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Timecourse regression model #33

Closed namsaraeva closed 3 months ago

namsaraeva commented 4 months ago

A draft of the simple VGG-based neural network with a single output instead of the last classification layer.

namsaraeva commented 4 months ago

Note to self: look at AdamW as optimizer

namsaraeva commented 4 months ago

AdamW's weight decay default value is 1e-2, but I am not sure if I should add it as self.hparams["weight_decay"] = 10 ** -2 too

namsaraeva commented 3 months ago

It should be possible to pass on a column name instead of column index for target_col (the col with float timepoint targets) in HDF5SingleCellDatasetRegression

namsaraeva commented 3 months ago

@sophiamaedler should we stick to the VGG architecture with 11 or 16 layers? for MLP: config A or B?

UPD: stick to the default architecture for now

namsaraeva commented 3 months ago

Consider adding HuberLoss instead of MSE, MAE

namsaraeva commented 3 months ago

Consider adding cross validation or grid search to test different settings for delta in Huber loss to get an optimal value.

"Huber loss will clip gradients to delta for residual (abs) values larger than delta. You want that when some part of your data points poorly fit the model and you would like to limit their influence." - we probably want to limit the influence of phenotypes that are similar to previously seen phenotypes? @sophiamaedler

namsaraeva commented 3 months ago

Current limitation: scatterplot lims when training. We have to somehow pass the min and max values of dataset to the Callback module.

Also implement a flexible Callback module that can be re-used.