ManonMarchand / three_component_model

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literature evidence of solvent viscosity effect in microgel system #2

Open marcocaggioni opened 2 years ago

marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago

found this article

showing this figure:


their point is: image

marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago

and also this one:

they have flow curve in glycerin, peg, and water


when they make a mastercurve the result is:


marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago


I digitized the data in the figure from this article: - figure 9

G_2pcCP   G_1p5pcCP G_1pcCP   PG_2pcCP PG_1p5pcCP PG_1pcCP P_2pcCP   P_1p5pcCP
0.001104 19.63041 0.000762 4.862602 0.000501 1.097499 0.00116 14.17474 0.001189 3.67838 0.000501 0.359381 0.001 5.59081 0.000595 0.453488
0.001312 19.63041 0.001051 4.862602 0.00061 1.204504 0.00156 14.17474 0.001522 3.853529 0.000657 0.394421 0.00125 5.59081 0.000762 0.497702
0.001639 20.56512 0.001345 5.336699 0.000743 1.204504 0.001997 15.55676 0.001948 4.037017 0.000906 0.432876 0.001562 5.857021 0.001025 0.521401
0.002047 20.56512 0.001722 5.857021 0.001 1.204504 0.002686 15.55676 0.002434 4.229243 0.001104 0.453488 0.001951 5.857021 0.001219 0.572237
0.002754 21.54435 0.002205 5.336699 0.001219 1.321941 0.003439 15.55676 0.003116 4.430621 0.001485 0.521401 0.002829 5.857021 0.001414 0.572237
0.003797 21.54435 0.002966 5.857021 0.00156 1.321941 0.004403 15.55676 0.004191 4.641589 0.001948 0.572237 0.003624 5.857021 0.001812 0.628029
0.005366 21.54435 0.003989 7.054802 0.001901 1.450829 0.005637 15.55676 0.005637 4.862602 0.002557 0.628029 0.005253 6.135907 0.002692 0.689261
0.007583 22.5702 0.005366 7.054802 0.002557 1.450829 0.007583 17.07353 0.007583 5.094138 0.003614 0.722081 0.007248 6.428073 0.003808 0.756463
0.002893 21.54435 0.007217 7.054802 0.003614 1.747528 0.010716 17.07353 0.010716 5.59081 0.005107 0.869749 0.010771 6.428073 0.005385 0.911163
0.010984 23.64489 0.010716 8.497534 0.004861 1.747528 0.015145 20.56512 0.015145 6.734151 0.007398 0.954548 0.016007 7.054802 0.007616 0.954548
0.015145 24.77076 0.015912 10.23531 0.006869 1.747528 0.021403 20.56512 0.022487 7.390722 0.010716 1.097499 0.022638 7.390722 0.011041 1.149757
0.021403 23.64489 0.023626 11.23324 0.010716 2.104904 0.030247 22.5702 0.031779 9.7701 0.015523 1.321941 0.032017 8.497534 0.016007 1.321941
0.033389 27.18588 0.033389 11.23324 0.015145 2.535364 0.047187 24.77076 0.047187 10.72267 0.021938 1.592283 0.047579 8.902151 0.023206 1.450829
0.010716 23.64489 0.049577 14.84968 0.021403 2.782559 0.070064 27.18588 0.070064 12.32847 0.033389 1.830738 0.068978 10.23531 0.033642 1.747528
0.049577 29.83647 0.073613 14.84968 0.031779 3.67838 0.099017 29.83647 0.104032 13.53048 0.049577 2.205131 0.1 11.23324 0.047579 2.009233
0.070064 32.74549 0.104032 19.63041 0.047187 4.862602 0.147022 35.93814 0.154469 16.29751 0.070064 2.782559 0.148608 13.53048 0.070707 2.535364
0.104032 37.64936 0.154469 23.64489 0.066686 4.862602 0.207777 43.28761 0.229359 19.63041 0.104032 3.511192 0.220844 15.55676 0.102507 2.915053
0.154469 41.32012 0.229359 25.95024 0.094243 6.428073 0.308511 47.5081 0.332246 23.64489 0.154469 4.430621 0.312337 17.07353 0.148608 3.351603
