MannLabs / alphadia

modular & open DIA search
Apache License 2.0
41 stars 3 forks source link

ERROR: No objects to concatenate #208

Closed tobiasko closed 3 months ago

tobiasko commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

I am trying to run alphadia throughCLI using a single diaPASEF file (generated on timsTOF Flex) and the example specLib. If fails using the default parameter file. Is this expected? Are there criticial parameters that need to be changed? Or is the problem the library (generated from ASTRAL data)? The same data was searched already by DIA-NN library-fee mode without a problem.

alphadia --output out --file 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d --library hela_hybrid.hdf
Removed 0 of 1 files.
0:00:00.000211 PROGRESS: Searching 1 files:
0:00:00.000314 PROGRESS:   20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:00.000363 PROGRESS: Using library: hela_hybrid.hdf.
0:00:00.000395 PROGRESS: Using 0 fasta files:
0:00:00.000424 PROGRESS: Saving output to out.
2024-06-05 11:48:13> Downloading ...
2024-06-05 11:48:14> The pretrained models had been downloaded in /home/tobiasko/peptdeep/pretrained_models/
0:00:00.000289 PROGRESS:           _      _         ___ ___   _
0:00:00.000409 PROGRESS:      __ _| |_ __| |_  __ _|   \_ _| /_\
0:00:00.000446 PROGRESS:     / _` | | '_ \ ' \/ _` | |) | | / _ \
0:00:00.000475 PROGRESS:     \__,_|_| .__/_||_\__,_|___/___/_/ \_\
0:00:00.000501 PROGRESS:            |_|
0:00:00.000527 PROGRESS:
0:00:00.000557 PROGRESS: version: 1.6.1
0:00:00.000590 PROGRESS: hostname: fgcz-c-073
0:00:00.000641 PROGRESS: date: 2024-06-05 11:48:21
0:00:00.000673 PROGRESS: =================== Environment ===================
0:00:00.000702 PROGRESS: alphatims       : 1.0.8
0:00:00.000730 PROGRESS: alpharaw        : 0.4.5
0:00:00.000757 PROGRESS: alphabase       : 1.2.3
0:00:00.000785 PROGRESS: alphapeptdeep   : 1.1.9
0:00:00.000812 PROGRESS: directlfq       : 0.2.19
0:00:00.000838 PROGRESS: ===================================================
0:00:00.000878 INFO: loading default config from /home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/constants/default.yaml
0:00:00.016580 INFO: ├──version: 1
0:00:00.016634 INFO: ├──general
0:00:00.016675 INFO: │   ├──thread_count: 10
0:00:00.016713 INFO: │   ├──reuse_calibration: False
0:00:00.016749 INFO: │   ├──reuse_quant: False
0:00:00.016784 INFO: │   ├──astral_ms1: False
0:00:00.016818 INFO: │   ├──log_level: INFO
0:00:00.016853 INFO: │   ├──wsl: False
0:00:00.016887 INFO: │   ├──mmap_detector_events: False
0:00:00.016922 INFO: │   └──use_gpu: True
0:00:00.016956 INFO: ├──library_loading
0:00:00.016991 INFO: │   └──rt_heuristic: 180
0:00:00.017024 INFO: ├──library_prediction
0:00:00.017059 INFO: │   ├──predict: False
0:00:00.017094 INFO: │   ├──enzyme: trypsin
0:00:00.017129 INFO: │   ├──fixed_modifications: Carbamidomethyl@C
0:00:00.017164 INFO: │   ├──variable_modifications: Oxidation@M;Acetyl@Protein N-term
0:00:00.017198 INFO: │   ├──max_var_mod_num: 2
0:00:00.017232 INFO: │   ├──missed_cleavages: 1
0:00:00.017265 INFO: │   ├──precursor_len
0:00:00.017304 INFO: │   │   ├──7
0:00:00.017339 INFO: │   │   └──35
0:00:00.017372 INFO: │   ├──precursor_charge
0:00:00.017406 INFO: │   │   ├──2
0:00:00.017439 INFO: │   │   └──4
0:00:00.017472 INFO: │   ├──precursor_mz
0:00:00.017505 INFO: │   │   ├──400
0:00:00.017539 INFO: │   │   └──1200
0:00:00.017571 INFO: │   ├──fragment_mz
0:00:00.017605 INFO: │   │   ├──200
0:00:00.017638 INFO: │   │   └──2000
0:00:00.017677 INFO: │   ├──nce: 25.0
0:00:00.017713 INFO: │   ├──fragment_types: b;y
0:00:00.017747 INFO: │   ├──max_fragment_charge: 2
0:00:00.017781 INFO: │   ├──instrument: Lumos
0:00:00.017816 INFO: │   └──checkpoint_folder_path: None
0:00:00.017848 INFO: ├──search
0:00:00.017884 INFO: │   ├──channel_filter: 0
0:00:00.017918 INFO: │   ├──exclude_shared_ions: True
0:00:00.017952 INFO: │   ├──compete_for_fragments: True
0:00:00.017987 INFO: │   ├──target_num_candidates: 2
0:00:00.018020 INFO: │   ├──target_ms1_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.018053 INFO: │   ├──target_ms2_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.018088 INFO: │   ├──target_mobility_tolerance: 0.04
0:00:00.018122 INFO: │   ├──target_rt_tolerance: 60
0:00:00.018161 INFO: │   ├──quant_window: 3
0:00:00.018198 INFO: │   └──quant_all: True
0:00:00.018234 INFO: ├──search_advanced
0:00:00.018269 INFO: │   └──top_k_fragments: 12
0:00:00.018302 INFO: ├──calibration
0:00:00.018337 INFO: │   ├──min_epochs: 3
0:00:00.018371 INFO: │   ├──max_epochs: 20
0:00:00.018404 INFO: │   ├──batch_size: 8000
0:00:00.018438 INFO: │   ├──recalibration_target: 200
0:00:00.018472 INFO: │   ├──final_full_calibration: False
0:00:00.018506 INFO: │   └──norm_rt_mode: linear
0:00:00.018547 INFO: ├──search_initial
0:00:00.018583 INFO: │   ├──initial_num_candidates: 1
0:00:00.018618 INFO: │   ├──initial_ms1_tolerance: 30
0:00:00.018651 INFO: │   ├──initial_ms2_tolerance: 30
0:00:00.018686 INFO: │   ├──initial_mobility_tolerance: 0.08
0:00:00.018720 INFO: │   └──initial_rt_tolerance: 240
0:00:00.018753 INFO: ├──selection_config
0:00:00.018788 INFO: │   ├──peak_len_rt: 10.0
0:00:00.018824 INFO: │   ├──sigma_scale_rt: 0.5
0:00:00.018859 INFO: │   ├──peak_len_mobility: 0.01
0:00:00.018894 INFO: │   ├──sigma_scale_mobility: 1.0
0:00:00.018928 INFO: │   ├──top_k_precursors: 3
0:00:00.018962 INFO: │   ├──kernel_size: 30
0:00:00.018996 INFO: │   ├──f_mobility: 1.0
0:00:00.019031 INFO: │   ├──f_rt: 0.99
0:00:00.019065 INFO: │   ├──center_fraction: 0.5
0:00:00.019099 INFO: │   ├──min_size_mobility: 8
0:00:00.019132 INFO: │   ├──min_size_rt: 3
0:00:00.019165 INFO: │   ├──max_size_mobility: 20
0:00:00.019199 INFO: │   ├──max_size_rt: 15
0:00:00.019233 INFO: │   ├──group_channels: False
0:00:00.019267 INFO: │   ├──use_weighted_score: True
0:00:00.019301 INFO: │   ├──join_close_candidates: False
0:00:00.019336 INFO: │   ├──join_close_candidates_scan_threshold: 0.6
0:00:00.019370 INFO: │   └──join_close_candidates_cycle_threshold: 0.6
0:00:00.019403 INFO: ├──scoring_config
0:00:00.019438 INFO: │   ├──score_grouped: False
0:00:00.019472 INFO: │   ├──top_k_isotopes: 3
0:00:00.019505 INFO: │   ├──reference_channel: -1
0:00:00.019538 INFO: │   ├──precursor_mz_tolerance: 10
0:00:00.019572 INFO: │   └──fragment_mz_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.019604 INFO: ├──multiplexing
0:00:00.019639 INFO: │   ├──enabled: False
0:00:00.019673 INFO: │   ├──target_channels: 4,8
0:00:00.019706 INFO: │   ├──decoy_channel: 12
0:00:00.019740 INFO: │   ├──reference_channel: 0
0:00:00.019773 INFO: │   └──competetive_scoring: True
0:00:00.019806 INFO: ├──fdr
0:00:00.019841 INFO: │   ├──fdr: 0.01
0:00:00.019876 INFO: │   ├──group_level: proteins
0:00:00.019909 INFO: │   ├──competetive_scoring: True
0:00:00.019943 INFO: │   ├──keep_decoys: False
0:00:00.019977 INFO: │   ├──channel_wise_fdr: False
0:00:00.020010 INFO: │   └──inference_strategy: heuristic
0:00:00.020043 INFO: ├──search_output
0:00:00.020078 INFO: │   ├──peptide_level_lfq: False
0:00:00.020112 INFO: │   ├──precursor_level_lfq: False
0:00:00.020146 INFO: │   ├──min_k_fragments: 12
0:00:00.020181 INFO: │   ├──min_correlation: 0.9
0:00:00.020214 INFO: │   ├──num_samples_quadratic: 50
0:00:00.020247 INFO: │   ├──min_nonnan: 3
0:00:00.020281 INFO: │   └──normalize_lfq: True
0:00:00.020313 INFO: ├──optimization_manager
0:00:00.020348 INFO: │   ├──fwhm_rt: 5
0:00:00.020383 INFO: │   ├──fwhm_mobility: 0.01
0:00:00.020417 INFO: │   └──score_cutoff: 0
0:00:00.020449 INFO: ├──transfer_learning
0:00:00.020483 INFO: │   ├──enabled: False
0:00:00.020516 INFO: │   ├──fragment_types: b;y
0:00:00.020550 INFO: │   ├──max_charge: 2
0:00:00.020584 INFO: │   ├──top_k_samples: 3
0:00:00.020618 INFO: │   ├──norm_delta_max: True
0:00:00.020653 INFO: │   ├──precursor_correlation_cutoff: 0.5
0:00:00.020688 INFO: │   └──fragment_correlation_ratio: 0.75
0:00:00.020720 INFO: └──calibration_manager
0:00:00.020753 INFO:     ├──0
0:00:00.020788 INFO:     │   ├──name: fragment
0:00:00.020821 INFO:     │   └──estimators
0:00:00.020854 INFO:     │       └──0
0:00:00.020890 INFO:     │           ├──name: mz
0:00:00.020925 INFO:     │           ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.020958 INFO:     │           ├──model_args
0:00:00.020999 INFO:     │           │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.021034 INFO:     │           ├──input_columns
0:00:00.021069 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_library
0:00:00.021102 INFO:     │           ├──target_columns
0:00:00.021137 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_observed
0:00:00.021170 INFO:     │           ├──output_columns
0:00:00.021204 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_calibrated
0:00:00.021238 INFO:     │           └──transform_deviation: 1e6
0:00:00.021271 INFO:     └──1
0:00:00.021306 INFO:         ├──name: precursor
0:00:00.021339 INFO:         └──estimators
0:00:00.021371 INFO:             ├──0
0:00:00.021407 INFO:             │   ├──name: mz
0:00:00.021441 INFO:             │   ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.021474 INFO:             │   ├──model_args
0:00:00.021509 INFO:             │   │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.021542 INFO:             │   ├──input_columns
0:00:00.021576 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_library
0:00:00.021609 INFO:             │   ├──target_columns
0:00:00.021643 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_observed
0:00:00.021676 INFO:             │   ├──output_columns
0:00:00.021710 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_calibrated
0:00:00.021744 INFO:             │   └──transform_deviation: 1e6
0:00:00.021777 INFO:             ├──1
0:00:00.021812 INFO:             │   ├──name: rt
0:00:00.021847 INFO:             │   ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.021879 INFO:             │   ├──model_args
0:00:00.021914 INFO:             │   │   └──n_kernels: 6
0:00:00.021947 INFO:             │   ├──input_columns
0:00:00.021981 INFO:             │   │   └──rt_library
0:00:00.022014 INFO:             │   ├──target_columns
0:00:00.022048 INFO:             │   │   └──rt_observed
0:00:00.022081 INFO:             │   └──output_columns
0:00:00.022115 INFO:             │       └──rt_calibrated
0:00:00.022147 INFO:             └──2
0:00:00.022197 INFO:                 ├──name: mobility
