ManjunathBE / Ecommerce

E-commerce web app
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Reorder functionality -> provide an api with the availability of products #73

Open shariquemaaz opened 3 years ago

jayadn21 commented 3 years ago


Parameters: { "ItemList":";1;2114;" } -------Response---------- { "success": true, "message": "success", "data": [ { "Id": 1, "ItemName": "Onion", "IsAvailable": true, "OnOROff": true, "Availability": true, "QtyAvailable": 0, "MRP_Price": 150, "SellIngPrice": 150, "ProductCode": null }, { "Id": 2114, "ItemName": "Potato", "IsAvailable": true, "OnOROff": true, "Availability": true, "QtyAvailable": 10, "MRP_Price": 45, "SellIngPrice": 45, "ProductCode": null } ] }