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The Weapon banner rates might be wrong #46

Closed ScarletSeal closed 1 year ago

ScarletSeal commented 1 year ago

Normally you have a 75% chance to get one of the two featured weapons (with 37.5% each) and 25% to get a weapon from the standard banner. Since after a standard banner weapon you're always guaranteed to get one of the two featured weapons, you'd expect a 80-20 split between featured-standard.

Today I was running a few simulations when I noticed I was getting too many standard weapons, so I booted up my pc and ran a macro until I got 100 5 star weapons. Instead of getting an 80-20 distribution, I got 66 featured weapons, and 34 from the standard banner, indicative of a 50/50 split when you don't have a guaranteed.


ScarletSeal commented 1 year ago


164 weapons: 57 (34.75%) are from the standard banner, 107 (65.24%) are featured

I just noticed you can click on a banner's details, and it shows the wrong rates. image

AguzzTN54 commented 1 year ago

Oh wow, you are very thorough about it. I just realized that I set the rate for the weapon banner incorrectly. Besides, the rate-up weapon should have a 75% chance as well.

So, I'll fix it later and refactor the code that's still messy. Thanks.