0:00:00.022232 INFO:                 ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.022265 INFO:                 ├──model_args
0:00:00.022299 INFO:                 │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.022332 INFO:                 ├──input_columns
0:00:00.022366 INFO:                 │   └──mobility_library
0:00:00.022399 INFO:                 ├──target_columns
0:00:00.022434 INFO:                 │   └──mobility_observed
0:00:00.022467 INFO:                 └──output_columns
0:00:00.022502 INFO:                     └──mobility_calibrated
0:00:00.022929 INFO: Running DynamicLoader
0:00:00.023010 INFO: Loading .hdf library from hela_hybrid.hdf
0:00:01.568821 INFO: Running PrecursorInitializer
0:00:01.569185 INFO: Running AnnotateFasta
0:00:01.569883 INFO: Dropping decoys from input library before annotation
0:00:01.641019 INFO: Running IsotopeGenerator
0:00:01.641397 WARNING: Input library already contains isotope information. Skipping isotope generation.
 Please note that isotope generation outside of alphabase is not supported.
0:00:01.641451 INFO: Running RTNormalization
0:00:01.641531 WARNING: Input library already contains normalized RT information. Skipping RT normalization
0:00:01.641585 INFO: Saving library to out/speclib.hdf
0:00:03.135808 INFO: Running DecoyGenerator
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_lhe95uci. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,475,328
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_v1oc_urc. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,483,520
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_bfu_d4j0. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,479,424
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_3x8iq7xl. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,475,328
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_zgrn3pdj. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,479,424
0:00:18.109685 INFO: Running FlattenLibrary
0:00:23.605586 INFO: Running InitFlatColumns
0:00:23.624332 INFO: Running LogFlatLibraryStats
0:00:23.624482 INFO: ============ Library Stats ============
0:00:23.624527 INFO: Number of precursors: 513,303
0:00:23.708669 INFO:    thereof targets:256,667
0:00:23.708845 INFO:    thereof decoys: 256,636
0:00:23.712119 INFO: Number of elution groups: 256,667
0:00:23.712166 INFO:    average size: 2.00
0:00:23.730511 INFO: Number of proteins: 13,582
0:00:23.732573 INFO: Number of channels: 1 ([0])
0:00:23.732727 INFO: Isotopes Distribution for 4 isotopes
0:00:23.732770 INFO: =======================================
0:00:23.734652 PROGRESS: Starting Search Workflows
0:00:23.734765 PROGRESS: Loading raw file 1/1: 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug
0:00:23.734874 INFO: Creating parent folder for workflows at out/.progress
0:00:23.734997 INFO: Creating workflow folder for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug at out/.progress/20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug
0:00:23.735416 INFO: Importing data from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:23.735499 INFO: Using .d import for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:23.735552 INFO: Reading frame metadata for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:23.923970 INFO: Reading 16,032 frames with 147,808,814 detector events for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 16032/16032 [00:03<00:00, 4200.02it/s]
0:00:28.035279 INFO: Indexing 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d...
0:00:28.041909 INFO: Opening handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:28.051076 INFO: Fetching mobility values from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:28.051453 INFO: Closing handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:28.051791 INFO: Opening handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:28.054321 INFO: Fetching mz values from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:28.083071 INFO: Closing handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:28.083412 INFO: Indexing quadrupole dimension
0:00:28.180804 INFO: Transposing detector events
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 20/20 [00:01<00:00, 18.35it/s]
0:00:30.765761 INFO: Finished transposing data
0:00:30.768795 INFO: Successfully imported data from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:30.854182 INFO: Initializing CalibrationManager
0:00:30.854630 INFO: Loading calibration config
0:00:30.854744 INFO: Calibration config: [{'name': 'fragment', 'estimators': [{'name': 'mz', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mz_library'], 'target_columns': ['mz_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mz_calibrated'], 'transform_deviation': '1e6'}]}, {'name': 'precursor', 'estimators': [{'name': 'mz', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mz_library'], 'target_columns': ['mz_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mz_calibrated'], 'transform_deviation': '1e6'}, {'name': 'rt', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 6}, 'input_columns': ['rt_library'], 'target_columns': ['rt_observed'], 'output_columns': ['rt_calibrated']}, {'name': 'mobility', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mobility_library'], 'target_columns': ['mobility_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mobility_calibrated']}]}]
0:00:30.854834 INFO: Calibration group :fragment, found 1 estimator(s)
0:00:30.854963 INFO: Calibration group :precursor, found 3 estimator(s)
0:00:30.855076 INFO: Initializing OptimizationManager
0:00:30.855186 INFO: initial parameter: fwhm_rt = 5
0:00:30.855259 INFO: initial parameter: fwhm_mobility = 0.01
0:00:30.855357 INFO: initial parameter: score_cutoff = 0
0:00:30.855469 PROGRESS: Initializing workflow 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug
0:00:30.855604 INFO: Initializing OptimizationManager
0:00:30.855644 INFO: initial parameter: current_epoch = 0
0:00:30.855677 INFO: initial parameter: current_step = 0
0:00:30.855709 INFO: initial parameter: ms1_error = 30
0:00:30.855739 INFO: initial parameter: ms2_error = 30
0:00:30.855769 INFO: initial parameter: rt_error = 240
0:00:30.855819 INFO: initial parameter: mobility_error = 0.08
0:00:30.855852 INFO: initial parameter: column_type = library
0:00:30.855883 INFO: initial parameter: num_candidates = 1
0:00:30.855914 INFO: initial parameter: recalibration_target = 200
0:00:30.855947 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors = 0
0:00:30.855975 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors_01FDR = 0
0:00:30.856002 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors_001FDR = 0
0:00:30.856052 INFO: Initializing FDRManager
0:00:30.856118 INFO: Loading classifier store from /home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/constants/classifier
0:00:30.877668 PROGRESS: Applying channel filter using only: [0]
0:00:30.955914 PROGRESS: 215,312 target precursors potentially observable (41,355 removed)
0:00:31.044211 INFO: === checking if epoch conditions were reached ===
0:00:31.044570 INFO: ❌ ms1_error      : 30.0000 > 15
0:00:31.044663 INFO: ❌ ms2_error      : 30.0000 > 15
0:00:31.044749 INFO: ❌ rt_error       : 240.0000 > 60
0:00:31.044837 INFO: ❌ mobility_error : 0.0800 > 0.04
0:00:31.044922 INFO: ❌ current_epoch  : 0 < 3
0:00:31.044999 INFO: ==============================================
0:00:31.052907 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting mz
0:00:31.053017 WARNING: mz prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:00:31.053063 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting rt
0:00:31.053142 WARNING: rt prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:00:31.053190 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting mobility
0:00:31.053257 WARNING: mobility prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:00:31.053313 INFO: calibration group: fragment, predicting mz
0:00:31.053387 WARNING: mz prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:00:31.053438 PROGRESS: === Epoch 0, step 0, extracting elution groups 0 to 8000 ===
0:00:31.065464 PROGRESS: Extracting batch of 15705 precursors
0:00:34.472016 INFO: Duty cycle consists of 9 frames, 0.96 seconds cycle time
0:00:34.472280 INFO: Duty cycle consists of 945 scans, 0.00049 1/K_0 resolution
0:00:34.472329 INFO: FWHM in RT is 5.00 seconds, sigma is 1.11
0:00:34.472364 INFO: FWHM in mobility is 0.010 1/K_0, sigma is 8.58
0:00:36.414461 INFO: Starting candidate selection
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 15705/15705 [00:35<00:00, 438.96it/s]
0:01:15.540821 ERROR: Search for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug failed with error No objects to concatenate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 314, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 476, in calibration
    feature_df, fragment_df = self.extract_batch(batch_df)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 705, in extract_batch
    sns.histplot(candidates_df, x="score", hue="decoy", bins=100)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 1416, in histplot
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 665, in plot_univariate_histogram
    hist_metadata = pd.concat([
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 372, in concat
    op = _Concatenator(
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 429, in __init__
    raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")
ValueError: No objects to concatenate
0:01:15.550676 INFO: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 341, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 358, in run
    raise e
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 314, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 476, in calibration
    feature_df, fragment_df = self.extract_batch(batch_df)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 705, in extract_batch
    sns.histplot(candidates_df, x="score", hue="decoy", bins=100)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 1416, in histplot
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 665, in plot_univariate_histogram
    hist_metadata = pd.concat([
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 372, in concat
    op = _Concatenator(
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 429, in __init__
    raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")
ValueError: No objects to concatenate

