Mantan21 / Genshin-Impact-Wish-Simulator

Best Genshin Impact Wish Simulator Website, no need to download, 100% running on browser!
MIT License
197 stars 72 forks source link

[Question] Complete Data for 2.7 Patch #20

Closed ookamiiixd closed 1 year ago

ookamiiixd commented 1 year ago

Seems like the 2.7 patch data in this repo isn't complete. While seems like it's available on the production site, i can't find data such as 2.7 Itto banner and Shinobu data in this repo.

Just to clarify, i also make a Genshin Impact wish simulator app which is inspired from this app, but as a discord bot. The bot is dependent on this repo for its data. I hope you keep updating this repo.

Also, i've contacted you on Twitter asking for permissions, but seems like you're not really active there. I hope you're okay with this.

Thank you.

AguzzTN54 commented 1 year ago

I'm glad this project inspiring you. I already push the the latest changes to this repository, you can use everything you want to support your project. I hope your work is going well

ookamiiixd commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your support. hope the best for you too!