0.229359 47.5081 0.357806 34.30469 0.139934 7.742637 0.458083 52.14008 0.481286 27.18588 0.218301 5.59081 0.464159 20.56512 0.232055 4.037017
0.332246 54.62277 0.531278 45.34879 0.212974 8.902151 0.647379 62.80291 0.714623 34.30469 0.324138 7.054802 0.689779 24.77076 0.312337 4.862602
0.493325 62.80291 0.788852 54.62277 0.332246 11.23324 0.961242 83.02176 1.035193 41.32012 0.469541 8.902151 1.025068 28.48036 0.464159 6.428073
0.714623 79.24829 1.171304 65.79332 0.493325 14.17474 1.499566 91.11628 1.537076 49.77024 0.714623 11.23324 1.486083 34.30469 0.689779 7.742637
1.061087 91.11628 1.739175 79.24829 0.732499 18.73817 2.226586 120.4504 2.282281 62.80291 1.035193 14.84968 2.208442 41.32012 1.025068 10.23531
1.537076 109.7499 2.457865 95.45485 1.061087 23.64489 2.850596 145.0829 3.30608 79.24829 1.499566 17.8865 3.281928 49.77024 1.523336 12.32847
2.282281 132.1941 3.473542 126.1857 1.575524 28.48036 4.908933 166.8101 4.78914 100 2.17225 22.5702 4.757944 62.80291 2.154435 14.84968
3.388776 151.9911 4.908933 151.9911 2.226586 35.93814 6.93748 210.4904 7.111011 126.1857 3.30608 29.83647 7.070699 72.20809 3.364199 19.63041
0.324138 54.62277 7.288882 183.0738 3.30608 45.34879 10.30091 253.5364 10.55857 159.2283 4.78914 39.44206 10.77105 91.11628 4.999479 25.95024
4.908933 183.0738 10.30091 220.5131 4.78914 59.94843 14.92175 305.3856 15.295 200.9233 7.111011 52.14008 15.23336 114.9757 7.247948 31.25716
7.288882 220.5131 15.295 291.5053 6.603018 79.24829 21.61543 385.3529 22.15611 242.0128 10.30091 65.79332 22.08442 138.4886 10.50764 41.32012
10.82268 265.6088 21.61543 351.1192 10.30091 104.7616 32.89784 509.4138 32.09503 305.3856 15.295 83.02176 32.81928 183.0738 15.23336 52.14008
15.67758 319.9267 33.72073 422.9243 15.67758 138.4886 48.84737 613.5907 47.65534 403.7017 22.15611 109.7499 48.77217 220.5131 22.63803 65.79332
23.27838 422.9243 50.06922 559.081 22.71032 174.7528 70.75961 739.0722 70.75961 533.6699 32.09503 138.4886 70.70699 265.6088 33.64199 83.02176
33.72073 509.4138 70.75961 673.4151 32.89784 231.013 102.5014 932.6033 102.5014 705.4802 47.65534 191.791 102.5068 351.1192 49.99479 104.7616
50.06922 673.4151 105.0653 890.2151 47.65534 278.2559 152.1961 1176.812 152.1961 932.6033 69.03285 242.0128 156.1523 422.9243 72.47948 138.4886
72.52956 811.1308 148.482 1176.812 70.75961 351.1192 225.9838 1417.474 225.9838 1176.812 105.0653 319.9267 232.0552 559.081 107.7105 174.7528
107.6933 977.01 220.4691 1417.474 102.5014 443.0621 327.3569 1788.65 335.5452 1555.676 152.1961 422.9243 344.8533 739.0722 156.1523 220.5131
156.003 1232.847 311.5747 1873.817 156.003 559.081 462.6324 1963.041 486.066 2056.512 220.4691 585.7021 512.4806 977.01 232.0552 291.5053
231.6364 1555.676 486.066 2257.02 220.4691 739.0722 686.9259 2595.024 704.1083 2595.024 335.5452 739.0722 724.7948 1291.55 336.4199 403.7017
343.9384 1963.041 686.9259 3274.549 319.3683 932.6033         486.066 977.01     487.7217 533.6699
510.6867 2477.076     474.2045 1176.812         704.1083 1291.55     724.7948 705.4802
739.7734 2983.647     704.1083 1629.751                    
721.7206 3593.814                            
marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago

figure5 provides additional data


marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago

webplotdigitizer project


marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago


G_8pc   G_5pc   G_3pc   PG_8pc   PG_5pc   PG_3pc   P_8pc   P_5pc   P_3pc  
0.001455 268.7496 0.001421 156.9106 0.001421 60.61899 0.001603 268.4307 0.001529 150.3167 0.001603 43.15553 0.002134 236.8893 0.002185 91.20108 0.002134 29.45038
0.002229 282.5446 0.002177 160.8873 0.002177 61.38235 0.002394 282.3124 0.002338 160.0957 0.002284 43.70297 0.003045 249.0942 0.003269 92.35375 0.003118 30.96771
0.003257 297.0476 0.003257 167.0422 0.003181 64.53311 0.003492 289.5202 0.003575 168.3749 0.003492 46.54609 0.004554 261.9279 0.004775 94.70298 0.004775 32.15679
0.004759 316.2278 0.004873 173.4325 0.004759 66.16863 0.005093 300.6784 0.004745 177.0823 0.005215 49.57417 0.006653 278.9039 0.006976 97.11196 0.007143 32.56321
0.006791 332.4598 0.00712 182.3348 0.006953 68.69997 0.007429 312.2666 0.007255 186.24 0.007606 52.13787 0.009953 296.98 0.010436 97.11196 0.010436 33.39153
0.009921 362.8964 0.010403 191.6941 0.010159 70.44109 0.011094 324.3015 0.011094 195.8713 0.010583 54.83415 0.01454 312.2809 0.015245 99.58222 0.01561 34.24092
0.014496 391.1932 0.015199 204.0716 0.014843 72.22635 0.015804 349.7805 0.015436 206.0007 0.015436 59.14225 0.02124 336.723 0.022805 104.7129 0.021749 36.00507
0.021687 421.6965 0.022207 217.2484 0.022207 78.83864 0.023602 382.047 0.023602 219.4021 0.023602 62.98978 0.032535 363.0781 0.033315 111.4995 0.031773 37.86011
0.031685 460.3027 0.033223 234.1883 0.031685 83.92919 0.034426 417.29 0.034426 236.6397 0.033623 68.80044 0.046416 391.4959 0.048668 118.7259 0.046416 39.81072
0.046294 496.1948 0.048541 255.6282 0.046294 90.47357 0.051412 461.5658 0.050213 258.4692 0.050213 75.14713 0.069433 427.4734 0.071097 126.4207 0.071097 43.46922
0.067638 555.348 0.070921 275.5608 0.06926 98.75639 0.073241 523.574 0.074989 296.912 0.073241 81.05114 0.101431 460.9315 0.106353 136.3156 0.101431 46.87153
0.103619 621.5531 0.103619 304.576 0.101192 107.7975 0.109379 586.4732 0.11199 324.3015 0.109379 90.78816 0.151729 503.2899 0.159091 148.8426 0.151729 51.1789
0.147847 704.4109 0.151392 336.6464 0.147847 119.1481 0.15582 648.6998 0.163348 358.7109 0.15954 101.6949 0.221656 563.5197 0.226969 160.4924 0.221656 55.8821
0.216011 788.3864 0.226496 376.7792 0.216011 131.6938 0.227278 735.8484 0.238259 401.8043 0.232704 113.912 0.323808 615.3057 0.331571 177.4561 0.323808 63.36044
0.323172 882.3729 0.323172 421.6965 0.323172 147.3935 0.331506 813.9242 0.347523 450.0748 0.33942 129.2153 0.484379 697.648 0.484379 198.6927 0.484379 69.1831
0.472171 1000 0.483494 490.024 0.472171 173.4325 0.495076 911.7043 0.506895 497.8291 0.506895 146.5745 0.70761 771.3877 0.70761 231.013 0.724573 81.45338