0:01:15.550746 ERROR: No objects to concatenate
0:01:24.216482 WARNING: WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_j5nyd_ec. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,504,000

Expected behavior exit without error

Logs see above

Version (please complete the following information):

Additional context Is it possible to use the AlphapeptDeep framework for library prediction in alphapeptdia? I still don't get why I need to provide a library at all.

tobiasko commented 3 months ago

FYI I figured out how to use alphapepDeep for library prediction, but I get the same error:

alphadia --output out --file 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d --fasta fgcz_9606_1spg_20230330.fasta --config prediction_timstof.yaml
Removed 0 of 1 files.
0:00:00.000294 PROGRESS: Searching 1 files:
0:00:00.000373 PROGRESS:   20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:00:00.000413 PROGRESS: Using library: None.
0:00:00.000445 PROGRESS: Using 1 fasta files:
0:00:00.000474 PROGRESS:   fgcz_9606_1spg_20230330.fasta
0:00:00.000509 PROGRESS: Saving output to out.
0:00:00.000254 PROGRESS:           _      _         ___ ___   _
0:00:00.000361 PROGRESS:      __ _| |_ __| |_  __ _|   \_ _| /_\
0:00:00.000400 PROGRESS:     / _` | | '_ \ ' \/ _` | |) | | / _ \
0:00:00.000430 PROGRESS:     \__,_|_| .__/_||_\__,_|___/___/_/ \_\
0:00:00.000458 PROGRESS:            |_|
0:00:00.000486 PROGRESS:
0:00:00.000517 PROGRESS: version: 1.6.1
0:00:00.000551 PROGRESS: hostname: fgcz-c-073
0:00:00.000605 PROGRESS: date: 2024-06-05 14:05:43
0:00:00.000637 PROGRESS: =================== Environment ===================
0:00:00.000670 PROGRESS: alphatims       : 1.0.8
0:00:00.000700 PROGRESS: alpharaw        : 0.4.5
0:00:00.000729 PROGRESS: alphabase       : 1.2.3
0:00:00.000758 PROGRESS: alphapeptdeep   : 1.1.9
0:00:00.000787 PROGRESS: directlfq       : 0.2.19
0:00:00.000814 PROGRESS: ===================================================
0:00:00.000857 INFO: loading default config from /home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/constants/default.yaml
0:00:00.017267 INFO: ├──version: 1
0:00:00.017323 INFO: ├──general
0:00:00.017365 INFO: │   ├──thread_count: 10
0:00:00.017400 INFO: │   ├──thread_count: 32 (user defined)
0:00:00.017437 INFO: │   ├──reuse_calibration: False
0:00:00.017475 INFO: │   ├──reuse_quant: False
0:00:00.017510 INFO: │   ├──astral_ms1: False
0:00:00.017545 INFO: │   ├──log_level: INFO
0:00:00.017581 INFO: │   ├──wsl: False
0:00:00.017616 INFO: │   ├──mmap_detector_events: False
0:00:00.017651 INFO: │   └──use_gpu: True
0:00:00.017685 INFO: ├──library_loading
0:00:00.017721 INFO: │   └──rt_heuristic: 180
0:00:00.017754 INFO: ├──library_prediction
0:00:00.017790 INFO: │   ├──predict: False
0:00:00.017822 INFO: │   ├──predict: True (user defined)
0:00:00.017856 INFO: │   ├──enzyme: trypsin
0:00:00.017891 INFO: │   ├──fixed_modifications: Carbamidomethyl@C
0:00:00.017927 INFO: │   ├──variable_modifications: Oxidation@M;Acetyl@Protein N-term
0:00:00.017963 INFO: │   ├──max_var_mod_num: 2
0:00:00.017998 INFO: │   ├──missed_cleavages: 1
0:00:00.018030 INFO: │   ├──precursor_len
0:00:00.018066 INFO: │   │   ├──7
0:00:00.018101 INFO: │   │   └──35
0:00:00.018135 INFO: │   ├──precursor_charge
0:00:00.018175 INFO: │   │   ├──2
0:00:00.018209 INFO: │   │   └──4
0:00:00.018242 INFO: │   │   └──3 (user defined)
0:00:00.018275 INFO: │   ├──precursor_mz
0:00:00.018311 INFO: │   │   ├──400
0:00:00.018346 INFO: │   │   └──1200
0:00:00.018379 INFO: │   ├──fragment_mz
0:00:00.018414 INFO: │   │   ├──200
0:00:00.018449 INFO: │   │   └──2000
0:00:00.018489 INFO: │   ├──nce: 25.0
0:00:00.018525 INFO: │   ├──fragment_types: b;y
0:00:00.018560 INFO: │   ├──max_fragment_charge: 2
0:00:00.018595 INFO: │   ├──instrument: Lumos
0:00:00.018627 INFO: │   ├──instrument: Timstof (user defined)
0:00:00.018662 INFO: │   └──checkpoint_folder_path: None
0:00:00.018696 INFO: ├──search
0:00:00.018732 INFO: │   ├──channel_filter: 0
0:00:00.018767 INFO: │   ├──exclude_shared_ions: True
0:00:00.018803 INFO: │   ├──compete_for_fragments: True
0:00:00.018837 INFO: │   ├──target_num_candidates: 2
0:00:00.018872 INFO: │   ├──target_ms1_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.018906 INFO: │   ├──target_ms2_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.018943 INFO: │   ├──target_mobility_tolerance: 0.04
0:00:00.018979 INFO: │   ├──target_rt_tolerance: 60
0:00:00.019013 INFO: │   ├──quant_window: 3
0:00:00.019049 INFO: │   └──quant_all: True
0:00:00.019083 INFO: ├──search_advanced
0:00:00.019118 INFO: │   └──top_k_fragments: 12
0:00:00.019152 INFO: ├──calibration
0:00:00.019187 INFO: │   ├──min_epochs: 3
0:00:00.019233 INFO: │   ├──max_epochs: 20
0:00:00.019269 INFO: │   ├──batch_size: 8000
0:00:00.019305 INFO: │   ├──recalibration_target: 200
0:00:00.019340 INFO: │   ├──final_full_calibration: False
0:00:00.019376 INFO: │   └──norm_rt_mode: linear
0:00:00.019409 INFO: ├──search_initial
0:00:00.019445 INFO: │   ├──initial_num_candidates: 1
0:00:00.019481 INFO: │   ├──initial_ms1_tolerance: 30
0:00:00.019516 INFO: │   ├──initial_ms2_tolerance: 30
0:00:00.019552 INFO: │   ├──initial_mobility_tolerance: 0.08
0:00:00.019587 INFO: │   └──initial_rt_tolerance: 240
0:00:00.019620 INFO: ├──selection_config
0:00:00.019657 INFO: │   ├──peak_len_rt: 10.0
0:00:00.019694 INFO: │   ├──sigma_scale_rt: 0.5
0:00:00.019730 INFO: │   ├──peak_len_mobility: 0.01
0:00:00.019766 INFO: │   ├──sigma_scale_mobility: 1.0
0:00:00.019801 INFO: │   ├──top_k_precursors: 3
0:00:00.019836 INFO: │   ├──kernel_size: 30
0:00:00.019871 INFO: │   ├──f_mobility: 1.0
0:00:00.019907 INFO: │   ├──f_rt: 0.99
0:00:00.019943 INFO: │   ├──center_fraction: 0.5
0:00:00.019979 INFO: │   ├──min_size_mobility: 8
0:00:00.020014 INFO: │   ├──min_size_rt: 3
0:00:00.020049 INFO: │   ├──max_size_mobility: 20
0:00:00.020084 INFO: │   ├──max_size_rt: 15
0:00:00.020119 INFO: │   ├──group_channels: False
0:00:00.020154 INFO: │   ├──use_weighted_score: True
0:00:00.020190 INFO: │   ├──join_close_candidates: False
0:00:00.020226 INFO: │   ├──join_close_candidates_scan_threshold: 0.6
0:00:00.020263 INFO: │   └──join_close_candidates_cycle_threshold: 0.6
0:00:00.020297 INFO: ├──scoring_config
0:00:00.020333 INFO: │   ├──score_grouped: False
0:00:00.020368 INFO: │   ├──top_k_isotopes: 3
0:00:00.020403 INFO: │   ├──reference_channel: -1
0:00:00.020437 INFO: │   ├──precursor_mz_tolerance: 10
0:00:00.020473 INFO: │   └──fragment_mz_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.020506 INFO: ├──multiplexing
0:00:00.020542 INFO: │   ├──enabled: False
0:00:00.020577 INFO: │   ├──target_channels: 4,8
0:00:00.020612 INFO: │   ├──decoy_channel: 12
0:00:00.020647 INFO: │   ├──reference_channel: 0
0:00:00.020682 INFO: │   └──competetive_scoring: True
0:00:00.020715 INFO: ├──fdr
0:00:00.020753 INFO: │   ├──fdr: 0.01
0:00:00.020788 INFO: │   ├──group_level: proteins
0:00:00.020823 INFO: │   ├──competetive_scoring: True
0:00:00.020857 INFO: │   ├──keep_decoys: False
0:00:00.020893 INFO: │   ├──channel_wise_fdr: False
0:00:00.020927 INFO: │   └──inference_strategy: heuristic
0:00:00.020960 INFO: ├──search_output
0:00:00.021009 INFO: │   ├──peptide_level_lfq: False
0:00:00.021047 INFO: │   ├──precursor_level_lfq: False
0:00:00.021082 INFO: │   ├──min_k_fragments: 12
0:00:00.021117 INFO: │   ├──min_correlation: 0.9
0:00:00.021152 INFO: │   ├──num_samples_quadratic: 50
0:00:00.021187 INFO: │   ├──min_nonnan: 3
0:00:00.021222 INFO: │   └──normalize_lfq: True
0:00:00.021256 INFO: ├──optimization_manager
0:00:00.021291 INFO: │   ├──fwhm_rt: 5
0:00:00.021327 INFO: │   ├──fwhm_mobility: 0.01
0:00:00.021362 INFO: │   └──score_cutoff: 0
0:00:00.021395 INFO: ├──transfer_learning
0:00:00.021431 INFO: │   ├──enabled: False
0:00:00.021466 INFO: │   ├──fragment_types: b;y
0:00:00.021500 INFO: │   ├──max_charge: 2
0:00:00.021534 INFO: │   ├──top_k_samples: 3
0:00:00.021570 INFO: │   ├──norm_delta_max: True
0:00:00.021605 INFO: │   ├──precursor_correlation_cutoff: 0.5
0:00:00.021641 INFO: │   └──fragment_correlation_ratio: 0.75
0:00:00.021675 INFO: └──calibration_manager
0:00:00.021709 INFO:     ├──0
0:00:00.021745 INFO:     │   ├──name: fragment
0:00:00.021785 INFO:     │   └──estimators
0:00:00.021820 INFO:     │       └──0
0:00:00.021857 INFO:     │           ├──name: mz
0:00:00.021894 INFO:     │           ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.021928 INFO:     │           ├──model_args
0:00:00.021964 INFO:     │           │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.021999 INFO:     │           ├──input_columns
0:00:00.022035 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_library
0:00:00.022070 INFO:     │           ├──target_columns
0:00:00.022105 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_observed
0:00:00.022140 INFO:     │           ├──output_columns
0:00:00.022175 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_calibrated
0:00:00.022211 INFO:     │           └──transform_deviation: 1e6
0:00:00.022246 INFO:     └──1
0:00:00.022282 INFO:         ├──name: precursor
0:00:00.022316 INFO:         └──estimators
0:00:00.022350 INFO:             ├──0
0:00:00.022386 INFO:             │   ├──name: mz
0:00:00.022421 INFO:             │   ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.022455 INFO:             │   ├──model_args
0:00:00.022491 INFO:             │   │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.022525 INFO:             │   ├──input_columns
0:00:00.022560 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_library
0:00:00.022594 INFO:             │   ├──target_columns
0:00:00.022629 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_observed
0:00:00.022663 INFO:             │   ├──output_columns
0:00:00.022698 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_calibrated
0:00:00.022735 INFO:             │   └──transform_deviation: 1e6
0:00:00.022768 INFO:             ├──1
