Open tobiasBora opened 1 month ago
you can already now address all separate paths and features from an SVG file by its position in the file - they all get an index in the list of sub-mobjects depending on their ordering in the SVG file. But yes, this is easily confused when you later modify the file.
Yes exactly. And I guess it is not obvious how to find the good element in a huge list.
My approach:
class index(Scene):
def construct(self):
for x in range(-7, 8):
for y in range(-4, 5):
if (x==0) and (y==0):
self.add(Dot(np.array([x, y, 0]),radius=0.03, color=RED))
self.add(Dot(np.array([x, y, 0]),radius=0.03, color=DARK_GREY))
circuit = SVGMobject(r"bilder/20240924_rinrut_03.svg",
stroke_color=WHITE, stroke_width=3, fill_color=WHITE,width=10)
bbox = Rectangle(height=circuit.height, width=circuit.width).move_to(circuit.get_center(),ORIGIN)
loc = bbox.get_critical_point(UL)
w = bbox.width
h = bbox.height
cf = 2*w + 2*h
dl = cf / (len(circuit)+3)
dir = [dl,0,0]
edge = 0
positions = []
for i in range(len(circuit)):
loc = loc + dir
if (edge == 0) and (loc[0] > bbox.get_critical_point(UP+RIGHT)[0]):
edge = 1
loc = loc - dir
dir = [0,-dl,0]
loc = loc + dir
if (edge == 1) and (loc[1] < bbox.get_critical_point(DOWN+RIGHT)[1]):
edge = 2
loc = loc - dir
dir = [-dl,0,0]
loc = loc + dir
if (edge == 2) and (loc[0] < bbox.get_critical_point(DOWN+LEFT)[0]):
edge = 3
loc = loc - dir
dir = [0,+dl,0]
loc = loc + dir
for i in range(len(circuit)):
shortest = 1e6
found = 0
for j in range(len(positions)):
dist = np.sqrt((circuit[i].get_center()[0]-positions[j][0])**2 + (circuit[i].get_center()[1]-positions[j][1])**2)
if dist < shortest:
shortest = dist
found = j
txt = Text("{}".format(i)).scale(0.15).move_to(positions[found]).set_color(color)
line = Line(circuit[i].get_center(),end=txt.get_center(), stroke_width=1).set_color(color)
# self.wait(1)
Ahah fun workaround to identify the element on medium-sized picture, thanks. Another advantage of id also is that it would (hopefully) also work for groups, so that I can refer to hundred elements at once using a single name.
Description of proposed feature
In the SVG format, it is possible to add an
attribute on a shape/group of shapes. It would be great to allow manim to get the list of sub-objects corresponding to a givenid
(for nowget_mobjects_from
will not be stable if later-on I add elements to my object).How can the new feature be used?
I could do a complicated drawing in inkscape, and animate it in manim, for instance by hiding/showing/moving elements based on their ID etc.