I propose adding Husky and Prettier to the project as development dependencies. Husky will enable us to automate pre-commit and pre-push hooks, ensuring code quality and formatting standards are maintained consistently. Prettier, when integrated with Husky, will automatically format the codebase according to a predefined style guide.
Some benefits:
1) Consistent Code Style: Husky and Prettier will enforce a consistent code style across the project, reducing code review overhead and enhancing readability.
2) Time-Saving: By automating code formatting, developers can focus more on writing code rather than manually formatting it, leading to increased productivity.
3) Error Prevention: Pre-commit hooks can be configured to run linters, unit tests, or any other relevant checks, catching potential issues before they get committed.
4) Collaboration: Standardized formatting and code quality practices foster better collaboration within the development team, as everyone is working with a common set of guidelines.
I propose adding Husky and Prettier to the project as development dependencies. Husky will enable us to automate pre-commit and pre-push hooks, ensuring code quality and formatting standards are maintained consistently. Prettier, when integrated with Husky, will automatically format the codebase according to a predefined style guide.
Some benefits:
1) Consistent Code Style: Husky and Prettier will enforce a consistent code style across the project, reducing code review overhead and enhancing readability.
2) Time-Saving: By automating code formatting, developers can focus more on writing code rather than manually formatting it, leading to increased productivity.
3) Error Prevention: Pre-commit hooks can be configured to run linters, unit tests, or any other relevant checks, catching potential issues before they get committed.
4) Collaboration: Standardized formatting and code quality practices foster better collaboration within the development team, as everyone is working with a common set of guidelines.
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