0.689866 1133.308 0.72335 569.4227 0.70641 199.0275 0.705279 1047.305 0.757004 579.1269 0.739354 177.0823 1.058501 874.6175 1.083876 261.9279 1.058501 93.52099
1.032101 1316.938 1.032101 653.4576 1.032101 228.3998 1.078417 1218.334 1.130521 648.6998 1.104162 200.8721 1.583392 979.285 1.583392 296.98 1.583392 106.0363
1.544114 1511.29 1.544114 749.8942 1.507952 262.1068 1.572973 1399.54 1.648971 745.1827 1.610524 236.6397 2.313117 1082.793 2.368567 336.723 2.313117 121.746
2.256029 1734.325 2.203196 871.3997 2.256029 304.576 2.349101 1648.744 2.40518 866.8745 2.349101 275.284 3.379143 1212.373 3.460148 391.4959 3.379143 139.7831
3.296175 1990.275 3.296175 1000 3.296175 358.3834 3.426384 1966.96 3.508181 1034.186 3.346495 320.2392 5.054797 1374.617 5.17597 443.8873 4.93646 164.5749
4.815882 2493.097 4.931368 1176.663 4.815882 421.6965 4.997704 2259.512 5.239168 1203.073 5.117012 382.047 7.211485 1618.419 7.561376 509.6508 7.384358 193.7638
7.37776 2970.476 7.204983 1384.536 7.204983 490.024 7.463642 2628.5 7.463642 1399.54 7.28962 444.437 10.53498 1905.461 11.04612 592.5531 10.78752 231.013
10.52685 3628.964 10.77929 1649.648 10.52685 576.5933 10.88642 3135.815 11.4124 1628.092 11.14631 530.2157 15.75908 2187.762 16.13686 688.9407 15.75908 268.5907
16.12676 4489.251 15.38027 1941.08 15.38027 686.9997 15.87887 4753.432 16.64606 1917.992 16.25794 632.55 23.02183 2608.337 23.57371 831.7638 23.02183 320.2245
27.81339 5484.417 23.01024 2312.759 23.01024 839.2919     24.27984 2288.174 23.71374 764.2082 33.63171 2920.482 35.26347 991.6619 33.63171 391.4959
    34.42534 2790.308 33.61914 1000     35.41444 2661.843 34.58871 923.2695 52.74997 3481.915 51.51505 1152.97 50.30905 466.7571
    49.1193 3324.598 50.29719 1206.484     52.88843 3096.534 51.65528 1129.587 75.25636 4476.196 75.25636 1427.399 73.49455 563.5197
    75.24902 3815.239 75.24902 1473.935     77.14274 3836.557 77.14274 1364.698 109.9391 5270.092 112.5746 1789.482 107.3654 680.342
        109.9427 1823.348     115.2061 4519.699 112.5199 1712.287     160.6058 2419.003 160.6058 811.1308
        164.4839 2283.998         168.0389 1966.96         234.6229 967.0625
                    282.3707 2661.843         350.968 1258.925
                    442.0708 2661.843         525.0064 1539.121
                    521.4505 3057.746            
                    600.7427 3382.183            

hippjb commented 2 years ago

Looks great Marco!

marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago

these are possible figures, not sure if it is worth combining in a single figure or just keep two. keeping 2 for now since I'm using Manon's create_plot() function but did not figure how to make subplots.

in the HB mastercurve I added in gray the different terminal slope from the n of the HB fit

HB mastercurve TC mastercurve

marcocaggioni commented 2 years ago

the notebook with the code to generate the figure is in the marco/figure from literature folder