0:00:00.022804 INFO:             │   ├──name: rt
0:00:00.022839 INFO:             │   ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.022873 INFO:             │   ├──model_args
0:00:00.022909 INFO:             │   │   └──n_kernels: 6
0:00:00.022943 INFO:             │   ├──input_columns
0:00:00.022978 INFO:             │   │   └──rt_library
0:00:00.023012 INFO:             │   ├──target_columns
0:00:00.023048 INFO:             │   │   └──rt_observed
0:00:00.023082 INFO:             │   └──output_columns
0:00:00.023117 INFO:             │       └──rt_calibrated
0:00:00.023150 INFO:             └──2
0:00:00.023186 INFO:                 ├──name: mobility
0:00:00.023222 INFO:                 ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.023256 INFO:                 ├──model_args
0:00:00.023292 INFO:                 │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.023326 INFO:                 ├──input_columns
0:00:00.023361 INFO:                 │   └──mobility_library
0:00:00.023396 INFO:                 ├──target_columns
0:00:00.023431 INFO:                 │   └──mobility_observed
0:00:00.023466 INFO:                 └──output_columns
0:00:00.023501 INFO:                     └──mobility_calibrated
0:00:00.023941 PROGRESS: No library provided. Building library from fasta files.
0:00:00.023982 INFO: Running FastaDigest
0:00:01.138726 INFO: Digesting fasta file
0:00:07.199373 INFO: Adding modifications
0:01:27.835186 INFO: Removing non-canonical amino acids
0:01:32.522871 INFO: Fasta library contains 2,906,923 precursors
0:01:32.523267 PROGRESS: Predicting library properties.
0:01:32.523360 INFO: Running PeptDeepPrediction
0:01:33.627932 INFO: Loading PeptDeep models from None
0:01:33.628085 INFO: Using external ms2 model: 'None/ms2.pth'
0:01:33.628149 INFO:  -- This model file does not exist
0:01:33.628186 INFO: Using external rt model: 'None/rt.pth'
0:01:33.628219 INFO:  -- This model file does not exist
0:01:33.628250 INFO: Using external ccs model: 'None/ccs.pth'
0:01:33.628281 INFO:  -- This model file does not exist
0:01:33.628317 INFO: Predicting RT, MS2 and mobility
0:01:33.628398 INFO: Using multiprocessing with 32 processes ...
0:01:34.128267 INFO: Predicting rt,ms2,mobility ...
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 46/46 [06:17<00:00,  8.21s/it]
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_yfjmf49s. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_l9ytepef. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_0872wxq5. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_01cm8g7i. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_zkz21dl5. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,377,024
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_oheiwmj4. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,377,024
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_hwkf05i3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ln8kefer. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_rtwztnzw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,381,120
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_992f096a. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_rwotyy_y. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_g_c593ut. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,389,312
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_s2bb1gi6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_miwyvhhp. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_hzepu2_w. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,401,600
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_hphp6wlh. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,405,696
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_kb673z2v. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_f3dwapd4. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,422,080
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__ztuufhp. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,450,752
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_afeh13d4. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,442,560
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__khooj_q. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,442,560
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ut6gsm_t. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,446,656
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_rilq2p36. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,438,464
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_qquayx9h. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,442,560
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_es5a_gti. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,450,752
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_foy8ub29. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,450,752
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_97me0ud6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,454,848
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_vknn593w. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,458,944
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_snhylqud. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,454,848
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_n3xuxiti. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,458,944
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__9xwky1d. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,463,040
2024-06-05 14:13:36> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_6pqhh3v7. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,487,616
0:07:55.477923 INFO: Adding fragment mz information
0:07:55.695896 INFO: Adding fragment intensity information
0:07:55.911700 INFO: Adding precursor information
0:07:56.374979 INFO: Running PrecursorInitializer
0:07:56.393164 INFO: Running AnnotateFasta
0:07:56.633350 INFO: Dropping decoys from input library before annotation
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 21097/21097 [00:03<00:00, 5569.13it/s]
0:08:16.039376 INFO: Running IsotopeGenerator
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 305/305 [00:26<00:00, 11.53it/s]
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_yd33bul5. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_jjdkhzbg. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,381,120
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ha4om7er. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,381,120
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__fivchnw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,385,216
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_kiwwxbcn. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,385,216
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_28veo0k_. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,381,120
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_8pgdifgs. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,401,600
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_tbhllppn. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_0lycax56. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_mu18sp5r. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,401,600
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_8vnfl9vd. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ii_ow3jz. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_tbkwf0z0. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_5n9ywlo2. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_pmh9s68u. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_z5lbc8w7. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ynjaqc6z. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,413,888
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_lb0b8he0. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,430,272
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_x4fh0_pb. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ms0hyixr. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,438,464
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_2wkmncva. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,442,560
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_bwtartvm. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,446,656
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_nmorjywk. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,446,656
0:08:46.434181 INFO: Running RTNormalization
0:08:46.434674 WARNING: Input library already contains normalized RT information. Skipping RT normalization
0:08:46.434753 INFO: Saving library to out/speclib.hdf
0:09:03.765550 INFO: Running DecoyGenerator
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ont4_x64. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,360,640
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_u813xxth. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,360,640
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_uwq68k5d. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_fkjd_z0x. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_l_mpp3dc. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_di1jjl7w. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_kajf594t. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_xiptk87g. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_c_qgq5z5. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_q1pd51dz. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,360,640
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__l0bcm8w. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_28teohjb. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__3j67ke9. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_aepclcy7. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ikyxz639. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_4o7lc2nf. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,413,888
