Allows automatic transfer learning of RT, charge, MS2 as part of the regular search workflow.
Introduces a new config group to the .yaml.
# if true, a custom peptdeep model will be created using the transfer learned library
enabled: False
# number of precursors per batch
batch_size: 2000
# maximum learning rate per batch.
# The maximum learning rate will be reached after a warmup phase and decreased using a plateau scheduler
max_lr: 0.0001
# TODO remove and replaced by fixed 70:20:10 split
train_ratio: 0.8
# test every n intervals
test_interval: 1
# learning rate patience after which the lr will be halved
lr_patience: 3
# minimum precursor number to perform transfer learning
minimum_psms: 10000
# maximum number of epochs
epochs: 51
# number of warmup epochs during which the lr is ramped up
warmup_epochs: 5
# normalised collision energy encoded during training
nce: 25
# instrument type encoded during training
instrument: 'Lumos'
Allows automatic transfer learning of RT, charge, MS2 as part of the regular search workflow. Introduces a new config group to the