i tikzducks: A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ i tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions i tikzlings: A collection of cute little animals and similar creatures i tikzmark: Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page i tikzmarmots: Drawing little marmots in TikZ i tikzorbital: Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ i tikzpackets: Display network packets i tikzpagenodes: A single TikZ node for the whole page i tikzpeople: Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ i tikzpfeile: Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ i tikzposter: Create scientific posters using TikZ i tikzscale: Resize pictures while respecting text size i tikzsymbols: Some symbols created using TikZ i tikztosvg: A utility for rendering TikZ diagrams to SVG i tikztosvg.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tikztosvg i tile-graphic: Create tiles of a graphical file i timbreicmc: Typeset documents with ICMC/USP watermarks i times: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX i timetable: Generate timetables i timing-diagrams: Draw timing diagrams i tinos: Tinos fonts with LaTeX support i tipa: Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters i tipa-de: German translation of tipa documentation i tipfr: Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ i titlecaps: Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps i titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page i titlepages: Sample titlepages, and how to code them i titlepic: Add picture to title page of a document i titleref: A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles i titlesec: Select alternative section titles i titling: Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command i tkz-base: Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system i tkz-berge: Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory i tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages i tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry i tkz-fct: Tools for drawing graphs of functions i tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs i tkz-orm: Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams i tkz-tab: Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ i tlc-article: A LaTeX document class for formal documents i tlc2: Examples from "The LaTeX Companion", second edition i tlcockpit: A GUI frontend to TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) i tlcockpit.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tlcockpit i tlmgrbasics: A simplified documentation for tlmgr i tlshell: GUI frontend (tcl/tk-based) for tlmgr i tlshell.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tlshell i tocbibind: Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents i tocdata: Adds names to chapters, sections, figures in the TOC and LOF i tocloft: Control table of contents, figures, etc i tocvsec2: Section numbering and table of contents control i todo: Make a to-do list for a document i todonotes: Marking things to do in a LaTeX document i tokcycle: Build tools to process tokens from an input stream i tokenizer: A tokenizer i toolbox: Tool macros i tools: The LaTeX standard tools bundle i topfloat: Move floats to the top of the page i topiclongtable: Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically i topletter: Letter class for the Politecnico di Torino i toptesi: Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses i totalcount: Commands for typesetting total values of counters i totcount: Find the last value of a counter i totpages: Count pages in a document, and report last page number i tpic2pdftex: Use tpic commands in pdfTeX i tpic2pdftex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of tpic2pdftex i tpslifonts: A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts i tqft: Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF i tracklang: Language and dialect tracker i trajan: Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome i tram: Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX i translation-array-fr: French translation of the documentation of array i translation-arsclassica-de: German version of arsclassica i translation-biblatex-de: German translation of the User Guide for BibLaTeX i translation-chemsym-de: German version of chemsym i translation-dcolumn-fr: French translation of the documentation of dcolumn i translation-ecv-de: Ecv documentation, in German i translation-enumitem-de: Enumitem documentation, in German i translation-europecv-de: German version of europecv i translation-filecontents-de: German version of filecontents i translation-moreverb-de: German version of moreverb i translation-natbib-fr: French translation of the documentation of natbib i translation-tabbing-fr: French translation of the documentation of Tabbing i translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages i translator: Easy translation of strings in LaTeX i transparent: Using a color stack for transparency with pdfTeX i tree-dvips: Trees and other linguists' macros i treetex: Draw trees i trfsigns: Typeset transform signs i trigonometry: Demonstration code for cos and sin in TeX macros i trimspaces: Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro i trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX i trsym: Symbols for transformations i truncate: Truncate text to a specified width i tsemlines: Support for the ancient \emline macro i ttfutils: convert TrueType to TFM and PK fonts i ttfutils.