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_lstn022l. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,422,080
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_7gxkkvk0. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,426,176
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_uyl47j4s. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,422,080
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_crmost2q. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__pgilka3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_7_6x3ruk. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_k4cqmk_p. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,426,176
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_0biipkb3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,426,176
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_z8o42xl8. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,426,176
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_vcfzzqtn. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,438,464
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_rcwh_pyj. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,442,560
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_h4vhwvaj. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,446,656
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_m19sdg8k. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,467,136
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_bcpi84q6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,467,136
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_9pb2y7x2. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,467,136
0:10:24.169449 INFO: Running FlattenLibrary
0:10:41.812157 INFO: Running InitFlatColumns
0:10:41.934608 INFO: Running LogFlatLibraryStats
0:10:41.934762 INFO: ============ Library Stats ============
0:10:41.934809 INFO: Number of precursors: 5,812,882
0:10:43.050704 INFO:    thereof targets:2,906,923
0:10:43.050875 INFO:    thereof decoys: 2,905,959
0:10:43.097010 INFO: Number of elution groups: 2,906,923
0:10:43.097164 INFO:    average size: 2.00
0:10:43.304514 INFO: Number of proteins: 34,853
0:10:43.323776 INFO: Number of channels: 1 ([0])
0:10:43.324014 INFO: Isotopes Distribution for 4 isotopes
0:10:43.324056 INFO: =======================================
0:10:43.331964 PROGRESS: Starting Search Workflows
0:10:43.332274 PROGRESS: Loading raw file 1/1: 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug
0:10:43.333091 INFO: Importing data from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:43.333238 INFO: Using .d import for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:43.333328 INFO: Reading frame metadata for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:43.475878 INFO: Reading 16,032 frames with 147,808,814 detector events for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 16032/16032 [00:04<00:00, 3970.27it/s]
0:10:47.585830 INFO: Indexing 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d...
0:10:47.590809 INFO: Opening handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:47.594230 INFO: Fetching mobility values from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:47.594616 INFO: Closing handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:47.594981 INFO: Opening handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:47.597521 INFO: Fetching mz values from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:47.625688 INFO: Closing handle for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:47.625975 INFO: Indexing quadrupole dimension
0:10:47.722696 INFO: Transposing detector events
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 20/20 [00:01<00:00, 15.78it/s]
0:10:50.474223 INFO: Finished transposing data
0:10:50.476380 INFO: Successfully imported data from 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug.d
0:10:51.225061 INFO: Initializing CalibrationManager
0:10:51.225536 INFO: Loading calibration config
0:10:51.225644 INFO: Calibration config: [{'name': 'fragment', 'estimators': [{'name': 'mz', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mz_library'], 'target_columns': ['mz_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mz_calibrated'], 'transform_deviation': '1e6'}]}, {'name': 'precursor', 'estimators': [{'name': 'mz', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mz_library'], 'target_columns': ['mz_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mz_calibrated'], 'transform_deviation': '1e6'}, {'name': 'rt', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 6}, 'input_columns': ['rt_library'], 'target_columns': ['rt_observed'], 'output_columns': ['rt_calibrated']}, {'name': 'mobility', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mobility_library'], 'target_columns': ['mobility_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mobility_calibrated']}]}]
0:10:51.225736 INFO: Calibration group :fragment, found 1 estimator(s)
0:10:51.225872 INFO: Calibration group :precursor, found 3 estimator(s)
0:10:51.225979 INFO: Initializing OptimizationManager
0:10:51.226095 INFO: initial parameter: fwhm_rt = 5
0:10:51.226171 INFO: initial parameter: fwhm_mobility = 0.01
0:10:51.226254 INFO: initial parameter: score_cutoff = 0
0:10:51.226386 PROGRESS: Initializing workflow 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug
0:10:51.226504 INFO: Initializing OptimizationManager
0:10:51.226543 INFO: initial parameter: current_epoch = 0
0:10:51.226573 INFO: initial parameter: current_step = 0
0:10:51.226602 INFO: initial parameter: ms1_error = 30
0:10:51.226630 INFO: initial parameter: ms2_error = 30
0:10:51.226658 INFO: initial parameter: rt_error = 240
0:10:51.226688 INFO: initial parameter: mobility_error = 0.08
0:10:51.226716 INFO: initial parameter: column_type = library
0:10:51.226744 INFO: initial parameter: num_candidates = 1
0:10:51.226772 INFO: initial parameter: recalibration_target = 200
0:10:51.226800 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors = 0
0:10:51.226828 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors_01FDR = 0
0:10:51.226856 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors_001FDR = 0
0:10:51.226900 INFO: Initializing FDRManager
0:10:51.226948 INFO: Loading classifier store from /home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/constants/classifier
0:10:51.233268 PROGRESS: Applying channel filter using only: [0]
0:10:52.010025 PROGRESS: 2,035,650 target precursors potentially observable (871,273 removed)
0:10:53.104461 INFO: === checking if epoch conditions were reached ===
0:10:53.104845 INFO: ❌ ms1_error      : 30.0000 > 15
0:10:53.104928 INFO: ❌ ms2_error      : 30.0000 > 15
0:10:53.105020 INFO: ❌ rt_error       : 240.0000 > 60
0:10:53.105096 INFO: ❌ mobility_error : 0.0800 > 0.04
0:10:53.105166 INFO: ❌ current_epoch  : 0 < 3
0:10:53.105229 INFO: ==============================================
0:10:53.193871 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting mz
0:10:53.194194 WARNING: mz prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:10:53.194243 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting rt
0:10:53.194311 WARNING: rt prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:10:53.194347 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting mobility
0:10:53.194414 WARNING: mobility prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:10:53.194470 INFO: calibration group: fragment, predicting mz
0:10:53.194539 WARNING: mz prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:10:53.194593 PROGRESS: === Epoch 0, step 0, extracting elution groups 0 to 8000 ===
0:10:53.245348 PROGRESS: Extracting batch of 15568 precursors
0:10:56.731916 INFO: Duty cycle consists of 9 frames, 0.96 seconds cycle time
0:10:56.732125 INFO: Duty cycle consists of 945 scans, 0.00049 1/K_0 resolution
0:10:56.732177 INFO: FWHM in RT is 5.00 seconds, sigma is 1.11
0:10:56.732212 INFO: FWHM in mobility is 0.010 1/K_0, sigma is 8.58
0:10:58.420786 INFO: Starting candidate selection
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 15568/15568 [00:39<00:00, 397.36it/s]
0:11:41.824747 ERROR: Search for 20240530_001_S569409_HeLaProteinDigest_5ug failed with error No objects to concatenate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 314, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 476, in calibration
    feature_df, fragment_df = self.extract_batch(batch_df)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 705, in extract_batch
    sns.histplot(candidates_df, x="score", hue="decoy", bins=100)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 1416, in histplot
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 665, in plot_univariate_histogram
    hist_metadata = pd.concat([
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 372, in concat
    op = _Concatenator(
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 429, in __init__
    raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")
ValueError: No objects to concatenate
0:11:41.834527 INFO: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 341, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 358, in run
    raise e
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 314, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 476, in calibration
    feature_df, fragment_df = self.extract_batch(batch_df)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 705, in extract_batch
    sns.histplot(candidates_df, x="score", hue="decoy", bins=100)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 1416, in histplot
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 665, in plot_univariate_histogram
    hist_metadata = pd.concat([
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 372, in concat
    op = _Concatenator(
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 429, in __init__
    raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")
ValueError: No objects to concatenate

