Manishearth / compiletest-rs

An extraction of the compiletest utility from the Rust compiler
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[Question] how do I get compiletest-rs to find the parent crate? #281

Open koenichiwa opened 1 year ago

koenichiwa commented 1 year ago

I have a test package that depends on its parent package. The test code thus depends on the parent package. It seems that compiletest-rs doesn't use the dependencies in Cargo.toml, and I'm trying to figure out another solution.

I'm creating a proc_macro, and tried to test compilation fails with trybuild but ran into this issue. Now I'm trying to do something similar with compiletest-rs, but I can't get it to work. I have the following package structure:

| |____tests
| |____debug
| |____Cargo.toml
| |____src
| |____Cargo.toml
| |____compile_fail
| |____src
| |____workflows
| |

const_typed_builder_test/src/Cargo.toml includes this line:

[dependencies] # First I tried dev-dependencies but I get that that might not work
const_typed_builder = { path = "../../const_typed_builder", version = "=0.1.1" }

In const_typed_builder_test/src/ I have the following test

    fn compile_fail_tests() {
        let mut config = compiletest_rs::Config::default();

        config.mode = compiletest_rs::common::Mode::CompileFail;
        config.src_base = std::path::PathBuf::from("./compile_fail");
        // config.run_lib_path = std::path::PathBuf::from(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"),"../../target/"));  // <-- I'm not sure what I was doing with this
        config.link_deps(); // Populate config.target_rustcflags with dependencies on the path
        config.clean_rmeta(); // If your tests import the parent crate, this helps with E0464


In const_typed_builder_test/compile_fail/ I have this code:

use const_typed_builder::Builder;

fn main() {
    #[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Builder)]
    pub struct Foo {
        bar: Option<String>,
    let foo = Foo::builder().bar(Some("Hello world!".to_string())).build(); //~ ERROR E0599

Which is run by

command: "rustc" "./compile_fail/" "-L" "/var/folders/yl/f_6j5mzj01b8hc3zb9vsbfpw0000gn/T/" "--target=x86_64-apple-darwin" "--error-format" "json" "-C" "prefer-dynamic" "-o" "/var/folders/yl/f_6j5mzj01b8hc3zb9vsbfpw0000gn/T/simple_mandatory_1.stage-id" "-A" "unused" "-L" "/var/folders/yl/f_6j5mzj01b8hc3zb9vsbfpw0000gn/T/simple_mandatory_1.stage-id.aux"

And the first unexpected error I get is "1:5: 1:24: unresolved importconst_typed_builder[E0432]"

koenichiwa commented 1 year ago

I got it to work by adding

config.target_rustcflags = Some("-L dependency=../target/debug/deps --extern const_typed_builder=../target/debug/libconst_typed_builder.rlib ".to_string());

Is this best practice?

Manishearth commented 1 year ago

I think that might be fine, I'm not sure what the best way is (and this crate is not actively maintained). Hope it works!