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of ttfutils i tucv: Support for typesetting a CV or resumee i tuda-ci: LaTeX templates of Technische Universitat Darmstadt i tudscr: Corporate Design of Technische Universitat Dresden i tufte-latex: Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte i tugboat: LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles i tugboat-plain: Plain TeX macros for TUGboat i tui: Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia i turabian: Create Turabian-formatted material using LaTeX i turabian-formatting: Formatting based on Turabian's Manual i turkmen: Babel support for Turkmen i turnstile: Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation i turnthepage: Provide "turn page" instructions i twemoji-colr: Twemoji font in COLR/CPAL layered format i twoinone: Print two pages on a single page i twoup: Print two virtual pages on each physical page i txfonts: Times-like fonts in support of mathematics i txfontsb: Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont i txgreeks: Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters i txuprcal: Upright calligraphic font based on TX calligraphic i type1cm: Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX i typed-checklist: Typesetting tasks, goals, milestones, artifacts, and more in LaTeX i typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts i typehtml: Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX i typeoutfileinfo: Display class/package/file information i typeoutfileinfo.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of typeoutfileinfo i typewriter: Typeset with a randomly variable monospace font i typicons: Font containing a set of web-related icons i typoaid: Macros for font diagnostics i typogrid: Print a typographic grid i tzplot: Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations i uaclasses: University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format i uafthesis: Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks i uantwerpendocs: Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style i uassign: Environments and options for typesetting university assignments i ucalgmthesis: LaTeX thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies i ucbthesis: Thesis and dissertation class supporting UCB requirements i ucdavisthesis: A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis i ucharcat: Implementation of the (new in 2015) XeTeX \Ucharcat command in lua, for LuaTeX i ucharclasses: Font actions in XeTeX according to what is being processed i ucs: Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX i ucsmonograph: Typesetting academic documents from the University of Caxias do Sul i ucthesis: University of California thesis format i udesoftec: Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen i uebungsblatt: A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets i uestcthesis: Thesis class for UESTC i uhc: Fonts for the Korean language i uhhassignment: A document class for typesetting homework assignments i uhrzeit: Time printing, in German i uiucredborder: Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms i uiucthesis: UIUC thesis class i ukrhyph: Hyphenation Patterns for Ukrainian i ulem: Package for underlining i ulqda: Support of Qualitative Data Analysis i ulqda.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of ulqda i ulthese: Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval i umbclegislation: A LaTeX class for building legislation files for UMBC Student Government Association Bills i umich-thesis: University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class i uml: UML diagrams in LaTeX i umlaute: German input encodings in LaTeX i umoline: Underline text allowing line breaking i umthesis: Dissertations at the University of Michigan i umtypewriter: Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package i unam-thesis: Create documents according to the UNAM guidelines i unamth-template: UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template i unamthesis: Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses i undergradmath: LaTeX Math for Undergraduates cheat sheet i underlin: Underlined running heads i underoverlap: Position decorations over and under expressions i underscore: Control the behaviour of "_" in text i undolabl: Override existing labels i unfonts-core: TrueType version of Un-fonts i unfonts-extra: TrueType version of Un-fonts i uni-wtal-ger: Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal i uni-wtal-lin: Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal i unicode-alphabets: Macros for using characters from Unicode's Private Use Area i unicode-bidi: Experimental unicode bidi package for XeTeX i unicode-data: Unicode data and loaders for TeX i unicode-math: Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX i unifith: Typeset theses for University of Florence (Italy) i uninormalize: Unicode normalization support i uniquecounter: Provides unlimited unique counter i unisugar: Define syntactic sugar for Unicode LaTeX i unitconv: Convert a length into one with another unit i unitipa: TIPA typefaces with Unicode characters as input i unitn-bimrep: A bimonthly report class for the PhD School of Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering i units: Typeset units i unitsdef: Typesetting units in LaTeX i universa: Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font i universalis: Universalis font, with support i univie-ling: Papers, theses and research proposals in (Applied) Linguistics at Vienna University i unizgklasa: A LaTeX class for theses at the Faculty Of Graphic Arts in Zagreb i unravel: Watching TeX digest tokens i unswcover: Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines i uothesis: Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon i uowthesis: Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong i uowthesistitlepage: Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong i upca: Print UPC-A barcodes i uplatex: pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for upTeX i uplatex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of uplatex i upmethodology: Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies i uppunctlm: Always keep upright shape for some punctuation marks and Arabic numerals i upquote: Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim i uptex: Unicode version of pTeX i uptex-base: Plain TeX formats and documents for upTeX i uptex-fonts: Fonts for use with upTeX i uptex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of uptex i upzhkinsoku: Supplementary Chinese kinsoku for Unicode *pTeX i urcls: Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg i uri: Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs i url: Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks i urlbst: Web support for BibTeX i urlbst.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of urlbst i urwchancal: Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet i usebib: A simple bibliography processor i ushort: Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars i uspace: Giving meaning to various Unicode space characters i uspatent: U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX i ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style i utexasthesis: University of Texas at Austin graduate thesis style i utf8add: Additional support for UTF-8 encoded LaTeX input i utf8mex: Tools to produce formats that read Polish language input i utfsym: Provides various Unicode symbols i utopia: Adobe Utopia fonts i uwmslide: Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance i uwthesis: University of Washington thesis class i vak: BibTeX style for Russian Theses, books, etc i vancouver: Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals i variablelm: Font definitions for the variable Latin Modern fonts i variations: Typeset tables of variations of functions i varindex: Luxury frontend to the \index command i varisize: Change font size in Plain TeX i varsfromjobname: Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file i varwidth: A variable-width minipage i vaucanson-g: PSTricks macros for drawing automata i vcell: Vertical alignment of content inside table cells i vdmlisting: Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax i velthuis: Typeset Devanagari i velthuis.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of velthuis i venn: Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost i venndiagram: Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ i venturisadf: Venturis ADF fonts collection i verbasef: VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files i verbatimbox: Deposit verbatim text in a box i verbatimcopy: Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX i verbdef: Define commands which expand to verbatim text i verbments: Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents i verifica: Typeset (Italian high school) exercises i verifiche: A LaTeX package to typeset (Italian) high school tests i verse: Aids for typesetting simple verse i version: Conditionally include text i versions: Optionally omit pieces of text i versonotes: Display brief notes on verso pages i vertbars: Mark vertical rules in margin of text i vgrid: Overlay a grid on the printed page i vhistory: Support for creating a change log i visualfaq: A Visual LaTeX FAQ i visualpstricks: Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text i visualtikz: Visual help for TikZ based on images with minimum text i vlna: add ~ after non-syllabic preposition, for Czech/Slovak i vlna.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of vlna i vmargin: Set various page dimensions i vntex: Support for Vietnamese i vocaltract: Visualise the vocal tract using LaTeX and PSTricks i volumes: Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc i voss-mathcol: Typesetting mathematics in colour, in (La)TeX i vpe: Source specials for PDF output i vpe.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of vpe i vruler: Numbering text i vtable: Vertical alignement of table cells i vwcol: Variable-width multiple text columns i wadalab: Wadalab (Japanese) font packages i wallcalendar: A wall calendar class with custom layouts i wallpaper: Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling i warning: Global warnings at the end of the logfile i warpcol: Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars i was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt i wasy: The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts) i wasy-type1: Type 1 versions of wasy fonts i wasysym: LaTeX support for the wasy fonts i web: The original literate programming system i web.