0:11:41.834586 ERROR: No objects to concatenate
0:11:51.922785 WARNING: WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_3vpm1do3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,475,328
tobiasko commented 3 months ago

I also tried a different .d file (also diaPASEF). Same error:

0:18:49.400336 ERROR: No objects to concatenate
GeorgWa commented 3 months ago

Thank you @tobiasko for reporting the bug. The issue is that this library is only for the Astral testcase and has no ion mobility information. We definetly need a more meaningful error message.

This shouldn't appear for the library prediction, I will check this.

I will add a tutorial with timsTOF data later today.

tobiasko commented 3 months ago

Hi @GeorgWa,

I already tested with a predicted lib and a different .d file. Same error:

alphadia --output out --file 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d --fasta fgcz_9606_1spg_20230330.fasta --config prediction_timstof_v2.yaml
Removed 0 of 1 files.
0:00:00.001840 PROGRESS: Searching 1 files:
0:00:00.002207 PROGRESS:   20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:00:00.002266 PROGRESS: Using library: None.
0:00:00.002299 PROGRESS: Using 1 fasta files:
0:00:00.002330 PROGRESS:   fgcz_9606_1spg_20230330.fasta
0:00:00.002361 PROGRESS: Saving output to out.
0:00:00.001059 PROGRESS:           _      _         ___ ___   _
0:00:00.001469 PROGRESS:      __ _| |_ __| |_  __ _|   \_ _| /_\
0:00:00.001526 PROGRESS:     / _` | | '_ \ ' \/ _` | |) | | / _ \
0:00:00.001564 PROGRESS:     \__,_|_| .__/_||_\__,_|___/___/_/ \_\
0:00:00.001602 PROGRESS:            |_|
0:00:00.001639 PROGRESS:
0:00:00.001685 PROGRESS: version: 1.6.1
0:00:00.001748 PROGRESS: hostname: fgcz-c-073
0:00:00.001852 PROGRESS: date: 2024-06-05 15:33:54
0:00:00.001897 PROGRESS: =================== Environment ===================
0:00:00.001939 PROGRESS: alphatims       : 1.0.8
0:00:00.001978 PROGRESS: alpharaw        : 0.4.5
0:00:00.002015 PROGRESS: alphabase       : 1.2.3
0:00:00.002053 PROGRESS: alphapeptdeep   : 1.1.9
0:00:00.002092 PROGRESS: directlfq       : 0.2.19
0:00:00.002148 PROGRESS: ===================================================
0:00:00.002237 INFO: loading default config from /home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/constants/default.yaml
0:00:00.027809 INFO: ├──version: 1
0:00:00.028061 INFO: ├──general
0:00:00.028125 INFO: │   ├──thread_count: 10
0:00:00.028177 INFO: │   ├──thread_count: 32 (user defined)
0:00:00.028242 INFO: │   ├──reuse_calibration: False
0:00:00.028299 INFO: │   ├──reuse_quant: False
0:00:00.028355 INFO: │   ├──astral_ms1: False
0:00:00.028410 INFO: │   ├──log_level: INFO
0:00:00.028451 INFO: │   ├──wsl: False
0:00:00.028496 INFO: │   ├──mmap_detector_events: False
0:00:00.028540 INFO: │   └──use_gpu: True
0:00:00.028584 INFO: │   └──use_gpu: False (user defined)
0:00:00.028627 INFO: ├──library_loading
0:00:00.028674 INFO: │   └──rt_heuristic: 180
0:00:00.028717 INFO: ├──library_prediction
0:00:00.028762 INFO: │   ├──predict: False
0:00:00.028804 INFO: │   ├──predict: True (user defined)
0:00:00.028845 INFO: │   ├──enzyme: trypsin
0:00:00.028889 INFO: │   ├──fixed_modifications: Carbamidomethyl@C
0:00:00.028932 INFO: │   ├──variable_modifications: Oxidation@M;Acetyl@Protein N-term
0:00:00.028976 INFO: │   ├──max_var_mod_num: 2
0:00:00.029020 INFO: │   ├──missed_cleavages: 1
0:00:00.029059 INFO: │   ├──precursor_len
0:00:00.029104 INFO: │   │   ├──7
0:00:00.029148 INFO: │   │   └──35
0:00:00.029190 INFO: │   ├──precursor_charge
0:00:00.029234 INFO: │   │   ├──2
0:00:00.029277 INFO: │   │   └──4
0:00:00.029316 INFO: │   │   └──3 (user defined)
0:00:00.029360 INFO: │   ├──precursor_mz
0:00:00.029408 INFO: │   │   ├──400
0:00:00.029452 INFO: │   │   └──1200
0:00:00.029493 INFO: │   ├──fragment_mz
0:00:00.029536 INFO: │   │   ├──200
0:00:00.029577 INFO: │   │   └──2000
0:00:00.029632 INFO: │   ├──nce: 25.0
0:00:00.029676 INFO: │   ├──fragment_types: b;y
0:00:00.029720 INFO: │   ├──max_fragment_charge: 2
0:00:00.029763 INFO: │   ├──instrument: Lumos
0:00:00.029803 INFO: │   ├──instrument: timsTOF (user defined)
0:00:00.029846 INFO: │   └──checkpoint_folder_path: None
0:00:00.029887 INFO: ├──search
0:00:00.029931 INFO: │   ├──channel_filter: 0
0:00:00.029977 INFO: │   ├──exclude_shared_ions: True
0:00:00.030021 INFO: │   ├──compete_for_fragments: True
0:00:00.030065 INFO: │   ├──target_num_candidates: 2
0:00:00.030108 INFO: │   ├──target_ms1_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.030177 INFO: │   ├──target_ms2_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.030229 INFO: │   ├──target_mobility_tolerance: 0.04
0:00:00.030275 INFO: │   ├──target_rt_tolerance: 60
0:00:00.030321 INFO: │   ├──quant_window: 3
0:00:00.030366 INFO: │   └──quant_all: True
0:00:00.030408 INFO: ├──search_advanced
0:00:00.030454 INFO: │   └──top_k_fragments: 12
0:00:00.030565 INFO: ├──calibration
0:00:00.030617 INFO: │   ├──min_epochs: 3
0:00:00.030662 INFO: │   ├──max_epochs: 20
0:00:00.030710 INFO: │   ├──batch_size: 8000
0:00:00.030756 INFO: │   ├──recalibration_target: 200
0:00:00.030801 INFO: │   ├──final_full_calibration: False
0:00:00.030844 INFO: │   └──norm_rt_mode: linear
0:00:00.030887 INFO: ├──search_initial
0:00:00.030932 INFO: │   ├──initial_num_candidates: 1
0:00:00.030978 INFO: │   ├──initial_ms1_tolerance: 30
0:00:00.031021 INFO: │   ├──initial_ms2_tolerance: 30
0:00:00.031066 INFO: │   ├──initial_mobility_tolerance: 0.08
0:00:00.031107 INFO: │   ├──initial_mobility_tolerance: 0.1 (user defined)
0:00:00.031151 INFO: │   └──initial_rt_tolerance: 240
0:00:00.031193 INFO: ├──selection_config
0:00:00.031240 INFO: │   ├──peak_len_rt: 10.0
0:00:00.031287 INFO: │   ├──sigma_scale_rt: 0.5
0:00:00.031333 INFO: │   ├──peak_len_mobility: 0.01
0:00:00.031378 INFO: │   ├──sigma_scale_mobility: 1.0
0:00:00.031423 INFO: │   ├──top_k_precursors: 3
0:00:00.031466 INFO: │   ├──kernel_size: 30
0:00:00.031511 INFO: │   ├──f_mobility: 1.0
0:00:00.031556 INFO: │   ├──f_rt: 0.99
0:00:00.031601 INFO: │   ├──center_fraction: 0.5
0:00:00.031645 INFO: │   ├──min_size_mobility: 8
0:00:00.031688 INFO: │   ├──min_size_rt: 3
0:00:00.031733 INFO: │   ├──max_size_mobility: 20
0:00:00.031777 INFO: │   ├──max_size_rt: 15
0:00:00.031822 INFO: │   ├──group_channels: False
0:00:00.031867 INFO: │   ├──use_weighted_score: True
0:00:00.031911 INFO: │   ├──join_close_candidates: False
0:00:00.031956 INFO: │   ├──join_close_candidates_scan_threshold: 0.6
0:00:00.032003 INFO: │   └──join_close_candidates_cycle_threshold: 0.6
0:00:00.032047 INFO: ├──scoring_config
0:00:00.032092 INFO: │   ├──score_grouped: False
0:00:00.032136 INFO: │   ├──top_k_isotopes: 3
0:00:00.032181 INFO: │   ├──reference_channel: -1
0:00:00.032226 INFO: │   ├──precursor_mz_tolerance: 10
0:00:00.032270 INFO: │   └──fragment_mz_tolerance: 15
0:00:00.032313 INFO: ├──multiplexing
0:00:00.032361 INFO: │   ├──enabled: False
0:00:00.032408 INFO: │   ├──target_channels: 4,8
0:00:00.032454 INFO: │   ├──decoy_channel: 12
0:00:00.032500 INFO: │   ├──reference_channel: 0
0:00:00.032547 INFO: │   └──competetive_scoring: True
0:00:00.032590 INFO: ├──fdr
0:00:00.032639 INFO: │   ├──fdr: 0.01
0:00:00.032688 INFO: │   ├──group_level: proteins
0:00:00.032736 INFO: │   ├──competetive_scoring: True
0:00:00.032782 INFO: │   ├──keep_decoys: False
0:00:00.032828 INFO: │   ├──channel_wise_fdr: False
0:00:00.032879 INFO: │   └──inference_strategy: heuristic
0:00:00.032923 INFO: ├──search_output
0:00:00.032972 INFO: │   ├──peptide_level_lfq: False
0:00:00.033018 INFO: │   ├──precursor_level_lfq: False
0:00:00.033064 INFO: │   ├──min_k_fragments: 12
0:00:00.033161 INFO: │   ├──min_correlation: 0.9
0:00:00.033211 INFO: │   ├──num_samples_quadratic: 50
0:00:00.033258 INFO: │   ├──min_nonnan: 3
0:00:00.033305 INFO: │   └──normalize_lfq: True
0:00:00.033350 INFO: ├──optimization_manager
0:00:00.033398 INFO: │   ├──fwhm_rt: 5
0:00:00.033447 INFO: │   ├──fwhm_mobility: 0.01
0:00:00.033497 INFO: │   └──score_cutoff: 0
0:00:00.033541 INFO: ├──transfer_learning
0:00:00.033589 INFO: │   ├──enabled: False
0:00:00.033638 INFO: │   ├──fragment_types: b;y
0:00:00.033684 INFO: │   ├──max_charge: 2
0:00:00.033731 INFO: │   ├──top_k_samples: 3
0:00:00.033778 INFO: │   ├──norm_delta_max: True
0:00:00.033828 INFO: │   ├──precursor_correlation_cutoff: 0.5
0:00:00.033875 INFO: │   └──fragment_correlation_ratio: 0.75
0:00:00.033959 INFO: └──calibration_manager
0:00:00.034010 INFO:     ├──0
0:00:00.034062 INFO:     │   ├──name: fragment
0:00:00.034109 INFO:     │   └──estimators
0:00:00.034199 INFO:     │       └──0
0:00:00.034259 INFO:     │           ├──name: mz
0:00:00.034312 INFO:     │           ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.034356 INFO:     │           ├──model_args
0:00:00.034406 INFO:     │           │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.034453 INFO:     │           ├──input_columns
0:00:00.034500 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_library
0:00:00.034544 INFO:     │           ├──target_columns
0:00:00.034589 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_observed
0:00:00.034632 INFO:     │           ├──output_columns
0:00:00.034677 INFO:     │           │   └──mz_calibrated
0:00:00.034725 INFO:     │           └──transform_deviation: 1e6
0:00:00.034769 INFO:     └──1
0:00:00.034819 INFO:         ├──name: precursor
0:00:00.034863 INFO:         └──estimators
0:00:00.034906 INFO:             ├──0
0:00:00.034954 INFO:             │   ├──name: mz
0:00:00.035000 INFO:             │   ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.035042 INFO:             │   ├──model_args
0:00:00.035088 INFO:             │   │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.035131 INFO:             │   ├──input_columns
0:00:00.035176 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_library
0:00:00.035218 INFO:             │   ├──target_columns
0:00:00.035262 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_observed
0:00:00.035304 INFO:             │   ├──output_columns
0:00:00.035348 INFO:             │   │   └──mz_calibrated
0:00:00.035393 INFO:             │   └──transform_deviation: 1e6
0:00:00.035434 INFO:             ├──1
0:00:00.035475 INFO:             │   ├──name: rt
0:00:00.035516 INFO:             │   ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.035556 INFO:             │   ├──model_args
0:00:00.035602 INFO:             │   │   └──n_kernels: 6
0:00:00.035644 INFO:             │   ├──input_columns
0:00:00.035691 INFO:             │   │   └──rt_library
0:00:00.035732 INFO:             │   ├──target_columns
0:00:00.035779 INFO:             │   │   └──rt_observed
0:00:00.035819 INFO:             │   └──output_columns
0:00:00.035864 INFO:             │       └──rt_calibrated
0:00:00.035906 INFO:             └──2
0:00:00.035953 INFO:                 ├──name: mobility
0:00:00.035999 INFO:                 ├──model: LOESSRegression
0:00:00.036041 INFO:                 ├──model_args
0:00:00.036088 INFO:                 │   └──n_kernels: 2
0:00:00.036130 INFO:                 ├──input_columns
0:00:00.036175 INFO:                 │   └──mobility_library
0:00:00.036218 INFO:                 ├──target_columns
0:00:00.036264 INFO:                 │   └──mobility_observed
0:00:00.036306 INFO:                 └──output_columns
0:00:00.036351 INFO:                     └──mobility_calibrated
0:00:00.037151 PROGRESS: No library provided. Building library from fasta files.
0:00:00.037233 INFO: Running FastaDigest
0:00:01.449381 INFO: Digesting fasta file
0:00:07.989722 INFO: Adding modifications
0:01:54.574301 INFO: Removing non-canonical amino acids
0:02:01.784436 INFO: Fasta library contains 2,906,923 precursors
0:02:01.784969 PROGRESS: Predicting library properties.
0:02:01.785093 INFO: Running PeptDeepPrediction
0:02:03.366293 INFO: Loading PeptDeep models from None
0:02:03.366679 INFO: Using external ms2 model: 'None/ms2.pth'
0:02:03.366739 INFO:  -- This model file does not exist
0:02:03.366778 INFO: Using external rt model: 'None/rt.pth'
0:02:03.366812 INFO:  -- This model file does not exist
0:02:03.366846 INFO: Using external ccs model: 'None/ccs.pth'
0:02:03.366878 INFO:  -- This model file does not exist
0:02:03.366989 INFO: Predicting RT, MS2 and mobility
0:02:03.367109 INFO: Using multiprocessing with 32 processes ...
0:02:04.010452 INFO: Predicting rt,ms2,mobility ...
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 46/46 [11:03<00:00, 14.42s/it]
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_w9n55j0j. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_axzn0cd4. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_pnh6hnac. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_q0dal_ps. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,299,200
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_jq7vcnck. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,319,680
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_bak7lznk. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,311,488
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ownb9l6x. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,311,488
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_hyjynhjo. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,311,488
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_v6f07qnc. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,319,680
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_pq7po8q6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,323,776
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_vpfqbbst. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,348,352
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_8w2a40n0. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,344,256
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_m9tbj99u. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,352,448
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_krpdujzq. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,344,256
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_5dcyjbuv. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,340,160
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_l7x3386p. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,360,640
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_mn0qtlkh. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_cc9tzgyg. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_2kzmzhhl. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,377,024
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_uayck9z1. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_iiug6axd. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__9g66juh. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_q6qxzzvw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,385,216
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_n1sxzfke. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,385,216
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_r8mmcp0_. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ldfiobuw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,389,312
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ma303faw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,401,600
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ev0qks72. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_2_qd3xgg. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_hwlgi6mc. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_7l5wcq8r. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,417,984
2024-06-05 15:47:04> WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ecxsfnbb. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,389,312
0:13:12.671297 INFO: Adding fragment mz information
0:13:13.002324 INFO: Adding fragment intensity information
0:13:13.318227 INFO: Adding precursor information
0:13:13.882259 INFO: Running PrecursorInitializer
0:13:13.915330 INFO: Running AnnotateFasta
0:13:14.208962 INFO: Dropping decoys from input library before annotation
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 21097/21097 [00:04<00:00, 4983.58it/s]
0:13:42.947389 INFO: Running IsotopeGenerator
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 305/305 [00:39<00:00,  7.74it/s]
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_mzh7c2kx. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,315,584
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_zimgi9pp. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,307,392
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_69ds7os3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,307,392
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_3b_bxzxy. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_n4ah5ytg. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_eba12ynm. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,307,392
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_2na7sxb6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,307,392
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_nwtjtsnn. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,315,584
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_c22vybij. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,311,488
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_firt9fx3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,315,584
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_4mmvth05. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,315,584
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_tkvr9pzb. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,319,680
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_5hb37uhv. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,323,776
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_id4wda99. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,327,872
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_4b3elrhn. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,348,352
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_bv_ev5zj. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,356,544
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_vpz864g4. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_31ve69qy. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ws5ea9fc. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,356,544
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ugpq8b2c. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,372,928
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ykkg5khp. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,352,448
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_h8bil1ko. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,348,352
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_c1ycki7i. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,352,448
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_tvu4y72x. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,356,544
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_91__n844. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,413,888
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_8i44ym1s. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,409,792
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_oz05ruqa. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,401,600
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ehap_rot. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_zd6ptgkv. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,397,504
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_t14v80x9. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,401,600
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_38_y0htt. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,426,176
0:14:26.600713 INFO: Running RTNormalization
0:14:26.601262 WARNING: Input library already contains normalized RT information. Skipping RT normalization
0:14:26.601342 INFO: Saving library to out/speclib.hdf
0:14:47.036361 INFO: Running DecoyGenerator
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_vj9wq236. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,315,584
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_jwqla_gd. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_t__z3fn6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_78_fwjz3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,307,392
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap__4rohu0i. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,307,392
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ejm7301a. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,299,200
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_49kgfmsl. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_l_0atu_y. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,303,296
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_esjdnbvv. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,299,200
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_wfkoewdp. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,315,584
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ufafozxv. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,319,680
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_9thn1l_p. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,319,680
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_cdtivcd0. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,344,256
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ji7at3l6. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,340,160
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_jwioa5ty. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,352,448
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_epj8y9wj. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,344,256
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_742xxoae. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_bq6vl6rz. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,360,640
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_r4cxjqln. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,356,544
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_l4itui7e. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,364,736