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of web i webguide: Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing i webquiz: Write interactive web based quizzes i webquiz.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of webquiz i widetable: An environment for typesetting tables of specified width i widows-and-orphans: Identify (typographic) widows and orphans i williams: Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams i willowtreebook: Easy basic book class, built on memoir i windycity: A Chicago style for BibLaTeX i withargs: In-place argument substitution i witharrows: "Aligned" math environments with arrows for comments i wnri: Ridgeway's fonts i wnri-latex: LaTeX support for wnri fonts i wordcount: Estimate the number of words in a LaTeX document i wordcount.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of wordcount i wordlike: Simulating word processor layout i worksheet: Easy creation of worksheets i wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around i wsemclassic: LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers i wsuipa: International Phonetic Alphabet fonts i wtref: Extend LaTeX's cross-reference system i xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments i xassoccnt: Associated counters stepping simultaneously i xbmks: Create a cross-document bookmark tree i xcharter: Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts i xcite: Use citation keys from a different document i xcjk2uni: Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdfTeX i xcntperchap: Track the number of subsections etc. that occur in a specified tracklevel i xcolor: Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX i xcolor-material: Defines the 256 colors from Google Material Color Palette i xcolor-solarized: Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette i xcomment: Allows selected environments to be included/excluded i xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes i xcpdftips: Natbib citations with PDF tooltips i xdoc: Extending the LaTeX doc system i xduthesis: XeLaTeX template for writing Xidian University Thesis i xdvi: A DVI previewer for the X Window System i xdvi.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xdvi i xebaposter: Create beautiful scientific Persian/Latin posters using TikZ i xechangebar: An extension of package changebar that can be used with XeLaTeX i xecjk: Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX i xecolor: Support for color in XeLaTeX i xecyr: Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX i xecyrmongolian: Basic support for the typesetting of Cyrillic Mongolian documents using (Xe|Lua)LaTeX i xeindex: Automatic index generation for XeLaTeX i xelatex-dev: (shortdesc missing) i xelatex-dev.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xelatex-dev i xellipsis: Extremely configurable ellipses with formats for various style manuals i xepersian: Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX i xepersian-hm: Fixes kashida feature in xepersian package i xesearch: A string finder for XeTeX i xespotcolor: Spot colours support for XeLaTeX i xetex: An extended variant of TeX for use with Unicode sources i xetex-devanagari: XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari i xetex-itrans: Itrans input maps for use with XeLaTeX i xetex-pstricks: Running PSTricks under XeTeX i xetex-tibetan: XeTeX input maps for Unicode Tibetan i xetex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xetex i xetexconfig: crop.cfg for XeLaTeX i xetexfontinfo: Report font features in XeTeX i xetexko: Typeset Korean with Xe(La)TeX i xetexref: Reference documentation of XeTeX i xevlna: Insert non-breakable spaces using XeTeX i xfakebold: Fake a regular font for bold characters i xfor: A reimplementation of the LaTeX for-loop macro i xgreek: XeLaTeX package for typesetting Greek language documents (beta release) i xhfill: Extending \hrulefill i xifthen: Extended conditional commands i xii: Christmas silliness (English) i xii-lat: Christmas silliness (Latin) i xindex: Unicode compatible index generation i xindex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xindex i xindy: A general-purpose index processor i xindy.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xindy i xint: Expandable operations on long numbers i xits: A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting i xkcdcolors: xkcd names of colors i xkeyval: Extension of the keyval package i xlop: Calculates and displays arithmetic operations i xltabular: Longtable support with possible X-column specifier i xltxtra: "Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX i xml2pmx: Convert MusicXML to PMX and MusiXTeX i xml2pmx.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xml2pmx i xmltex: Support for parsing XML documents i xmltex.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xmltex i xmltexconfig: configuration files for xmltex and pdfxmltex i xmpincl: Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in pdfLaTeX i xmuthesis: XMU thesis style i xnewcommand: Define \global and \protected commands with \newcommand i xoptarg: Expandable macros that take an optional argument i xpatch: Extending etoolbox patching commands i xpdfopen: Commands to control PDF readers, under X11 i xpdfopen.