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_e5xzmcn5. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,368,832
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_fk4fuju2. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,377,024
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ruvqnrc3. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,381,120
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_yrra_fz8. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,381,120
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_416bhak1. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,389,312
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_pcp0_54u. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,385,216
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_qb9qgv73. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,389,312
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_38tgp0zw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_lsob05fb. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_gdh8ywwl. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_etvbyqsw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,389,312
WARNING:root:WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_ltluwhob. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,393,408
0:16:39.343152 INFO: Running FlattenLibrary
0:17:01.338370 INFO: Running InitFlatColumns
0:17:01.556524 INFO: Running LogFlatLibraryStats
0:17:01.556800 INFO: ============ Library Stats ============
0:17:01.556856 INFO: Number of precursors: 5,812,882
0:17:03.263016 INFO:    thereof targets:2,906,923
0:17:03.263263 INFO:    thereof decoys: 2,905,959
0:17:03.318913 INFO: Number of elution groups: 2,906,923
0:17:03.319193 INFO:    average size: 2.00
0:17:03.688632 INFO: Number of proteins: 34,853
0:17:03.711348 INFO: Number of channels: 1 ([0])
0:17:03.711828 INFO: Isotopes Distribution for 4 isotopes
0:17:03.711894 INFO: =======================================
0:17:03.726365 PROGRESS: Starting Search Workflows
0:17:03.726748 PROGRESS: Loading raw file 1/1: 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng
0:17:03.726961 INFO: Creating workflow folder for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng at out/.progress/20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng
0:17:03.727813 INFO: Importing data from 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:03.727929 INFO: Using .d import for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:03.727996 INFO: Reading frame metadata for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:04.369877 INFO: Reading 60,929 frames with 1,576,236,484 detector events for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 60929/60929 [00:17<00:00, 3525.86it/s]
0:17:22.039223 INFO: Indexing 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d...
0:17:22.045618 INFO: Opening handle for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:22.050050 INFO: Fetching mobility values from 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:22.050539 INFO: Closing handle for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:22.050922 INFO: Opening handle for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:22.053620 INFO: Fetching mz values from 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:22.080730 INFO: Closing handle for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:22.081096 INFO: Indexing quadrupole dimension
0:17:23.609899 INFO: Transposing detector events
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 20/20 [00:12<00:00,  1.64it/s]
0:17:44.074405 INFO: Finished transposing data
0:17:44.101494 INFO: Successfully imported data from 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng.d
0:17:45.225915 INFO: Initializing CalibrationManager
0:17:45.226574 INFO: Loading calibration config
0:17:45.226717 INFO: Calibration config: [{'name': 'fragment', 'estimators': [{'name': 'mz', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mz_library'], 'target_columns': ['mz_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mz_calibrated'], 'transform_deviation': '1e6'}]}, {'name': 'precursor', 'estimators': [{'name': 'mz', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mz_library'], 'target_columns': ['mz_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mz_calibrated'], 'transform_deviation': '1e6'}, {'name': 'rt', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 6}, 'input_columns': ['rt_library'], 'target_columns': ['rt_observed'], 'output_columns': ['rt_calibrated']}, {'name': 'mobility', 'model': 'LOESSRegression', 'model_args': {'n_kernels': 2}, 'input_columns': ['mobility_library'], 'target_columns': ['mobility_observed'], 'output_columns': ['mobility_calibrated']}]}]
0:17:45.226810 INFO: Calibration group :fragment, found 1 estimator(s)
0:17:45.226950 INFO: Calibration group :precursor, found 3 estimator(s)
0:17:45.227064 INFO: Initializing OptimizationManager
0:17:45.227191 INFO: initial parameter: fwhm_rt = 5
0:17:45.227266 INFO: initial parameter: fwhm_mobility = 0.01
0:17:45.227338 INFO: initial parameter: score_cutoff = 0
0:17:45.227446 PROGRESS: Initializing workflow 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng
0:17:45.227589 INFO: Initializing OptimizationManager
0:17:45.227633 INFO: initial parameter: current_epoch = 0
0:17:45.227667 INFO: initial parameter: current_step = 0
0:17:45.227698 INFO: initial parameter: ms1_error = 30
0:17:45.227726 INFO: initial parameter: ms2_error = 30
0:17:45.227754 INFO: initial parameter: rt_error = 240
0:17:45.227783 INFO: initial parameter: mobility_error = 0.1
0:17:45.227811 INFO: initial parameter: column_type = library
0:17:45.227839 INFO: initial parameter: num_candidates = 1
0:17:45.227866 INFO: initial parameter: recalibration_target = 200
0:17:45.227898 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors = 0
0:17:45.227927 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors_01FDR = 0
0:17:45.227955 INFO: initial parameter: accumulated_precursors_001FDR = 0
0:17:45.228011 INFO: Initializing FDRManager
0:17:45.228068 INFO: Loading classifier store from /home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/constants/classifier
0:17:45.236403 PROGRESS: Applying channel filter using only: [0]
0:17:47.098239 PROGRESS: 2,906,923 target precursors potentially observable (0 removed)
0:17:49.677450 INFO: === checking if epoch conditions were reached ===
0:17:49.678194 INFO: ❌ ms1_error      : 30.0000 > 15
0:17:49.678323 INFO: ❌ ms2_error      : 30.0000 > 15
0:17:49.678406 INFO: ❌ rt_error       : 240.0000 > 60
0:17:49.678492 INFO: ❌ mobility_error : 0.1000 > 0.04
0:17:49.678573 INFO: ❌ current_epoch  : 0 < 3
0:17:49.678646 INFO: ==============================================
0:17:49.900564 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting mz
0:17:49.901321 WARNING: mz prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:17:49.901379 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting rt
0:17:49.901452 WARNING: rt prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:17:49.901490 INFO: calibration group: precursor, predicting mobility
0:17:49.901559 WARNING: mobility prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:17:49.901622 INFO: calibration group: fragment, predicting mz
0:17:49.901692 WARNING: mz prediction was skipped as it has not been fitted yet
0:17:49.901753 PROGRESS: === Epoch 0, step 0, extracting elution groups 0 to 8000 ===
0:17:49.976148 PROGRESS: Extracting batch of 15857 precursors
0:17:54.652935 INFO: Duty cycle consists of 17 frames, 1.81 seconds cycle time
0:17:54.653078 INFO: Duty cycle consists of 945 scans, 0.00110 1/K_0 resolution
0:17:54.653123 INFO: FWHM in RT is 5.00 seconds, sigma is 0.59
0:17:54.653157 INFO: FWHM in mobility is 0.010 1/K_0, sigma is 3.87
0:17:56.432257 INFO: Starting candidate selection
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 15857/15857 [00:48<00:00, 326.12it/s]
0:18:49.389732 ERROR: Search for 20230912_005_S193679_HeLa_200ng failed with error No objects to concatenate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 314, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 476, in calibration
    feature_df, fragment_df = self.extract_batch(batch_df)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 705, in extract_batch
    sns.histplot(candidates_df, x="score", hue="decoy", bins=100)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 1416, in histplot
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 665, in plot_univariate_histogram
    hist_metadata = pd.concat([
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 372, in concat
    op = _Concatenator(
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 429, in __init__
    raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")
ValueError: No objects to concatenate
0:18:49.400153 INFO: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 341, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 358, in run
    raise e
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/", line 314, in run
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 476, in calibration
    feature_df, fragment_df = self.extract_batch(batch_df)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/alphadia/workflow/", line 705, in extract_batch
    sns.histplot(candidates_df, x="score", hue="decoy", bins=100)
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 1416, in histplot
  File "/home/tobiasko/miniconda3/envs/alphadia/lib/python3.9/site-packages/seaborn/", line 665, in plot_univariate_histogram
    hist_metadata = pd.concat([
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 372, in concat
    op = _Concatenator(
  File "/home/tobiasko/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/", line 429, in __init__
    raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")
ValueError: No objects to concatenate

0:18:49.400336 ERROR: No objects to concatenate
0:19:16.970868 WARNING: WARNING: Temp mmap arrays were written to /tmp/temp_mmap_kj7ldyzw. Cleanup of this folder is OS dependant, and might need to be triggered manually! Current space: 39,189,426,176
tobiasko commented 3 months ago

I have meanwhile tested my installation on Astral data incl. alphapepDeep prediction (for Lumos). Works without any issues.

GeorgWa commented 3 months ago

Hi, Here you can find some basic HeLa test data including a diaPASEF library. Please let e know if you can process your data with this library.

This issue has two components:

  1. AlphaDIA should be able to process .d data wit empirical libraries as well as predicted libraries. We will provide a fix for the bug which should enable processing.

  2. The feature free processing algorithm is very sensitive and flexible (diaPASEF, synchroPASEF, midiaPASEF, slicePASEF) but also not the fastest for large libraries. I've updated the Readme to reflect this better. We have been working towards a prototype for the first pass but have decided to focus mostly on the Astral for now.

GeorgWa commented 3 months ago

Closed as duplicate #176

tobiasko commented 3 months ago

Using your emp. specLib I could process my diaPASEF data.

0:28:29.793352 PROGRESS: =================== Search Finished ===================