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of xpdfopen i xpeek: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream i xpiano: An extension of the piano package i xpicture: Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing i xpinyin: Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters i xprintlen: Print TeX lengths in a variety of units i xpunctuate: Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant i xq: Support for writing about xiangqi i xsavebox: Saveboxes for repeating content without code replication, based on PDF Form XObjects i xsim: eXercise Sheets IMproved i xskak: An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting i xstring: String manipulation for (La)TeX i xtab: Break tables across pages i xtuthesis: XTU thesis template i xunicode: Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs i xurl: Allow URL breaks at any alphanumerical character i xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages i xyling: Draw syntactic trees, etc., for linguistics literature, using xy-pic i xymtex: Typesetting chemical structures i xypic: Flexible diagramming macros i xypic-tut-pt: A tutorial for XY-pic, in Portuguese i xytree: Tree macros using XY-Pic i yafoot: A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages i yagusylo: A symbol loader i yaletter: Extremely flexible macros for letters, envelopes, and label sheets i yannisgr: Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous i yathesis: A LaTeX class for writing a thesis following French rules i yax: Yet Another Key System i yazd-thesis: A template for the Yazd University i ycbook: A versatile book class i ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages i yfonts: Support for old German fonts i yfonts-t1: Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format i yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX i yinit-otf: OTF conversion of Yannis Haralambous' Old German decorative initials i york-thesis: A thesis class file for York University, Toronto i youngtab: Typeset Young-Tableaux i yplan: Daily planner type calendar i yplan.universal-darwin: universal-darwin files of yplan i yquant: Typesetting quantum circuits in a human-readable language i ytableau: Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams i zapfchan: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX i zapfding: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX i zbmath-review-template: Template for a zbMATH Open review i zebra-goodies: A collection of handy macros for paper writing i zed-csp: Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications i zhlineskip: Line spacing for CJK documents i zhlipsum: Chinese dummy text i zhmetrics: TFM subfont files for using Chinese fonts in 8-bit TeX i zhmetrics-uptex: Chinese font metrics for upTeX i zhnumber: Typeset Chinese representations of numbers i zhspacing: Spacing for mixed CJK-English documents in XeTeX i ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode i zlmtt: Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts i zootaxa-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal Zootaxa i zref: A new reference scheme for LaTeX i zwgetfdate: Get package or file date i zwpagelayout: Page layout and crop-marks i zxjafbfont: Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK i zxjafont: Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX i zxjatype: Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX i zztex: A full-featured TeX macro package for producing books, journals, and manuals

FFMPEG Output of `ffmpeg -version`: ``` ffmpeg version 4.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2021 the FFmpeg developers built with Apple clang version 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9) configuration: --prefix=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.4_2 --enable-shared --enable-pthreads --enable-version3 --cc=clang --host-cflags= --host-ldflags= --enable-ffplay --enable-gnutls --enable-gpl --enable-libaom --enable-libbluray --enable-libdav1d --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-librav1e --enable-librubberband --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsrt --enable-libtesseract --enable-libtheora --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-lzma --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-frei0r --enable-libass --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libspeex --enable-libsoxr --enable-libzmq --enable-libzimg --disable-libjack --disable-indev=jack --enable-avresample --enable-videotoolbox libavutil 56. 70.100 / 56. 70.100 libavcodec 58.134.100 / 58.134.100 libavformat 58. 76.100 / 58. 76.100 libavdevice 58. 13.100 / 58. 13.100 libavfilter 7.110.100 / 7.110.100 libavresample 4. 0. 0 / 4. 0. 0 libswscale 5. 9.100 / 5. 9.100 libswresample 3. 9.100 / 3. 9.100 libpostproc 55. 9.100 / 55. 9.100 ```

Additional comments

behackl commented 2 years ago

I believe we managed to resolve this via Discord, correct me if this wasn't you -- the problem with errors like mach-o, but wrong architecture is that some dependencies (in this case mapbox_earcut) have been installed using the Rosetta compatibility layer (e.g., by running the pip install command from a terminal in Rosetta mode, or from a terminal within the Intel-version of VS Code ...).

In particular, this is not an issue with Manim, it's an unfortunate installation error. The easiest way of fixing it is by forcing a reinstall of these packages.